Judith 6

Geneva(i) 1 And when the tumult of the men that were about the councill, was ceased, Olofernes, the chiefe captaine of the armie of Assur, said vnto Achior before all the people of the strangers, and before all the children of Moab, and of them that were hyred of Ephraim, 2 Because thou hast prophesied among vs to day, and hast sayde that the people of Ierusalem is able to fight, because their God will defende them: and who is God but Nabuchodonosor? 3 He will send his power, and will destroy the from the face of the earth, and their God shall not deliuer them: but we his seruants will destroye them as one man: for they are not able to susteine the power of our horses. 4 For we will treade them vnder feete with them, and their mountaines shall be drunken with their blood, and their fields shalbe filled with their dead bodyes, and their footesteppes shall not be able to stand before vs: but they shall vtterly perish. 5 The King Nabuchodonosor, lorde of all the earth, hath saide, euen he hath saide, None of my wordes shall be in vaine. 6 And thou Achior an hireling of Ammon, because thou hast spoken these wordes in the day of thine iniquitie, thou shalt see my face no more from this day vntill I take vengeance of that people that is come out of Egypt. 7 And then shall the yron of mine armie, and the multitude of them that serue me, passe through thy sides, and thou shalt fall among their slaine, when I shall put them to flight, 8 And my seruants shall carrie thee into the mountaines, and they shall leaue thee at one of the hie cities: but thou shalt not perish, till thou be destroyed with them. 9 And if thou perswade thy selfe in thy mind, that they shall not be taken, let not thy countenance fall: I haue spoken it, and none of my words shall be in vaine. 10 Then commanded Olofernes them concerning Achior, that they shoulde bring him to Bethulia, and deliuer him into the handes of the children of Israel. 11 So his seruants tooke him, and brought him out of the campe into the plaine: and they went out from the middest of the plaine into the mountaines, and came vnto the fountaines that were vnder Bethulia. 12 And when the men of the citie saw them fro the top of the mountaine, they tooke their armour, and went foorth of the citie vnto the toppe of the moutaine, euen all the throwers with slings, & kept the from coming vp, by casting stones against the. 13 But they went priuily vnder the hill, and bounde Achior, and left him lying at the foote of the hill, and returned to their lorde. 14 Then the Israelites came downe from their citie, and stoode about him, and loosed him and brought him into Bethulia, and presented him to the gouernours of their citie, 15 Which were in those dayes, Ozias the sonne of Micha, of ye tribe of Simeon, & Chabris ye sonne of Gothoniel, and Charmis the sonne of Melchiel. 16 And they called together all the Auncients of the citie, and all their youth ranne together, and their women to the assemblie: and they set Achior in the middes of all their people. Then Ozias asked him of that which was done. 17 And he answered and declared vnto them the wordes of the counsell of Olofernes, and all the wordes that he had spoken in the mids of the princes of Assur, and whatsoeuer Olofernes had spoken proudly against the house of Israel. 18 Then the people fell downe and worshipped God, and cryed vnto God, saying, 19 O Lord God of heauen, beholde their pride, and haue mercie on the basenesse of our people, and beholde this day the face of those that are sanctified vnto thee. 20 Then they comforted Achior, and praysed him greatly. 21 And Ozias tooke him out of ye asseblie into his house, & made a feast to the Elders, and they called on the God of Israel al that night for helpe.