1 Kings 11:4-10

Coverdale(i) 4 And whan he was now olde, his wyues bowed his hert after straunge goddes, so that his hert was not whole with the LORDE his God, as was the hert of Dauid his father. 5 So Salomon walked after Astaroth the god of the Sidonians, and after Malcom the abhominacion of the Ammonites. 6 And Salomon dyd yt which displeased the LORDE, and folowed not ye LORDE to ye vttemost as dyd his father Dauid. 7 The buylded Salomo an hie place vnto Chamos the abhominacio of ye Moabites (vpon the mount that lyeth before Ierusale) and vnto Moloch the abhominacion of the Ammnnites. 8 Thus dyd Salomon for all his outladish wyues, which brent incense, and offred vnto their goddes. 9 But the LORDE was wroth at Salomon, because his hert was turned asyde from ye LORDE God of Israel, which had two tymes appeared vnto him, 10 and comaunded him, that he shulde not walke after other goddes: and yet kepte he not that the LORDE commaunded him.