Matthew 2:4-8

Diaglott(i) 4 and having called together all the chief-priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Anointed should be born. 5 They and said to him: In Bethleem of the Judea; thus for is written by the prophet; 6 And thou Bethleem, land of Juda; by no means least art among the princes of Juda; out of thee for shall come forth a prince, who shall govern the people of me, the Israel. 7 Then Herod privately having called the wise-men, learned exactly from them the time of the appearing a star, 8 and sending them into Bethleem, he said: Passing on your way, exactly inquire about the infant; as soon as and you have found, bring word to me, that I also going pay homage to him.