Proverbs 2:3-9

Great(i) 3 For yf thou cryest after wisdome, and callest for knowledge: 4 yf thou sekest after her as after money, and dyggest for her as for treasure, 5 then shalt thou vnderstande the feare of the Lorde, and fynde the knowledge of God. 6 For it is the Lorde that geueth wisdome, out of his mouth commeth knowledge and vnderstandynge. 7 He hydeth vp healthe for the ryghteous. He preserueth the welfare of the ryghteous, and defendeth them that walke syncerely: 8 he kepeth them in the ryght pathe, and preserueth the waye of soche as serue hym with godlynesse. 9 Then shalt thou vnderstande ryghteousnesse, iudment, and equyte: yee, and euery good path.