Tobit 12

Geneva(i) 1 Then Tobit called his sonne Tobias, and sayde vnto him, Prouide, my sonne, wages for ye man, which went with thee, & thou must giue him more. 2 And he sayd vnto him, O father, it shall not grieue me to giue him halfe of those things which I haue brought. 3 For he hath brought mee againe to thee in safetie, and hath made whole my wife, and hath brought me ye money, & hath likewise healed thee. 4 Then the olde man sayd, It is due vnto him. 5 So he called the Angel, and sayde vnto him, Take halfe of all that ye haue brought, and goe away in safetie. 6 But he tooke them both apart, and said vnto them, Prayse God, and confesse him, and giue him the glory, and prayse him for the things which he hath done vnto you before all them that liue. It is good to praise God, and to exalt his Name, and to shewe forth his euident workes with honour: therefore be not weary to confesse him. 7 It is good to keepe close the secrets of a King, but it is honorable to reueile the works of God: do that which is good, and no euil shal touch you. 8 Prayer is good with fasting, and almes, and righteousnesse. A litle with righteousnesse is better then much with vnrighteousnes: it is better to giue almes then to lay vp golde. 9 For almes doth deliuer from death, & doeth purge all sinne. Those which exercise almes & righteousnes, shalbe filled with life. 10 But they that sinne, are enemies to their owne life. 11 Surely I will keepe close nothing from you: neuertheles, I said it was good to keepe close the secret of a King, but that it was honorable to reueile the workes of God. 12 Nowe therefore when thou diddest pray, and Sarra thy daughter in lawe, I did bring to memorie your prayer before the Holy one: and when thou diddest bury the dead, I was with thee likewise. 13 And when thou wast not griued to rise vp, and leaue thy dinner to bury the dead, thy good deede was not hid from me: but I was with thee. 14 And nowe God hath sent me to heale thee, and Sarra thy daughter in lawe. 15 I am Raphael one of the seuen holy Angels, which present the prayers of the Saincts, and which go forth before his holy maiestie. 16 Then they were both troubled, and fel vpon their face: for they feared. 17 But he said vnto them, Feare not, for it shall go well with you: prayse God therefore. 18 For I came not of mine owne pleasure, but by the good wil of your God: wherefore praise him in all ages. 19 Al these dayes I did appeare vnto you, but I did neither eate nor drinke, but you saw it in visio. 20 Now therefore giue God thanks: for I go vp to him that sent me: but write all things which are done, in a booke. 21 And when they rose, they saw him no more. 22 Then they confessed the great and wonderfull works of God, and how the Angel of the Lord had appeared to them.