Genesis 24:35-49

Coverdale(i) 35 and the LORDE hath prospered my master richely, so yt he is become greate: and he hath geuen him shepe and oxe, syluer and golde, seruauntes and maidens, Camels and Asses: 36 yee and Sara my masters wife hath borne my master a sonne in hir olde age: vnto him hath he geuen all that he hath. 37 And my master hath taken an ooth of me and saide: Thou shalt not take a wife for my sonne amonge the doughters of the Cananites, in whose lande I dwell, 38 but go yi waye to my fathers house and to myne owne kynred, and there take a wyfe for my sonne. 39 But I sayde vnto my master: What and the woman wyl not folowe me? 40 Then sayde he vnto me: The LORDE (before whom I walke) shall sende his angell with the, and prospere thy iourney, that thou mayest take a wife for my sonne of myne owne kynred, and of my fathers house. 41 And so whan thou commest to my kynred, yf they geue her not vnto ye, thou shalt be discharged of myne oothe. 42 So I came this daye vnto the well of water, and sayde: O LORDE thou God of my master Abraham, Yf thou hast prospered my iourney that I go: 43 Beholde, I stonde here by the well of water: Now yf there come forth a virgin to draw water, and I saye vnto her: geue me a litle water to drinke out of thy pitcher, 44 and she saye vnto me: Drynke thou, and I wyll drawe water for thy Camels also: that the same be the woma, which the LORDE hath prouyded for my masters sonne. 45 Now or euer I had spoken out these wordes in my hert, beholde, Rebecca commeth forth with a pitcher vpon hir shulder, and goeth downe to the well, and draweth.Then sayde I: geue me a drynke. 46 And immediatly she toke downe the pitcher fro hir shulder, and sayde: drynke, and I wyll geue thy Camels drynke also. 47 So I dranke, and she gaue the Camels also to drynke. And I axed her, and sayde: Doughter, whose art thou? She answered: I am ye doughter of Bethuel the sonne of Nahor, whom Milca bare vnto him. Then layed I the earinge vpon hir face, and the bracelettes vpon hir handes, 48 and bowed myself, and thanked the LORDE, and praysed the God of my master Abraham, which had brought me ye right waye, to take my masters brothers doughters vnto his sonne. 49 Yf ye be they then that shew mercy and faithfulnes vnto my master, tell me: Yf not, yet tell me, that I maye turne me to ye right hande or to the left.