Psalms 70:1-150:6

CLV(i) 1 {Davidic, For Remembrance{ O Elohim, come to rescue me! O Yahweh, do hurry to my help!" 2 May they be ashamed and abashed, who are seeking my soul; May they be turned away backward and mortified, the ones desiring evil to me." 3 May they turn back in consequence of their shame, who are saying to me, Aha! Aha!" 4 Let them be elated and rejoice in You, all who are seeking You; And let them say continually, May Elohim be magnified, who are loving Your salvation." 5 Yet I am humbled and needy; O Elohim, do hurry to me! My Help and my Deliverance are You; O Yahweh, do not delay!" 71 1 In You, O Yahweh, I take refuge. Let me not be ashamed for the eon!" 2 In Your righteousness, rescue me and deliver me. Stretch out Your ear to me and save me." 3 Become mine for a Rock, a Stronghold to come to continually. You have determined to save me, For You are my Crag and my Fastness." 4 My Elohim, deliver me from the hand of the wicked, From the clutch of the iniquitous and violent one." 5 For You are my Expectation, O my Lord Yahweh, My Trust from my youth." 6 By You have I been supported from the belly; From the internal parts of my mother, You have been my Strength. In You is my praise continually." 7 I have become like a portent to many, Yet You are my strong Refuge." 8 My mouth is filled with Your praise, The entire day, with Your beauty." 9 O do not fling me away at the time of my old age; When my vigor is exhausted, O do not forsake me." 10 For my enemies commune against me, And those keeping watch against my soul intrigue together, 11 Saying, Elohim Himself has forsaken him; Pursue and grasp him, for there is no rescuer." 12 O Elohim, O do not be far from me! My Elohim, do hurry to my help!" 13 Let the adversaries of my soul be ashamed and finished; Let those seeking evil to me be muffled with reproach and mortification. 14 As for me, I shall continually wait, And I will add onto all Your praise." 15 My mouth, it shall recount Your righteousness, The entire day, Your salvation, for I do not know their number." 16 I shall come with praise of the masterful deeds of my Lord; O Yahweh, I shall mention Your righteousness, Yours alone." 17 O Elohim, You have taught me from my youth, And hitherto am I telling of Your marvelous works." 18 Even when I am old and greyhaired, O Elohim, do not forsake me, Until I should tell of Your arm of power to the next generation, Of Your masterful deeds to all who shall come." 19 Your righteousness, O Elohim, reaches unto the height, You Who have done great things; O Elohim, Who is like You? 20 You Who have made me see distresses, many and evil, You shall again revive me; You shall again bring me up from the abyss of the earth." 21 You shall increase Your greatness, And You shall surround and comfort me." 22 I too, I shall acclaim You for Your faithfulness with the zither instrument, my Elohim; I will make melody to You with the harp, O Holy One of Israel!" 23 My lips shall be jubilant when I make melody to You, Even my soul, which You have ransomed." 24 Moreover, my tongue shall soliloquize of Your righteousness the entire day. For they will be ashamed; indeed those seeking evil to me will be abashed." 72 1 {Solomonic{ O Elohim, bestow Your right judgments on the king, And Your righteousness on the royal son." 2 May he adjudicate Your people with righteousness, And Your humbled ones with redress." 3 May the mountains bear peace for the people, And the hills blossom with righteousness." 4 May he redress the humbled of the people; May he save the sons of the needy And crush the exploiter. 5 He shall abide long as the sun And before the moon, generation after generations." 6 He shall descend like rain on the grassland, Like showers, drenching the earth." 7 Righteousness shall bud in His day, And abundant peace until the moon is no more." 8 He shall hold sway from sea unto sea, And from the stream unto the limits of the earth." 9 Before Him His foes shall bow, And His enemies shall lick up the soil." 10 The kings of Tarshish and the coastlands shall render a tributary present; The kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer levy. 11 And all the kings shall bow down to Him; All nations shall serve Him. 12 For He shall rescue the needy one imploring, And the humbled one, when there is no helper for him." 13 He shall be a refuge for the poor and needy one, And the souls of the needy shall He save." 14 From fraud and from violence shall He redeem their soul, And their blood shall be precious in His eyes." 15 So may He live; May one give to Him from Sheba's gold, And may one pray about Him continually; May the entire day bless Him." 16 There shall come to be a plenitude of cereal in the earth to the summit of the mountains. Its fruit shall rustle like Lebanon, And they of the city shall blossom like herbage of the earth." 17 His Name shall remain for the eon; Before the sun shall His Name be propagated, And all nations shall bless themselves in Him and call Him happy." 18 Blessed be Yahweh, Elohim, the Elohim of Israel, Doing marvelous works by Himself alone, 19 And blessed be His glorious Name for the eon! The entire earth shall be filled with His glory! {Amen and Amen.{ 20 The prayers of David son of Jesse are ended. 73 1 {SCROLL THREE{ {An Asaphic Psalm{ Surely Elohim is good to Israel, To those who are pure of heart." 2 As for me, my feet had almost turned aside; My movement was nearly made useless." 3 For I was jealous of those who are boasting; I was seeing the well-being of the wicked. 4 For there are no hindrances for them; Robust and plump is their physique. 5 They are not involved in the toil of a mortal, And they are not touched by ills with humanity." 6 Wherefore pride is their necklace; Violence is draping about them like a burnoose. 7 Their eye protrudes from fat; Vain fancies pass through their heart. 8 They belittle and speak with evil intent; From their height they are plotting extortion. 9 They set their mouth in the heavens, And their tongue is going about the earth." 10 Wherefore His people are turning away thither, And waters of intemperance are being wrung out by them." 11 And they say, How can El know? And is there knowledge in the Supreme? 12 Behold, these are the wicked! Even these at ease eonian, who make their estate huge." 13 Surely for nought have I purged my heart And have been washing my palms in innocency. 14 I am touched by ills the entire day, And my correction begins in the mornings." 15 If I had said, I will endorse things like this, Behold, I would be treacherous to a generation of Your sons." 16 When I am attempting to realize this, It is toil in my eyes, 17 Until I am coming to the Grand Sanctuary of El; Then I am understanding what is in their hereafter. 18 Surely You shall set them down in slippery places; You will cast them into ruinations. 19 How they will become a desolation, as in a moment! They will be swept up; they will be finished by decadence!" 20 Like a dream when one is waking, O Yahweh, when rousing, You shall lay waste their phantom." 21 For my heart was soured, And in my innermost being I was pricked." 22 I was irrational, and I was ignorant; I became like the beasts before You." 23 Yet I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand. 24 By Your counsel are You guiding me, And afterward You shall take me into glory." 25 Who do I have in the heavens but You? And besides You, none do I desire on earth." 26 Exhausted is my flesh, and my heart; The Rock of my heart and my Portion is Elohim for the eon." 27 For behold, those who are far from You, they shall perish; You will efface all who prostitute away from You." 28 As for me, it is good for me to be near Elohim; I have set my refuge in my Lord Yahweh, To recount all Your praises In the gateways of the daughter of Zion." 74 1 {Contemplating, Asaphic{ Why, O Elohim, have You cast us off permanently? Shall Your anger smolder long against the flock of Your pasture? 2 Remember Your congregation, which You acquired aforetime, Which You redeemed as the tribe of Your allotment, Mount Zion, in which You tabernacled." 