Luke 16:26-31

Coverdale(i) 26 And beside all this, there is a greate space set betwene vs and you: so yt they which wolde go downe from hence vnto you, cannot: nether maye they passe ouer from thence vnto vs. 27 Then sayde he: I pray the then father, that thou wilt sende him vnto my fathers house, 28 for I haue yet fyue brethren, that he maye warne them, lest they also come in to this place of torment. 29 Abraham sayde vnto him: They haue Moses and the prophetes, let them heare them. 30 But he sayde: Nay father Abraham, but yf one wente vnto them fro the deed, they wolde do pennaunce. 31 Neuertheles he sayde vnto him: Yf they heare not Moses & the prophetes, then shal they not beleue also, though one rose agayne fro the deed.