Luke 20:9-16

Coverdale(i) 9 And he beganne to tell the people this symilitude: A certayne man planted a vynyarde, and let it out vnto hussbadmen, and wente himself in to a straunge countre for a greate season. 10 And whan his tyme was come, he sent a seruaut to the hussbadmen, that they might geue him of the frute of the vynyarde. But the hussbandmen bet him, and sent him awaye emptye. 11 And agayne he sent yet another seruaut: but they bet him also, and intreated him shamefully, & sent him awaye emptye. 12 And besydes this, he sent the thirde: but they wounded him also, and thrust him out. 13 Then sayde the lorde of the vynyarde: What shal I do? I wil sende my deare sonne, peraduenture they wil stonde in awe of him, whan they se him. 14 But whan the hussbande men sawe the sonne, they thought in the selues, and sayde: This is the heyre, come, let vs kyll him, yt the inheritaunce maye be oures. 15 And they thrust him out of ye vynyarde, and slew him. What shal now the lorde of the vynyarde do vnto them? 16 He shal come, and destroye those hussbandmen, and let out his vynyarde vnto other. Whan they herde that, they sayde: God forbyd.