3 Do raise up Your footsteps unto the permanent ruinations, All the evil the enemy has done in the Sanctuary." 4 Your foes roar within Your appointed place; They set up their ensigns as signs. 5 They hacked to pieces like men wielding upward With hatchets into a thicket of trees. 6 And now its engraved panels altogether They are battering with crowbar and bills. 7 They send up Your Sanctuary in fire; Down to the earth they profane the Tabernacle of Your Name. 8 They say in their heart, We shall tyrannize them together; They burn all the appointed places of El in the land." 9 Our signs we cannot see; There is no prophet any more, And not one of us is knowing what is still ahead." 10 How long, O Elohim, shall the foe reproach? Shall the enemy spurn Your Name permanently? 11 Why are You turning back Your hand, even Your right hand? Take it from within Your bosom and finish them." 12 Yet Elohim is my King from aforetime, Who is effecting saving works within the earth." 13 You Yourself partitioned the sea by Your strength; You broke the heads of the monsters in the waters. 14 You Yourself bruised the heads of the dragon; You gave it as food to a people, to desert-tribes." 15 You Yourself rent open spring and watercourse; You Yourself dried up the perennial streams. 16 Yours is the day; indeed Yours is the night; You Yourself established the luminary and the sun. 17 You Yourself set up all the boundaries of the earth; Summer and winter, You Yourself formed them." 18 Remember this:the enemy has reproached You, O Yahweh, And the decadent people have spurned Your Name." 19 O do not give the soul of Your turtledove to the wild animals; O do not forget the life of Your humbled ones permanently. 20 Look to Your covenant, For haunts of violence fill the dark places of the land." 21 O do not let the crushed turn away mortified; The humbled and needy, may they praise Your Name." 22 Do rise, O Elohim, do contend Your cause; Remember the reproach against You the entire day by the decadent." 23 O do not forget the voice of Your foes; The tumult of those rising against You is ascending continually. {Permanent{ {O Do Not Bring Ruin{ 75 1 {An Asaphic Psalm, A Song{ We acclaim You, O Elohim; We acclaim, for Your Name is near; Your marvelous works recount it." 2 You say, When I take up the appointed time, I Myself shall judge with equity;" 3 Though the earth is undermined, and all those dwelling in it, I Myself steady its columns. {Interlude{ " 4 I say to those boasting, Do not boast; And to the wicked, Do not exalt the horn." 5 You must not exalt your horn to the heights, Or speak with an impertinent neck." 6 For no one from the sun's coming forth or from the west, And no one from the wilderness can exalt a man;" 7 For it is Elohim Who is judging; This one He is abasing, and this one He is exalting." 8 For a cup is in the hand of Yahweh, And the wine foams; it is fully blended, And He shall spill this out; Yea, its lees shall all the wicked of the earth squeeze and drink." 9 As for me, I shall exult for the eon; I will make melody to the Elohim of Jacob." 10 And I shall hew down all the horns of the wicked; The horns of the righteous shall be exalted. {Permanent{ {With Accompaniments{ 76 1 {An Asaphic Psalm, A Song{ He Who is known in Judah is Elohim; In Israel His Name is great." 2 His covert is in Salem And His habitation in Zion. 3 There He breaks the flaming arrows of the bow, The shield and sword of the battle. {Interlude{ " 4 Resplendent are You, More noble than the mountain ranges of prey." 5 The sturdy of heart are looted; They slumber in their last sleep, And none of the men of valor can use their hands." 6 At Your rebuke, O Elohim of Jacob, Stupefied are both rider and horse." 7 You, indeed You are fear inspiring, And who may stand before You from the strength of Your anger? 8 From the heavens have You announced adjudication; The earth, it feared and was quiet, 9 When Elohim rose for judgment, To save all the humbled of the earth. {Interlude{ " 10 For the fury of humanity, it is acclaiming You; The remainder of the fury shall celebrate to You." 11 Vow and pay to Yahweh your Elohim; Let all who are around Him fetch an indemnity to the fear inspiring One. 12 He shall restrict the spirit of governors, He Who is fear inspiring to the kings of the earth. {Permanent{ {On Acclamation{ " 77 1 {An Asaphic Psalm{ My voice went forth to Elohim; let me cry out; My voice went forth to Elohim that He would give ear to me. 2 In the day of my distress I sought after Yahweh; At night my hand was stirred up in prayer, And it would not give way; My soul refused to be consoled." 3 I remembered Elohim, yet I was discomfited; I meditated, yet my spirit drooped. {Interlude{ " 4 You held open the guardians of my eyes; I was agitated, and I could not speak." 5 I took account of the days from aforetime, The years of the eons, saying, 6 Let me remember my soliloquy in the night; Let me meditate with my heart. So my spirit searched, saying, 7 Shall Yahweh cast off for the eons, And shall He not continue to be benevolent any more? 8 Has His benignity reached its limit permanently? Has the promise reached an end for generation after generation? 9 Has El forgotten to be gracious? Or has He shut off His compassions in anger? {Interlude{ 10 Yet I am saying, This is the ground of my beseeching:The years of the right hand of the Supreme;" 11 I shall remember all the activity of Yah; Indeed I shall remember Your marvelous works from aforetime. 12 Thus I soliloquize on all Your deeds, And on all Your activity, let me meditate." 13 O Elohim, Your way is in holiness; Who is a great El like our Elohim? 14 You are the El Who performed a marvel; You made Your strength known among the peoples. 15 With Your arm of power You redeemed Your people, The sons of Jacob and Joseph. {Interlude{ " 16 The waters saw You, O Elohim; The waters saw You, and they travailed; Indeed the abyss was disturbed." 17 Thick clouds were made to storm down waters; The skies cast forth their voice; Indeed Your arrows flew about. 18 The voice of Your thunder was in the cyclone; Lightning bolts lit up the habitance; The earth was disturbed and quaked. 19 Your way was through the sea, And Your trails led through vast waters, Yet Your heel-prints were not known." 20 You guided Your people like a flock, By the hand of Moses and Aaron." 78 1 {Contemplating, Asaphic{ Do give ear, my people, to my law; Stretch out your ear to the sayings of my mouth." 2 I will open my mouth with a proverb; I will utter enigmas from aforetime, 3 Which we have heard, and we know them, And our fathers, they have recounted to us." 4 We shall not suppress them from their sons, Recounting to the next generation the praises of Yahweh, And His strength and His marvelous works that He has done." 5 For He set up a testimony in Jacob, And He placed a law in Israel, Which He enjoined on our fathers To make them known to their sons, 6 That the next generation may know, The sons who shall be born; They shall rise and recount them to their sons." 7 Thus they shall place their confidence in Elohim, And they shall not forget all the activity of El, And His instructions shall they preserve." 8 Then they shall not become like their fathers, A generation stubborn and rebellious, A generation that had neither established its heart, Nor was its spirit faithful to El." 9 The sons of Ephraim, though weaponed archers, They turned back in the day of attack." 10 They did not keep the covenant of Elohim, And in His law they refused to walk." 11 They forgot all His activity And His marvelous works that He had shown them. 12 In front of their fathers He had performed a marvel, In the country of Egypt, the field of Zoan:" 13 He rent the sea and caused them to pass over, And He made the waters stand up like a waterspout." 14 He guided them with a cloud by day, And all the night with a light of fire." 15 He rent rocks in the wilderness And let them drink as from the abyss, abundantly." 16 He brought forth floods from a crag, And He made the water descend like streams." 