Genesis 28:14-22

Coverdale(i) 14 and thy sede shal be as ye dust of ye earth. And thou shalt sprede forth towarde the west, east, north, and south: and thorow the and thy sede shall all the kynreds vpon earth be blessed. 15 And beholde, I am with ye, and wyll kepe the where so euer thou goest, & wyl brynge the hither agayne in to this lande: for I wil not leaue the, tyll I haue made good, all that I haue promysed the. 16 Now whan Iacob awaked from his slepe, he saide: Surely the LORDE is in this place, and I knew not. 17 And he was afraied, and sayde: How fearfull is this place? here is nothinge els but an house of God, & a gate vnto heaue. 18 And Iacob arose early in the mornynge, and toke the stone that he had layed vnder his heade, and set it vp, and poured oyle vpon it. 19 And he called the place Bethel, but afore the cite was called Lus. 20 And Iacob made a vowe, and sayde: Yf God wyll be with me, and kepe me in this iourney yt I go & geue me bred to eate, and clothinge to put on, 21 and brynge me peaceably home agayne vnto my father: The shall the LORDE be my God, 22 and this stone that I haue set vp, shalbe an house of God: and all that thou geuest me, I wyl geue the the tenth therof.