Exodus 11

Great(i) 1 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: yet wyll I brynge one plage more vpon Pharao and vpon Egipte: and after that, he wyll let you go hence. And when he letteth you go, he shall vtterly driue you hence. 2 Speake thou therfore in the eares of the people, that euery man borowe of his neyghbour, and euery womaan of her neyghboures iewels of syluer and iewels of golde. 3 And the Lord shall gyue the people fauour in the syght of the Egipcians. Moreouer, Moses was very great in the lande of Egipt, in the syght of Pharaos seruauntes and in the sight of the people. 4 And Moses sayde: thus sayth the Lorde: At mydnight wyll I go out into the middes of Egipte, 5 and all the fyrste borne in the lande of Egipt shall dye, euen from the fyrst borne of Pharao that sytteth on his seate, vnto the fyrst borne of the mayde seruaunte that is behynde the mylle, and all the fyrste gendred of the catell. 6 And there shalbe a great crye thorowout all the lande of Egipt, such as there was neuer none lyke, nor shalbe. 7 But amonge the chyldren of Israel, shall not a dogge moue his tonge, nor yet man or beast: that ye maye knowe howe that the Lorde, putteth a difference betwene the Egipcyans and Israel. 8 And these thy seruauntes shall all come downe vnto me. And fall before me, and saye: gett the out and all the people that are vnder the, and then wyll I departe. And he went oute from Pharao with an angry countenaunce. 9 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: Pharao shall not heare you, that my wonders may be multiplyed in the lande of Egipte. 10 And Moses and Aaron dyd all these wonders. before Pharao. And the Lorde hardened Pharaos herte, so that he wolde not let the chyldren of Israel go out of his lande.