17 Yet they continued still to sin against Him, To rebel against the Supreme in an arid place." 18 They probed El in their heart By requesting food for their soul. 19 So they spoke against Elohim; they said, Is El able to arrange a table in the wilderness? 20 Behold, He smote the rock, and waters gushed out, And the watercourses overflowed, But is He able to give bread? Or can He prepare meat for His people? 21 Wherefore Yahweh heard, and He was enraged, And a fire was ignited against Jacob, And indeed anger ascended against Israel." 22 For they did not believe in Elohim, And they did not trust in His salvation." 23 Yet He enjoined the skies above, And He opened the double doors of the heavens." 24 He rained on them manna to eat, And He gave them grain of the heavens." 25 Each one ate bread of sturdy ones; He sent provision to them, to satisfaction." 26 He made an east wind to journey in the heavens, And He drove forth a south wind by His strength." 27 So He rained meat on them like soil dust, And the winged flyer like sand of the seas." 28 And He cast them down within His camp, Round about His Grand Tabernacle." 29 They ate and were surfeited exceedingly, And He brought all their yearning to them." 30 Yet they were not alienated from their yearning; Their food was still in their mouth, 31 When the anger of Elohim ascended against them; He killed the stoutest of them, And the choice ones of Israel He cut off." 32 In spite of all this they still sinned And believed not in His marvelous works. 33 So He ended their days in failure, And their years in panic." 34 Whenever He killed them, then they sought after Him, And they returned and sought early for El." 35 Then they remembered that Elohim is their Rock, And El, the Supreme, is their Redeemer." 36 Yet they would entice Him with their mouth And lie to Him with their tongue. 37 Their heart, it was not established before Him, And they were not faithful to His covenant." 38 Yet He was compassionate; He made a propitiatory shelter for depravity, And He did not bring ruin; He acted many times to reverse His anger, And He would not rouse all His fury." 39 He ever remembered that they were flesh, A wind going that is not returning." 40 How often they defied Him in the wilderness; They grieved Him in the desolation. 41 They were again and again probing El, And the Holy One of Israel they set as a mark." 42 They did not remember His hand:The day when He ransomed them from the foe, 43 When He placed His signs in Egypt, And His miracles in the field of Zoan." 44 He turned their waterways to blood, So they could drink from their flowings no more." 45 He sent a mixture of flies among them, and it devoured them, And the frog plague, and it ruined them." 46 He gave their crop over to the beetle, And the fruit of their labor to the locust." 47 He killed their vine with hail, And their mulberry trees with sleet." 48 He closed their livestock over to hail, And their cattle to siroccos." 49 He sent upon them the heat of His anger, Rage and menace and distress, A mission of the messengers of perils, 50 Who aligned a track for His anger; He did not keep back their soul from death, And He closed their life over to the plague." 51 Then He smote every firstborn in Egypt, The beginning of virility in the tents of Ham." 52 But He made His people to journey like a flock, And He led them like a drove in the wilderness." 53 He guided them, in trust, and they were not afraid, Yet the sea covered their enemies." 54 Thus He brought them to His holy territory, This hill country that His right hand had acquired." 55 He drove out the nations before them, And He allocated to them their allotment by the line. He enabled Israel's tribes to tabernacle in their tents." 56 Yet they probed and defied Elohim, the Supreme, And they did not keep His testimonies." 57 They were turned away and treacherous like their fathers; They were warped like a deceptive bow. 58 They provoked Him to vexation with their high-places, And they made Him jealous with their carvings." 59 Elohim heard, and He was enraged, And He utterly rejected Israel." 60 Then He abandoned the tabernacle of Shiloh, The tent He had made to tabernacle among humanity." 61 He sent His strength into captivity, And His beauty into the hand of the foe." 62 He closed His people over to the sword, And He was enraged with His allotment." 63 Fire devoured their choice young men, And their virgins had no nuptial song." 64 Their priests fell by the sword, Yet their widows could not lament." 65 Then Yahweh awoke as from sleep, Like a master jubilant from wine." 66 He smote His foes backward; He gave them an eonian reproach. 67 He rejected the tent of Joseph, And did not choose the tribe of Ephraim." 68 Yet He chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which He loves;" 69 And He built His Sanctuary like the heights of heaven, Like the earth that He founded for the eon." 70 He chose David, His servant, And He took him from the folds of the flock;" 71 From following the ewes, He brought him To shepherd Jacob, His people, And Israel, His allotment." 72 So he shepherded them in the integrity of his heart, And by the understanding of his palms, he guided them." 79 1 {An Asaphic Psalm{ O Elohim, the nations have entered Your allotment; They have defiled Your holy Temple; They have turned Jerusalem into rubbish heaps." 2 They have given the carcasses of Your servants as food for the flyer of the heavens, The flesh of Your benign ones to the wild animal of the earth." 3 They have poured out their blood like water, around Jerusalem, And there was no one entombing them." 4 We have become a reproach to our neighbors, A derision and a scoffing to those round about us." 5 How long, O Yahweh? Shall You be angry permanently? How long shall Your jealousy consume like a fire? 6 Pour out Your fury on the nations that do not know You, And on kingdoms that do not call on Your Name." 7 For they have devoured Jacob, And they have desolated his homestead." 8 Do not hold against us the depravities of former generations; Let Your compassions quickly confront us, For we are very impoverished." 9 Help us, O Elohim of our salvation, on behalf of the glory of Your Name; Rescue us and make a propitiatory shelter over our sins on account of Your Name." 10 Why should the nations say, Where is their Elohim? Let it be made known among the nations before our eyes:Vengeance for the shed blood of Your servants." 11 May the groaning of the bound one come before You; According to the greatness of Your arm reserve the sons of death. 12 Turn back sevenfold to our neighbors, into their bosom, Their reproach with which they reproached You, O Yahweh." 13 Then we, Your people and the flock of Your pasture, We shall acclaim You for the eon; For generation after generation we shall recount Your praise. {Permanent{ {Concerning Elations {Anemones{, A Testimony{ " 80 1 {An Asaphic Psalm{ O Shepherd of Israel, do give ear; You Who are leading Joseph like a flock, Who are dwelling over the cherubim, do shine forth." 2 Before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh, Do rouse Your mastery, And do come to our salvation." 3 O Elohim, restore us, And light up Your face so that we may be saved." 4 O Yahweh Elohim of hosts, How long will You smolder against the prayer of Your people? 5 You have fed them the bread of tears; You have even made them drink tears by the bowlful. 6 You make us a quarrel to our neighbors, And our enemies, they deride us." 7 O Elohim of hosts, restore us, And light up Your face so that we may be saved." 8 You caused a vine to journey from Egypt; You drove out the nations, and You planted it." 9 You cleared out the way before it, So that it rooted its roots and filled the land." 10 The mountains were covered by its shadow, And the cedars of El by its boughs." 11 It sent its harvest branches unto the Sea, And its young shoots to the Stream." 12 Why have You breached its stone dikes, So that all who are passing by the way nip off its fruit? 