Acts 9:1-19

Coverdale(i) 1 Saul was yet breathinge out threatnynges and slaughter agaynst the disciples of the LORDE. And wente vnto ye hye preste, 2 and desyred of him letters to Damascon vnto the synagoges, that yf he foude eny of this waye (whether they were men or wemen) he mighte brynge the bounde vnto Ierusalem. 3 And as he was goinge on his iourney, it fortuned, that he came nye vnto Damasco, and sodenly there shyned rounde aboute hi a light fro heaue, 4 and he fell to the earth, and herde a voyce, which sayde vnto him: Saul Saul why persecutest thou me? 5 He sayde: LORDE, who art thou? The LORDE sayde: I am Iesus, who thou persecutest. It shalbe harde for ye to kycke agaynst the prycke. 6 And he both tremblinge and astonnyed, sayde: LORDE what wilt thou that I shal do? The LORDE sayde vnto him: Aryse, and go into the cite, there shal it be tolde the what thou shalt do. 7 As for ye me that iourneyed wt him, they stode and were amased: for they herde a voyce, but sawe noman. 8 Saul rose from the earth, and whan he had opened his eyes, he sawe noman. Neuertheles they toke him by the honde, & broughte him to Damasco: 9 and he was thre dayes without sighte, and nether ate ner dranke. 10 At Damascon there was a disciple named Ananias, and vnto him sayde the LORDE in a vision: Ananias And he sayde: beholde, here am I LORDE. 11 The LORDE sayde vnto him: Aryse, and go in to the strete which is called straight, and axe in the house of Iuda after one called Saul of Tharsis: for beholde, he prayeth, 12 & hath sene in a vision a ma named Ananias comynge vnto him, & layenge the hade vpo him, that he mighte receaue his sighte. 13 Ananias answered: LORDE, I haue herde by many of this mau, how moch euell he hath done to thy sayntes at Ierusale. 14 And here hath he auctorite of the hye prestes, to bynde all those yt call vpon thy name. 15 The LORDE sayde vnto him: Go thy waye, for this man is a chosen vessell vnto me, that he maye beare my name before the Heythen, and before kynges, and before the children of Israel. 16 I wil shewe him, how greate thinges he must suffre for my names sake. 17 And Ananias wente his waye, and came in to the house, and layed the handes vpon him, and sayde: Brother Saul, the LORDE which appeared vnto ye in the waye as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receaue thy sight, and be fylled with the holy goost. 18 And immediatly there fell from his eyes as it had bene scales, and he receaued his sighte, and rose, and was baptysed, 19 and toke meate, and was conforted.Then was Saul a certayne dayes with the disciples that were at Damascon.