Ezekiel 21:22-24

Coverdale(i) 22 But the soythsayenge shall poynte to the right syde vpon Ierusalem, that he maye set men of warre, to smyte it with a greate noyse, to crie out Alarum, to set batellrammes agaynst the gates, to graue vp dyches, & to make bulworkes. 23 Neuertheles, as for ye soythsayenge, they shall holde it but for vanite, euen as though a iest were tolde them: Yee and they them selues remembre their wickednesse, so that by right they must be take and wonne. 24 Therfore saieth the LORDE God: For so moch as ye youre selues shewe your offence, and haue opened youre wickednesse, so that in all youre workes men maye se youre synnes: Yee in so moch (I saye) that ye youre selues haue made mencion therof, ye shalbe taken by violence.