Revelation 8:7-13

Coverdale(i) 7 The first angel blewe, and there was made hayle and fyre, which were myngled with bloud, & they were cast in to the earth: and the thyrd parte of trees was burnt, and all grene grasse was brent. 8 And the seconde angell blewe: and as it were a greate mountayne burnynge with fyre was cast in to the see, and the thyrde parte of the see turned to bloud, 9 and the thyrde parte of the creatures which had life, dyed, and the thyrde part of shippes were destroyed. 10 And the thyrde angell blewe, and there fell a greate starre from heauen, burnynge as it were a lampe, and it fell in to the thyrde parte of the ryuers, and in to fountaynes of waters, 11 and the name of the starre is called Wormwod. And the thyrde parte of the waters was turned to Wormwod. And many men dyed of the waters, because they were made bytter. 12 And the fourth angel blew, and the thyrde parte of ye Sonne was smytten, and ye thyrde parte of the mone, & the thyrde parte of starres: so that the thyrde parte of them was darckned. And the daye was smytte, that the thyrde parte of it shulde not shyne, and lyke wyse the nyght. 13 And I behelde, and herde an angel flyenge thorowe the myddes of heaue, and sayege with a lowde voyce: Wo, wo, wo to the inhabiters of the earth, because of the voyces to come of the trompe of the thre angels which were yet to blowe.