Genesis 3:7-11

Coverdale(i) 7 Then were the eyes of them both opened, and they perceaued that they were naked, and sowed fygge leaues together, and made them apurns. 8 And they herde the voyce of the LORDE God, which walked in the garden in the coole of the daye. And Adam hyd him self with his wyfe, from the presence of ye LORDE God amonge the trees of the garden. 9 And ye LORDE God called Adam, and sayde vnto him: Where art thou? 10 And he saide: I herde thy voyce in the garden, and was afrayed, because I am naked, and therfore I hyd my self. 11 And he sayde: who tolde the, that thou art naked? Hast thou not eaten of the tre, wherof I commaunded the, yt thou shuldest not eate?