1 Samuel 22:12-23

Coverdale(i) 12 And Saul sayde: Heare thou sonne of Achitob. He saide: Here am I my lorde. 13 And Saul sayde vnto him: Wherfore haue ye cospyred agaynst me, thou & the sonne of Isai, that thou hast geuen him bred and a swerde, and axed councell at God for him, to stere him vp, that he mighte laye awayte for me, as it is manifest? 14 Ahimelech answered the kynge and saide: And who is amonge all thy seruauntes like Dauid, which is faithfull, and hath maried the kynges doughter, and goeth in thine obedience, & is honorably taken in thine house? 15 Haue I begonne then first this daye to axe councell at God for him? That be farre frome. Let not the kinge laie soch to his seruautes charge in all my fathers house: for thy seruaunt knewe not of all these thinges nether small ner greate. 16 Neuertheles the kynge saide: Ahimelech thou must dye ye death, thou and all thy fathers house. 17 And the kynge sayde to his fote men that stode by him: Turne you, and slaye the prestes of the LORDE, for their hande is with Dauid also. Not withstondinge the kynges seruauntes wolde not not laye their handes vpon ye prestes of the LORDE, to slaye them. 18 Then saide ye kynge vnto Doeg: Turne the, and slaye the prestes. Doeg the Edomite turned him, and slewe the prestes, so that the same daye there dyed fyue and foure score men, which wayre ouerbody cotes of lynnen. 19 And Nob the cite of the prestes smote he with the edge of the swerde, both men and wemen, children and sucklynges, oxen and asses, and shepe. 20 Neuerthelesse there escaped a sonne of Ahimelech (the sonne of Achitob) whose name was Abiathar, and fled after Dauid, 21 and tolde him, that Saul had slayne ye prestes of the LORDE. 22 Dauid sayde vnto Abiathar: I knewe well the same daye that Doeg the Edomite was there, that he wolde tell Saul. I am giltye of the soules of thy fathers house. 23 Abyde thou with me, and feare not. He that layeth wayte for my lyfe, shall laye wayte for thyne also, and thou shalt be preserued with me.