Exodus 23:29-33

Coverdale(i) 29 In one yeare wyl I not cast the out before the, yt the londe become not waist, & wylde beastes multiply agaynst ye: 30 By litle & litle wyll I dryue them out before the, tyll thou growe, & haue the londe in possession. 31 And I wil set the borders of thy londe, euen from the reed see vnto ye see of the Philistynes, & from the wyldernes vnto the water. For I wil delyuer the indwellers of the londe in to thine hande, yt thou shalt dryue them out before the. 32 Thou shalt make no couenaunt wt them ner with their goddes, 33 but let the not dwell in thy lande, that they make the not synne ageynst me. For yf thou serue their goddes, it wil surely be thy decaye.