13 The boar from the wildwood gorges on it, And the field mammal, it grazes upon it." 14 O Elohim of hosts, return, I pray; Look down from the heavens and see, And note this vine, 15 Even the sprig that Your right hand has planted; And watch over the son You have made resolute for Yourself. 16 It is burned with fire, obliterated; At the rebuke of Your countenance they are perishing." 17 May Your hand rest on the man of Your right hand, On the son of humanity whom You have made resolute for Yourself." 18 Then we shall not turn away from You; May You revive us so that we shall call on Your Name. 19 O Yahweh Elohim of hosts, restore us; Light up Your face so that we may be saved. {Permanent, On the Wine Trough{ " 81 1 {Asaphic{ Be jubilant to Elohim, our Strength; Raise a joyful shout to the Elohim of Jacob!" 2 Lift up a melody, and sound forth the tambourine, The pleasant harp with the zither." 3 Blow the trumpet in the new moon, In the full moon for the day of our celebration." 4 For it is a statute for Israel, An ordinance of the Elohim of Jacob." 5 He established it as a testimony in Joseph, When He went forth over the country of Egypt. There I was hearing from the lip of the One Whom I had not known, saying:" 6 I have withdrawn his back from its burden; His palms, they were freed from the pannier." 7 You called in distress, and I liberated you; I answered you out of the concealment of the thundercloud; I tested you at the waters of Meribah. {Interlude{ " 8 Hear, My people, and I will testify among you; O Israel, if you would but hearken to Me;" 9 An alien el shall not come among you, And you shall not bow down to a foreign el." 10 I, Yahweh, am your Elohim, Who brought you up from the country of Egypt; Open wide your mouth, and I shall fill it." 11 Yet My people would not hearken to My voice, And Israel would not comply with Me." 12 So I let them go in the obduracy of their own heart; They went in their own counsels. 13 O that My people were hearkening to Me, And Israel were walking in My ways!" 14 Soon I would cause their enemies to submit, And I would reverse My hand against their foes." 15 Those hating Yahweh, they shall cower before Him, And their season for this shall be for the eon." 16 Yet He shall feed him with the fat of the wheat; With honey from the rock shall I satisfy you. 82 1 {An Asaphic Psalm{ Elohim is stationed in the congregation of El; Among the elohim is He judging: 2 How long shall you judge with iniquity And lift up the faces of the wicked? {Interlude{ 3 Redress the poor and the orphan; To the humbled and destitute grant justice. 4 Deliver the poor and the needy; From the hand of the wicked, give rescue." 5 {They do not know and are not understanding; In darkness are they walking about; All the foundations of the earth are slipping.{ 6 I Myself have said:you are elohim, And sons of the Supreme are all of you." 7 Yet you shall die like common humanity, And like any other of the chiefs you shall fall." 8 Do arise, O Elohim; do judge the earth; For it is You Yourself Who shall have the allotment of all the nations." 83 1 {A Song, An Asaphic Psalm{ O Elohim, let there not be silence on Your part; Do not be silent, and do not be quiet, O El." 2 For behold, Your enemies, they are clamoring, And those hating You, they lift up their head." 3 Against Your people are they carrying on deliberation in craftiness, And they are intriguing against Your secluded ones." 4 They say, Come, and let us suppress them as a nation, So that the name of Israel shall not be remembered any more." 5 For they have intrigued in heart together; Against You are they contracting a covenant, 6 The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagarites, 7 Gebal and Ammon and Amalek, Philistia with the dwellers of Tyre;" 8 Even Assyria is allied with them; They have become an arm to the sons of Lot. {Interlude{ 9 Do to them as You did to Midian, as to Sisera, As to Jabin at the Wadi Kishon:" 10 They were exterminated at Endor; They became manure for the ground. 11 As for their patrons, set them down like Oreb and like Zeeb, And all their sovereigns like Zebah and like Zalmunna, 12 Who said, Let us tenant for ourselves The oases of Elohim." 13 O my Elohim, set them aside like tumbleweed, Like straw before the wind." 14 Like fire that consumes the wildwood, And like a blaze that sets the mountains aflame, 15 So pursue them with Your tempest And fill them with panic with Your sweeping whirlwind. 16 Fill their faces with dishonor, So that men shall seek Your Name, O Yahweh." 17 May they be ashamed and filled with panic for the future, And may they be abashed and perish, 18 So that men may realize that You, You, Whose Name is Yahweh, Yours alone, Are the Supreme over all the earth. {Permanent, On the Wine Trough{ " 84 1 {For the Sons of Korah, A Psalm{ How endearing is Your Grand Tabernacle, O Yahweh of hosts." 2 My soul longs for and even consumes for the courts of Yahweh; My heart and my flesh, they are appealing to the living El." 3 Even the sparrow finds a home, And the swallow a nest for herself, In which she sets her broods-- So also Your altars, O Yahweh of hosts, My King and my Elohim." 4 Happy are those dwelling in Your House; They shall continually praise You. {Interlude{ 5 Happy is the human whose strength is in You; Pilgrim highways are in their heart. 6 As they are passing through the vale of aspen, He is making it a vale of springs; Indeed the former rain is muffling it with blessings." 7 They go from rampart to rampart Till each appears before Elohim in Zion. 8 O Yahweh Elohim of hosts, do hear my prayer; Do give ear, O Elohim of Jacob. {Interlude{ " 9 See to our shield, O Elohim, And look upon the face of Your anointed." 10 For better is a day in Your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would choose to sweep in the House of my Elohim, Rather than abide in the tents of wickedness." 11 For Sun and Shield is Yahweh Elohim; Grace and glory does Yahweh bestow; He does not withhold good from those walking with integrity. 12 O Yahweh of hosts, Happy is the human trusting in You. {Permanent{ " 85 1 {For the Sons of Korah, A Psalm{ You have held Your land dear, O Yahweh; You have reversed the captivity of Jacob." 2 You have borne the depravity of Your people; You have covered all their sin. {Interlude{ 3 You have gathered aside all Your rage; You have turned back from the heat of Your anger. 4 Turn us back, O Elohim of our salvation, And annul Your vexation toward us." 5 Shall You be angry with us for the eon? Shall You protract Your anger for generation after generation? 6 Shall You Yourself not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You? 7 Show us, O Yahweh, Your benignity, And grant us Your salvation." 8 Let me hear what the One, El, shall speak; Yahweh indeed shall pronounce well-being to His people, To His benign ones, To those who turn back their heart to Him." 9 Yea, His salvation is near to those fearing Him, That glory may tabernacle in our land." 10 Benignity and Truth, they will encounter; Righteousness and Peace, they will kiss." 11 Truth shall sprout from the earth, And Righteousness will gaze down from the heavens." 12 Indeed Yahweh Himself shall give good, And our land shall bring forth its crop." 13 Righteousness shall go before Him, As He places His footsteps on the way." 86 1 {A Davidic Prayer{ Stretch out Your ear, O Yahweh; Answer me, for humbled and needy am I." 2 Do guard my soul, for I am a benign one; Save Your servant, You Who are my Elohim; Save him who is trusting in You." 3 Be gracious to me, O Yahweh, For I am calling on You the entire day." 4 Rejoice the soul of Your servant, For to You, O Yahweh, am I lifting up my soul." 5 For You, O Yahweh, are good and pardoning, And with much benignity to all calling on You." 6 Do give ear, O Yahweh, to my prayer, And do attend to the voice of my supplications." 7 In the day of my distress shall I call on You, For You shall answer me." 8 There are none like You among the elohim, O Yahweh, And there are no deeds like Yours." 9 All nations which You have made Shall come and worship before You, O Yahweh, And they shall glorify Your Name." 10 For You are great and are doing marvelous works; You are Elohim by Yourself alone. 