Leviticus 20:17-21

Geneva(i) 17 Also the man that taketh his sister, his fathers daughter, or his mothers daughter, and seeth her shame and she seeth his shame, it is villenie: therefore they shall be cut off in the sight of their people, because he hath vncouered his sisters shame, he shall beare his iniquitie. 18 The man also that lyeth with a woman hauing her disease, and vncouereth her shame, and openeth her fountaine, and she open the foutaine of her blood, they shall bee euen both cut off from among their people. 19 Moreouer thou shalt not vncouer the shame of thy mothers sister, nor of thy fathers sister: because he hath vncouered his kin, they shall beare their iniquitie. 20 Likewise the man that lyeth with his fathers brothers wife, and vncouereth his vncles shame: they shall beare their iniquitie, and shall die childlesse. 21 So the man that taketh his brothers wife, committeth filthines, because he hath vncouered his brothers shame: they shalbe childles.