Genesis 4:5-14

Coverdale(i) 5 but vnto Cain and his offerynge he loked not. Then was Cain exceadinge wroth, and his countenaunce chaunged. 6 And the LORDE sayde vnto Cain: Why art thou angrie? and why doth thy countenaunce chaunge? Is it not so? that yf thou do well, thou shalt receaue it: 7 but and yf thou do euell, thy synne lyeth open in the dore? Shal he then be subdued vnto the? and wilt thou rule him? 8 And Cain talked with Abell his brother. And it happened, that whan they were in the felde, Cain arose agaynst Abell his brother, and slew him. 9 Then sayde the LORDE vnto Cain: Where is Abell thy brother? He sayde: I can not tell. Am I my brothers keper? 10 And he sayde: What hast thou done? The voyce of thy brothers bloude crieth vnto me out of the earth. 11 And now shalt thou be cursed vpon the earth, which hath opened hir mouth, and receaued thy brothers bloude of thine hande. 12 Whan thou tyllest ye grounde, she shall hensforth not geue hir power vnto the. A vagabunde and a rennagate shalt thou be vpon ye earth. 13 And Cain sayde vnto ye LORDE: my synne is greater, then that it maye be forgeuen me. 14 Beholde, thou castest me out this daye from out of ye londe, and from yi sight must I hyde myself, and must be a vagabunde and a rennagate vpon ye earth. And thus shal it go with me: that who so fyndeth me, shal slaye me.