11 Direct me, O Yahweh, in Your way; I shall walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your Name." 12 I shall acclaim You, O Yahweh my Elohim, with all my heart, And I will glorify Your Name for the eon." 13 For Your benignity over me is great, And You have rescued my soul from the unseen beneath." 14 O Elohim, the arrogant rise against me, And the gang of terrifiers seek my soul; They do not place You in front of them." 15 Yet You, O Yahweh, are an El compassionate and gracious, Slow to anger and with much benignity and faithfulness." 16 Turn toward me and be gracious to me; Do grant Your strength to Your servant, And do save the son of Your maidservant." 17 Make a sign of good to be with me, That those hating me may see and be ashamed, Because You, O Yahweh, have helped me and comforted me." 87 1 {For the Sons of Korah, A Psalm, A Song{ His foundation in the holy mountain ranges:" 2 Yahweh is loving the gateways of Zion More than all the tabernacles of Jacob. 3 Glorious things are spoken of you, City of the One, Elohim. {Interlude{ " 4 I shall mention Rahab and Babylon as among those knowing Me, Behold, Philistia and Tyre, with Nubia:This one was born there." 5 Indeed concerning Zion it shall be said:Each and every one was born in her, And He Who is Supreme, He shall establish her." 6 Yahweh, He shall recount in the list of the peoples:This one was born there. {Interlude{ " 7 The singers, like a chorus, will say:All my springs are in you. {A Song, A Psalm, For the Sons of Korah{ {Permanent, Concerning a Chorus for Response{ " 88 1 {Contemplating, For Heman the Ezrahite{ O Yahweh, Elohim of my salvation, By day I cry out, Even in the night in front of You." 2 May my prayer come before You; Stretch out Your ear to my appeal. 3 For my soul is surfeited with perils, And my life touches close to the unseen." 4 I am reckoned with descenders to the crypt; I become like a master who is without stamina, 5 With the dead set free, Like the slain who lie in a burying ground, Whom You do not remember any more, For they are severed from Your hand." 6 You have set me down in the nether crypt, In utter darkness, in shadowy depths;" 7 Your fury bears down upon me, And You humble me with all Your breakers. {Interlude{ " 8 You have taken my close acquaintances far from me; You have set me down as abhorrent to them; Being shut up, I cannot go forth." 9 My eye, it pines away with humiliation; I call on You, O Yahweh, throughout every day; I spread out my palms to You." 10 Would You perform marvelous works for the dead? Or do Rephaim arise and acclaim You? {Interlude{ 11 Is Your benignity recounted in the tomb, Your faithfulness in destruction? 12 Are Your marvelous works known in darkness, And Your righteousness in the land of oblivion? 13 As for me, I implore You, O Yahweh; In the morning, my prayer goes out before You." 14 Why, O Yahweh, are You casting off my soul And concealing Your face from me? 15 From my youth have I been humbled and wearied unto death; I have borne the dread of You; I am distracted. 16 Your hot anger has passed upon me; Your frightenings have effaced me. 17 They surround me like waters the entire day; They encompass about me altogether. 18 You have taken far from me loved one and associate; My close acquaintances are darkness to me. 89 1 {Contemplating, For Ethan the Ezrahite{ Of the benignity of Yahweh will I sing for the eon; For generation after generation shall I make known Your faithfulness with my mouth." 2 For I have said, Eonian benignity shall be built; You shall establish Your faithfulness in the heavens themselves." 3 I contracted a covenant with My chosen; I swore to David My servant: 4 I shall establish your seed for the eon, And I will build your throne for generation after generation. {Interlude{ " 5 The heavens are acclaiming Your marvelous works, O Yahweh, Indeed Your faithfulness in the assembly of the saints." 6 For who in the skies can be appraised with Yahweh? Who is like Yahweh among the sons of the elim? 7 El is greatly terrifying among the council of the saints, And fear inspiring to all those round about Him." 8 O Yahweh, Elohim of hosts, Who is like You, an invincible Yah, With Your faithfulness round about You? 9 You are Ruler over the swelling sea; When its billows are lifted, You becalm them." 10 You crushed Rahab who became like one slain; With Your strong arm You dispersed Your enemies. 11 Yours are the heavens; indeed Yours is the earth; The habitance and its fullness, You founded them." 12 The north and the south, You created them; Tabor and Hermon are jubilant in Your Name." 13 Yours is an arm with mastery; Your hand is strong; Your right hand is exalted. 14 Righteousness and right judgment are the basis of Your throne; Benignity and truth stand before Your presence. 15 Happy are the people who know the joyful shouting; O Yahweh, they shall walk in the light of Your presence." 16 In Your Name shall they exult the entire day, And in Your righteousness shall they be exalted." 17 For You are the beauty of their strength, And by Your benevolence shall our horn be exalted." 18 For our shield is of Yahweh, And our king is of the Holy One of Israel." 19 Then You spoke in a vision to Your benign ones, And You said:I have poised help on a master; I have exalted one chosen from the people." 20 I have found David My servant; With My holy oil have I anointed him, 21 With whom My hand shall stand readied; Indeed My arm shall make him resolute. 22 The enemy shall not astrict him, And the son of iniquity shall not humiliate him." 23 I will pound down his foes before him, And I shall strike against those hating him." 24 Yet My faithfulness and My benignity will be with him, And in My Name shall his horn be exalted." 25 I will place his hand over the sea, And his right hand over the streams." 26 He shall call out to Me, You are my Father, My El and the Rock of my salvation." 27 Indeed, I shall make him the firstborn, The uppermost of the kings of the earth." 28 For the eon shall I keep My benignity upon him, And My covenant with him is faithful." 29 I will establish his seed for the future, And his throne as the days of the heavens." 30 If his sons should forsake My law, And they should not walk in My ordinances, 31 If they should profane My statutes And should not keep My instructions, 32 Then I will visit their transgression with a club, And their depravity with contagions." 33 Yet I shall not withdraw My benignity from him, And I shall not be false in My faithfulness." 34 I shall not profane My covenant, And I shall not alter the utterance of My lips." 35 Once for all have I sworn by My holiness; I shall assuredly not lie to David: 36 His seed shall continue for the eon, And his throne as the sun in front of Me, 37 Like the moon, it shall be established for the eon, Faithful like that witness in the sky. {Interlude{ " 38 Yet You have cast off and are rejecting; You are enraged with Your anointed. 39 You have disowned the covenant with Your servant; You have profaned his insignia down to the earth. 40 You have breached all his stone dikes; You have made fatal cracks in his defenses. 41 All those passing by the way rob him; He has become a reproach to his neighbors. 42 You have exalted the right hand of his foes; You have made all his enemies rejoice. 43 Indeed You turn back the sharpness of his sword, And have not raised him up in battle." 44 You have caused his luster to cease, And You have toppled his throne to the earth." 45 You have shortened the days of his adolescence; You have muffled him with shame. {Interlude{ 46 How long, O Yahweh; shall You be concealed permanently? How long shall Your fury consume like fire? 47 Remember how transient is my life, For what futility have You created all the sons of humanity? 48 What master could live and not see death? Could his soul escape from the hand of the unseen? {Interlude{ 49 Where are Your former benignities, O Yahweh, Which You swore to David in Your faithfulness? 