Obadiah 1:11-15

Coverdale(i) 11 & that because of the tyme, when thou didest set thyself agaynst him, euen when the enemies caried awaye his hoost, and when the aleauntes came in at his portes, and cast lottes vpon Ierusalem, and thou thyself wast as one of them. 12 Thou shalt nomore se the daye of thy brother, thou shalt nomore beholde the tyme of his captiuyte: thou shalt nomore reioyse ouer the children of Iuda, in the daye of their destruccion, thou shalt tryumphe nomore in the tyme of their trouble. 13 Thou shalt nomore come in at the gates off my people, in the tyme of their decaye: thou shalt not se their mysery in the daye of their fall. Thou shalt sende out no man agaynst their hoost, in the daye of their aduersite: 14 nether shalt thou stode waytinge enymore at ye corners of the stretes, to murthur soch as are fled, or to take them presoners, that remayne in the daye of their trouble. 15 For the daye off the LORDE is harde by vpon all Heithen. Like as thou hast done, so shalt thou be dealte withall, yee thou shalt be rewarded euen vpon thine heade.