Acts 7:55-60

Coverdale(i) 55 But he beynge full of the holy goost, loked vp towarde heauen, and sawe the glorye of God, and Iesus stodinge on the righte hande of God, 56 and sayde: Beholde, I se the heauens open, and the sonne of ma stondinge on ye righte honde of God. 57 But they cried out with a loude voyce, & stopped their eares, and rane violently vpon him all at once, 58 and thrust him out of the cite, and stoned him. And ye witnesses layed downe their clothes at the fete of a yonge man, which was called Saul. 59 And they stoned Steuen, which cryed, & sayde: LORDE Iesu, receaue my sprete. 60 And he kneled downe, & cried with a loude voyce: LORDE, laye not this synne to their charge. And wha he had thus spoken, he fell a slepe.