50 Remember, O Yahweh, the reproach of Your servants; I bear in my bosom the mortification from many peoples, 51 With which Your enemies reproach, O Yahweh, With which they reproach the heel-prints of Your anointed one." 52 Blessed be Yahweh for the eon. Amen and amen. 90 1 {SCROLL FOUR{ {A Prayer, For Moses, the Man of the One, Elohim{ O Yahweh, You Yourself have become our Habitation in generation after generation;" 2 Ere the mountains were born, And You travailed with the earth and the habitance, From eon unto eon You are El." 3 You can turn a mortal back to crushed dust And say, Return, O sons of humanity." 4 For a thousand years are in Your eyes Like yesterday's day when it has passed, Or like a vigil in the night." 5 You storm them away to sleep; They become like the grass in the morning that passes by; 6 In the morning it blossoms, but it passes by; By evening it is snipped off and has dried up." 7 For we are consumed by Your anger, And by Your fury are we filled with panic." 8 You have set our depravities in front of You, Our obscured deeds in the full light of Your face." 9 Indeed all our days turn around before Your rage; We finish our years like a mumble. 10 The days of our years, in them are seventy years, And if by mastery there are eighty years, Yet even in their heyday is toil and sorrow, For it is sheared off hurriedly, and we fly away." 11 Who is knowing the strength of Your anger And Your rage, according to the fear due to You? 12 So make us know how to assign our days, That we may come to a heart of wisdom." 13 Do turn back, O Yahweh! How long? Show Yourself merciful over Your servants." 14 Satisfy us in the morning with Your benignity, That we may be jubilant and rejoice through all our days." 15 Make us rejoice according to the days You humbled us, The years we have seen evil." 16 May Your deeds be seen by Your servants, And Your honor by their sons." 17 Let the pleasantness of Yahweh our Elohim be over us; Do establish the work of our hands for us; Yea, the work of our hands, do establish it." 91 1 He who is dwelling in the concealment of the Supreme Shall lodge in the shadow of Him Who-Suffices. 2 I shall say of Yahweh:My Refuge and my Fastness, My Elohim, in Whom I trust." 3 For He Himself shall rescue you from the snare of the trapper, From the plague of woes." 4 With His pinions shall He overshadow you, And under His wings shall you take refuge; A large shield and encircling-guard is His faithfulness." 5 You shall not fear the alarm at night, Or the arrow that flies by day, 6 Neither the plague that walks in gloom, Nor the sting that devastates at high noon." 7 A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; It shall not come close to you." 8 But with your eyes you shall look And see the repayment of the wicked. 9 For You, O Yahweh, are my Refuge! Because you have made the Supreme your habitation, 10 Evil shall not be your fate, And contagion, it shall not approach into your tent." 11 For He shall enjoin His messengers concerning you, To keep you in all your ways." 12 On their palms shall they lift you, Lest you should strike your foot against a stone." 13 Upon the black lion and the cobra shall you tread; You shall tramp down the sheltered lion and the snake. 14 Because he is attached to Me, I shall deliver him; I shall make him impregnable, for he knows My Name." 15 He shall call on Me, and I shall answer him; I am with him in distress; I shall liberate him and glorify him." 16 With length of days shall I satisfy him, And I shall show him My salvation." 92 1 {A Psalm, A Song for the Sabbath Day{ Good is it to acclaim Yahweh, And to make melody to Your Name, O Supreme!" 2 To tell, in the morning, Your benignity, And Your faithfulness in the nights, 3 On ten strings and on the zither, In a chant with a harp." 4 For You make me rejoice, O Yahweh, by Your deeds; In the works of Your hands I am jubilant." 5 How great are Your works, O Yahweh, Exceedingly deep, Your designs!" 6 An irrational man, he does not know, And a stupid one, he cannot understand this:" 7 The wicked bud like herbage, And all contrivers of lawlessness blossom, But only that they be exterminated until the future, 8 When You are on high for the eon, O Yahweh." 9 For behold, Your enemies, O Yahweh, For behold, Your enemies, they shall perish! All contrivers of lawlessness shall be routed!" 10 Yet You shall exalt my horn like that of a wild bull; You will empower me with flourishing oil. 11 And my eye shall look upon those lying in wait for me; My ears shall hear of the evildoers rising against me. 12 The righteous one shall bud like a palm tree; Like a cedar in Lebanon, he shall grow great." 13 Those transplanted into the House of Yahweh, They shall bud in the courts of our Elohim." 14 They shall still produce when greyhaired; They shall be sleek and flourishing, 15 Telling that Yahweh is upright, My Rock, and no iniquity is in Him." 93 1 Yahweh reigns! With augustness is He clothed; Yahweh is clothed with strength; Thus has He belted Himself. Indeed, the habitance is established; It is immovable." 2 Your throne has been established from long ago; You are from the eon. 3 The streams lift up, O Yahweh, The streams lift up their voice; The streams shall lift up their crushing waves." 4 Greater than the sounds of mighty waters, Nobler than the breakers of the sea, Is Yahweh noble in the height." 5 Your testimonies are very faithful; Holiness befits Your House, For length of days, O Yahweh." 94 1 O El of avenging, Yahweh, El of avenging, shine forth!" 2 Lift Yourself up, O Judge of the earth; Turn back a requital upon the proud." 3 How long shall the wicked, O Yahweh, How long shall the wicked be joyous, 4 Shall they utter, shall they speak with impertinence, Shall they vaunt themselves, All these contrivers of lawlessness? 5 They crush Your people, O Yahweh, And they humble Your allotment." 6 They kill the widow and the sojourner, And they murder the orphans." 7 They say, Yah is not seeing, And the Elohim of Jacob is not understanding." 8 Understand, you irrational ones among the people! And you stupid ones, when shall you act intelligently? 9 The One Who planted the ear, shall He not hear? Or the One Who formed the eye, shall He not look? 10 The One Who disciplines the nations, shall He not correct, The One Who teaches humanity knowledge? 11 Yahweh is the One knowing the devisings of humanity, That they are a transitory breath." 12 Happy is the master whom You are disciplining, O Yah; From Your law are You teaching him, 13 To give him quiet from days of peril, Until a pit is dug for the wicked." 14 For Yahweh shall not abandon His people, And He shall not forsake His allotment." 15 For judgment shall turn back to righteousness, And all the upright of heart will follow after it." 16 Who shall rise for me against evildoers? Who shall stand by for me against contrivers of lawlessness? 17 Unless Yahweh were my Help, Soon my soul would tabernacle in stillness." 18 If I say, My foot slips! Your benignity, O Yahweh, it is already bracing me." 19 When my disquieting thoughts within me are many, Your consolations, they are heartening my soul." 20 Could a throne of woes be made partner with You, One forming misery by its statute? 21 They slash against the soul of the righteous, And they condemn innocent blood." 22 But Yahweh shall be my Impregnable Retreat, And my Elohim, the Rock of my refuge." 23 He shall reverse their lawlessness upon them, And by their evil He shall efface them; Yahweh our Elohim shall efface them." 95 1 Come, let us be jubilant before Yahweh; Let us raise a joyful shout before the Rock of our salvation." 2 Let us go before His presence with acclamation; In melodies may we raise a joyful shout before Him. 3 For Yahweh is the great El, And the great King over all the elohim, 4 In Whose hand are the far depths of the earth, And the pinnacles of the mountains are His;" 5 Whose is the sea, for He Himself has made it, And the dry land that His hands have formed." 6 Come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before Yahweh, our Maker." 