2 Samuel 5:19-24

Coverdale(i) 19 And Dauid axed at the LORDE, and sayde: Shal I go vp agaynst the Philistynes? and wylt thou delyuer them in to my hande? The LORDE sayde vnto Dauid: Go vp, I wyll delyuer the Philistynes in to thy hande. 20 And Dauid came vnto Baal Prazim, and smote the there, and sayde: The LORDE hath deuyded myne enemies, euen as the waters parte asunder: therfore is the same place called Baal Prazim. 21 And they lefte their ymages there, but Dauid and his men caried the awaye. 22 Neuerthelesse the Philistynes wente vp agayne, and scatered them selues beneth in the valley of Rephaim. 23 And Dauid axed at the LORDE. The LORDE sayde: Thou shalt go vp, but compase them behinde, that thou mayest be vpon them ouer agaynst the Peertrees: 24 and whan thou hearest vpon the toppe of the Peertrees, the sounde of the goinge be bolde, for then is the LORDE gone forth before the, to smyte the hoost of the Philistines