Leviticus 17:3-6

Geneva(i) 3 Whosoeuer he be of the house of Israel that killeth a bullocke, or lambe, or goate in the hoste, or that killeth it out of the hoste, 4 And bringeth it not vnto the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation to offer an offring vnto the Lord before the Tabernacle of the Lord, blood shalbe imputed vnto that man: he hath shed blood, wherefore that man shall be cut off from among his people. 5 Therefore the children of Israel shall bring their offrings, which they would offer abroad in the fielde, and present the vnto ye Lord at the doore of the Tabernacle of ye Congregation by ye Priest, and offer them for peace offrings vnto the Lord. 6 Then the Priest shall sprinkle the blood vpon the Altar of the Lord before the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and burne the fat for a sweete sauour vnto the Lord.