7 For He is our Elohim, And we are the people of His pasture And the flock of His hand. Today, if His voice you should hear, 8 You must not be stiffening your heart as in the contention, As in the day of trial in the wilderness, 9 Where your fathers probed Me and tested Me, Though they had seen My deeds." 10 Forty years I was disgusted with this generation, And I said, They are a people straying in heart, And they give no thought to My ways." 11 As I swear in My anger, They assuredly shall not enter into My resting place!" 96 1 Sing to Yahweh a new song; Sing to Yahweh, all the earth." 2 Sing to Yahweh; bless His Name; Bear the tidings of His salvation day after day! 3 Recount His glory among the nations, Among all the peoples, His marvelous works." 4 For great is Yahweh, and praised exceedingly; Fear inspiring is He over all elohim." 5 For all the elohim of the peoples are useless idols, As for Yahweh, He has made the heavens." 6 Splendor and honor are before Him; Strength and beauty are in His Sanctuary. 7 Grant to Yahweh, O families of the peoples, Grant to Yahweh glory and strength." 8 Grant to Yahweh the glory of His Name; Bear an approach present, and come before Him." 9 Worship Yahweh in His holy effulgence! Travail because of His presence, all the earth." 10 Say among the nations, Yahweh reigns! Indeed, established is the habitance; By no means shall it slip; He shall adjudicate the peoples with equity." 11 Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth exult, Let the sea thunder and its fullness, 12 Let the field be joyous, and all that is in it; Then all the trees of the wildwood shall be jubilant" 13 Before Yahweh, for He comes; For He comes to judge the earth; He shall judge the habitance in righteousness, And the peoples in His truth." 97 1 Yahweh reigns; let the earth exult; Let the many coastlands rejoice. 2 Cloud and murkiness are around Him; Righteousness and right judgment are the basis of His throne. 3 Fire is going before Him And sets His foes aflame round about; 4 His lightning bolts light up the habitance; The earth sees and is travailing. 5 The mountains are melted like wax before the presence of Yahweh, Before the presence of the Lord of all the earth." 6 The heavens tell of His righteousness, And all the peoples see His glory." 7 May all the servants of a carving be ashamed, The ones boasting in useless idols; Bow down to Him, all you elohim." 8 Zion hears and is rejoicing, And the daughters of Judah are exulting On account of Your right judgments, O Yahweh." 9 For You, O Yahweh, are Supreme over all the earth; You are exceedingly ascendant over all elohim." 10 Hate evil, you who are loving Yahweh, The One guarding the souls of His benign ones; From the hand of the wicked shall He rescue them." 11 Light radiates on the righteous, And rejoicing on the upright of heart." 12 Rejoice, O righteous ones, in Yahweh, And acclaim His holy Name." 98 1 {A Psalm{ Sing to Yahweh a new song, For He has done marvelous works; His right hand and His holy arm have brought His salvation." 2 Yahweh has made known His salvation; To the eyes of the nations He has revealed His righteousness. 3 He has remembered His benignity and His faithfulness to the house of Israel; All the limits of the earth have seen the salvation of our Elohim. 4 Raise a joyful shout to Yahweh, all the earth; Burst forth and be jubilant and make melody." 5 Make melody to Yahweh with the harp, With the harp and the sound of melody." 6 With bugles and the sound of the trumpet, Raise a joyful shout before Yahweh the King." 7 Let the sea thunder, and its fullness, The habitance and those dwelling in it." 8 The streams, let them clap with the palm, 9 The mountains, let them be jubilant together before Yahweh. For He comes to judge the earth; He shall judge the habitance in righteousness, And the peoples with equity." 99 1 Yahweh reigns; let the peoples be disturbed; He is dwelling between the cherubim; let the earth slide. 2 Great is Yahweh in Zion, And exalted is He over all the peoples." 3 Let them acclaim Your Name, great and fear inspiring:Holy is He!" 4 And the strong King, Who loves right judgment! You Yourself have established equity; You Yourself have executed right judgment and righteousness in Jacob." 5 Exalt Yahweh our Elohim, And bow down at His footstool, For holy is He." 6 Moses and Aaron were among His priests, And Samuel among those calling on His Name; They were calling on Yahweh, and He Himself answered them." 7 In the cloud column He spoke to them; They kept His testimonies and the statute He gave to them. 8 O Yahweh our Elohim, You Yourself answered them; You were an El bearing with them, Though avenging their iniquitous deeds." 9 Exalt Yahweh our Elohim, And bow down at His holy mountain, For holy is Yahweh our Elohim." 100 1 {A Psalm for Acclamation{ Raise a joyful shout to Yahweh, all the earth!" 2 Serve Yahweh with rejoicing! Come to His presence with jubilant song! 3 Know that Yahweh, He is Elohim; He it is Who has made us, and we are His. His people are we and the flock of His pasture." 4 Enter His gateways with acclamation! His courts with praise! Acclaim Him! Bless His Name! 5 For Yahweh is good; His benignity is eonian, And His faithfulness unto generation after generation." 101 1 {A Davidic Psalm{ Of benignity and judgment shall I sing; To You, O Yahweh, will I make melody." 2 I will contemplate the flawless way. --When shall You come to me?-- I shall walk in the integrity of my heart within my house. 3 I shall not set a worthless matter in front of my eyes; I hate the doing of those who swerve; It shall not cling to me. 4 A perverse heart, it shall withdraw from me; Evil I shall not know." 5 The one slandering his associate in secret, I shall efface him. The haughty of eyes and inflated of heart, I shall not endure him." 6 My eyes are with the faithful of the land, to dwell with me; He who is going in a flawless way, he shall minister for me." 7 One doing deceit shall not dwell within my house; One speaking falsehoods shall not be established in front of my eyes. 8 In the mornings I shall efface all the wicked of the land, To cut off from the city of Yahweh all contrivers of lawlessness." 102 1 {A Prayer{ {For the humbled one when he is drooping and is pouring out his concern before Yahweh.{ O Yahweh, do hear my prayer, And let my imploring come to You." 2 O do not conceal Your face from me in the day of my distress! Stretch out Your ear to me; Answer me hastily, in the day I shall call." 3 For my days vanish like smoke, And my bones burn hot like glowing embers." 4 My heart is smitten and is drying up like herbage, For I forget to eat my bread." 5 Because of the sound of my sighing My bones cling to my flesh. 6 I am like a pelican of the marshy wilderness; I have become like a little owl of the deserted places. 7 I am watchful, And I am becoming like a solitary bird on a housetop." 8 The entire day my enemies reproach me; Those raving against me swear a curse by me. 9 For I eat ashes like bread, And I blend my drink with lamentation, 10 In view of Your indignation and Your wrath, For You have lifted me up and are flinging me down." 11 My days are like the declining shadow, And I, I am drying up like herbage." 12 Yet You, O Yahweh, You are dwelling for the eon, And Your Name for generation after generation." 13 You Yourself shall rise; You shall have compassion on Zion, For it is the era to be gracious to her, Since the appointed time has come." 14 For Your servants hold her stones dear, And they show favor to her soil." 15 The nations shall fear the Name of Yahweh, And all the kings of the earth Your glory." 16 For Yahweh will build up Zion; He will appear in His glory. 17 He will turn toward the prayer of the forlorn, And He will not despise their prayer." 18 Let this be written for a later generation, When a people yet being created shall praise Yah." 19 For He will gaze from His sanctuary on high; Yahweh from the heavens to the earth will look down, 20 To hear the groaning of the prisoner, To unloose the sons of death, 21 So that the Name of Yahweh may be recounted in Zion And His praise in Jerusalem, 22 When the peoples are convened together And the kingdoms come to serve Yahweh. 