Exodus 10:12-16

Coverdale(i) 12 The saide ye LORDE vnto Moses: Stretch out thine hande ouer ye londe of Egipte, for the greshoppers, yt they maye come vpo ye londe of Egipte, & eate vp all the herbes in the londe, wt all yt escaped the hayle. 13 Moses stretched out his staff ouer ye lande of Egipte, & the LORDE brought an east wynde in to the londe all yt daye & all yt night, & in the mornynge, the east wynde brought the greshoppers. 14 And they came ouer the whole lande of Egipte, and lighted in all places of Egipte, so exceadinge many, that before tyme there were neuer soch, nether shalbe here after: 15 for they couered the londe, and made it darcke. And they ate vp all the herbes in ye londe, & all the frutes vpon the trees which remayned from ye hayle, & left no grene thinge behinde in the trees & herbes vpon the felde in all the lande of Egipte. 16 Then Pharao called for Moses & Aaron in all ye haist, & saide: I haue synned against the LORDE yor God, & agaynst you: