Romans 15:18-22

Coverdale(i) 18 For I durst not speake ought, excepte Christ had wroughte the same by me, to make the Heythen obediet thorow worde and dede, 19 thorow the power of tokens and wonders, and thorow the power of the sprete of God, so that from Ierusale, and roude aboute vnto Illyricon, I haue fylled all with the Gospell of Christ. 20 So haue I enforced myselfe to preach ye Gospell, not where Christes name was knowne, lest I shulde buylde on another mans foundacion, 21 but as it is wrytten: To whom he was not spoken of, they shal se: and they that haue not herde, shal vnderstonde. 22 This is also the cause, wherfore I haue bene oft tymes let to come vnto you.