Matthew 24:15-28

Coverdale(i) 15 Whan ye therfore shal se the abhominacion of desolacion (wher of it is spoke by Daniel the prophet) stonde in the holy place (who so readeth it, let him marck it well) 16 the let the which be in Iewry, flye vnto ye moutaynes: 17 and let him which is on the house toppe, not come downe to fet eny thinge out of his house: 18 and let him which is in ye felde, not turne back to fetch his clothes. 19 But wo vnto them that are with childe, and to them that geue suck in those dayes. 20 But praye ye, that youre flight be not in ye wynter, ner on the Sabbath. 21 For then shal there be greate trouble, soch as was not from the begynnynge of the worlde vnto this tyme, ner shalbe. 22 Yee and excepte those daies shulde be shortened, there shulde no flesh be saued: but for ye chosens sake those dayes shalbe shortened. 23 Then yf eny man shal saye vnto you: lo, here is Christ, or there, beleue it not. 24 For there shal aryse false Christes and false prophetes, and shal do greate tokes and wonders: In so moch, that (yf it were possible) the very chosen shulde be brought in to erroure. 25 Beholde, I haue tolde you before. 26 Wherfore yf they shal saye vnto you: Beholde, he is in the wildernes, go not ye forth:Beholde, he is in the chamber, beleue it not. 27 For like as the lightenynge goeth out from the East, and shyneth vnto the west, so shal the commynge of the sonne of man be. 28 For where so euer a deed carcase is, there wyl the Aegles be gathered together.