Deuteronomy 6:1-3

Great(i) 1 These are the commaundementes, ordinaunces and lawes whych the Lord youre God commaunded me to teach you that ye might do them in the lande whether ye go to possesse it: 2 namely, that thou myghtest feare the Lorde thy God, and kepe all hys ordinaunces and hys commaundementes whych I commaunde the: thou and thy sonne, and thy sonnes sonne all dayes of thy lyfe, that thy dayes maye be prolonged. 3 Heare therfore. O Israel, and take hede, that thou do therafter, that it maye go well with the, and that ye maye encrease myghtely, euen as the Lorde God of thy fathers hath promysed the a lande, that floweth wyth mylcke and hony.