Isaiah 24:1-5

ECB(i) 1
Behold, Yah Veh evacuates the earth and wastes it and twists it face down and scatters the settlers abroad. 2 And so be it, as with the people, thus with the priest; as with the servant, thus with his adoni; as with the maid, thus with her lady; as with the chatteler, thus with the seller; as with the lender, thus with the borrower; as with the exactor, thus with the exacted. 3 In evacuating, the land is evacuated, and in plundering, plundered; for Yah Veh words this word: 4 The earth mourns and withers; the world languishes and withers; the high people of the earth languish: 5 and the earth is profaned under the settlers; because they trespassed the torah, passed over the statute, broke the eternal covenant.