Wisdom of Solomon 9

Geneva(i) 1 O God of Fathers, and Lorde of mercy, which hast made all things with thy worde, 2 And ordeined man through thy wisdome, that he should haue dominion ouer the creatures which thou hast made, 3 And gouerne the world according to equitie and righteousnes, and execute iudgement with an vpright heart. 4 Giue me that wisdome, which sitteth by thy throne, & put me not out from among thy childre. 5 For I thy seruant, & sonne of thine handmayd, am a feeble person, & of a short time, and yet lesse in ye vnderstanding of iudgement & the lawes. 6 And though a man be neuer so perfect among the children of men, yet if thy wisdome be not with him, he shalbe nothing regarded. 7 Thou hast chosen me to be a King of thy people, and the iudge of thy sonnes and daughters. 8 Thou hast commanded me to build a temple vpon thine holy Mount, & an altar in ye citie wherein thou dwellest, a likenes of thine holy Tabernacle, which thou hast prepared from the beginning, 9 And thy wisdome with thee, which knoweth thy workes, which also was when thou madest the world, and which knew what was acceptable in thy sight, and right in thy commandements. 10 Send her out of thine holy heauens, & send her from the throne of thy maiestie, that she may be with me, and labour, that I may knowe what is acceptable in thy sight. 11 For she knoweth & vnderstandeth al things, and she shall leade me soberly in my workes and preserue me by her glory. 12 So shall my workes be acceptable, and then shall I gouerne thy people righteously, & be meete for my fathers throne. 13 For what man is he that can know ye counsel of God? or who can thinke what the wil of God is? 14 For the thoughtes of mortall men are fearefull, and our forecastes are vncertaine, 15 Because a corruptible body is heauy vnto the soule, and the earthly mansion keepeth downe the minde that is full of cares. 16 And hardly can we discerne the things that are vpon earth, and with great labour finde we out the things which are before vs: who can then seeke out the things that are in heauen? 17 Who can knowe thy counsell, except thou giue him wisdome, and send thine holy Spirit from aboue? 18 For so the wayes of them which are vpon earth, are reformed, and men are taught the things that are pleasant vnto thee, and are preserued through wisdome.