23 On the way He has humbled my vigor; He has shortened my days. 24 I am saying, O my El, do not take me away at the half of my days! Your years continue through generation after generations." 25 Beforetime You founded the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands." 26 They shall perish, yet You shall stand. All of them shall decay like a cloak; You shall change them like clothing, and they shall pass by." 27 Yet You remain the same, And Your years shall not come to end." 28 The sons of Your servants, they shall tabernacle in serenity, And their seed shall be established before You." 103 1 {Davidic{ Bless Yahweh, O my soul, And all within me, bless His holy Name!" 2 Bless Yahweh, O my soul, And do not forget any of His well-dealings, 3 Who is pardoning all your depravity, Who is healing all your ailments, 4 Who is redeeming your life from ruin, Who is crowning you with benignity and compassion, 5 Who is satisfying your future with good, So your youth is renewed like the vulture's." 6 Yahweh is the One executing acts of righteousness And right judgments for all those being exploited. 7 He made His ways known to Moses, His activities to the sons of Israel." 8 Compassionate and gracious is Yahweh, Slow to anger and with much benignity." 9 He shall not contend permanently, And He shall not hold resentment for the eon." 10 He has neither done to us according to our sins, Nor has He requited us according to our depravities." 11 For as the heavens are lofty over the earth, So is His benignity masterful over those fearing Him." 12 As far as the east is from the west, So He removes our transgressions far from us." 13 As a father shows compassion over his sons, So Yahweh shows compassion over those fearing Him." 14 For He knows our formation, Remembering that we are soil." 15 As for mortal man, his days are like grass, Like a blossom of the field, so is he blossoming." 16 For the wind, it passes over him, and he is no more, And his place shall not recognize him any longer." 17 Yet the benignity of Yahweh is from eon unto eon over those fearing Him, And His righteousness continues for the sons of sons, 18 To those keeping His covenant And to those remembering His precepts, to obey them." 19 Yahweh has established His throne in the heavens, And His kingdom rules among all." 20 Bless Yahweh, all His messengers, Masters of valor, doing His word, So as to hearken to the voice of His word!" 21 Bless Yahweh, all His hosts, Who are ministering to Him, Doing what is acceptable to Him!" 22 Bless Yahweh, all His works, In all places of His dominion! Bless Yahweh, O my soul!" 104 1 Bless Yahweh, O my soul! O Yahweh, my Elohim, You are exceedingly great. You are clothed with splendor and honor;" 2 You are muffled with light as a garment. Stretching out the heavens like a sheet, 3 The One Who is laying the rafters of His upper chambers on their waters, Who is making the thick clouds His chariot, Who is going on the wings of the wind, 4 Making His messengers winds, His ministers a flaming fire, 5 He has founded the earth on its bases. It shall never slip for the eon and further. 6 You covered it with the abyss as clothing; The waters stood above the mountains, 7 Yet from Your rebuke they fled; From the sound of Your thunder they hurried away. 8 They ascended over the mountains; They descended to the valleys, To the place that You had founded for them." 9 You placed a boundary that they would never pass; They shall never return to cover the earth. 10 You are the One sending springs into the wadis; Between the mountains are they going. 11 They give drink to all the field life; Onagers break their thirst. 12 The flyers of the heavens roost by them; From among the thick-foliage they give out their sound. 13 You are the One irrigating the mountains from His upper chambers; From the fruit of Your works the earth is satisfied: 14 You are the One making grass sprout for the beasts And herbage for the service of humanity, To bring forth bread from the earth" 15 And wine that makes the heart of a mortal rejoice, To make the face lustrous with oil, And bread that braces the heart of mortal man." 16 The trees of Yahweh are satisfied, The cedars of Lebanon which He planted, 17 Where the birds are nesting, Firs where the stork has her home." 18 The lofty mountains are for the ibexes; The crags are a refuge for the coneys. 19 He made the moon for appointed times, The sun that knows its setting." 20 You impose darkness, and it becomes night; All the life of the wildwood move about in it, 21 The sheltered lions roaring for prey And seeking their food from El. 22 When the sun is radiant again, they gather away, And they recline in their habitations." 23 Then humanity goes forth to its deeds And to its service until evening. 24 How numerous are Your works, O Yahweh! You have made all of them in wisdom; The earth is filled with Your achievements:" 25 This sea, great and wide on all hands; The creeper is there, and it is numberless, Animals, both small and great;" 26 The sea monsters are going there, The dragon that You have formed to gambol in it." 27 All of them look forward to You To supply their food in its season; 28 You supply it to them; they pick it up. You open Your hand; they are well satisfied. 29 You conceal Your face; they are filled with panic. You gather away their spirit; they breathe their last And return to their soil. 30 You send forth Your spirit; they are created, And You renew the face of the ground." 31 May the glory of Yahweh remain for the eon. May Yahweh rejoice in His works. 32 He is looking at the earth, and it quivers; He is touching the mountains, and they smoke." 33 I will sing to Yahweh throughout my life; I will make melody to my Elohim throughout my future. 34 May my meditation be congenial to Him; I shall rejoice in Yahweh. 35 May sinners be completely removed from the earth, And the wicked--let them be no more. Bless Yahweh, O my soul! Praise Yah!" 105 1 Acclaim Yahweh! Call on His Name! Make known His actions among the peoples! 2 Sing to Him! Make melody to Him! Meditate on all His marvelous works! 3 Boast in His holy Name! Let the heart of those seeking Yahweh rejoice. 4 Seek after Yahweh and His strength; Seek His face continually. 5 Remember His marvelous works that He has done, His miracles and the judgments of His mouth, 6 O seed of Israel, His servants, Sons of Jacob, His chosen ones." 7 He is Yahweh, our Elohim; His judgments are in all the earth." 8 He remembers His covenant for the eon, The word He enjoined on a thousand generations, 9 That He contracted with Abraham, And by His oath to Isaac." 10 He ratified it to Jacob as a statute, To Israel as a covenant eonian." 11 Saying, To you shall I give the land of Canaan, The region of your allotment." 12 When they became few adult males in number, Only a few, and sojourners in it, 13 Then they walked from nation to nation, From one kingdom to another people." 14 He would not permit any man to exploit them, And on their behalf He reproved kings:" 15 Saying, You must not touch My anointed ones, And to My prophets you must not do evil!" 16 He called forth a famine on the earth; He broke off the entire stock of bread. 17 He sent a man before them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave." 18 They humbled his feet in fetters; His soul was inserted in iron 19 Until the era when His word came to pass, When the saying of Yahweh had refined him." 20 The king sent and let him loose; The ruler of the peoples opened his way. 21 He constituted him lord over his house And ruler among all his acquisitions, 22 To discipline his chiefs at his soul's desire, So that he should make his elders wise." 23 Then Israel came down to Egypt, And Jacob sojourned in the country of Ham." 24 Then He made His people exceedingly fruitful And made them more plentiful than their foes. 25 He turned their heart to hate His people, To plot against His servants." 26 He sent Moses, His servant, And Aaron whom He had chosen." 27 He placed the words of His signs before them, And His miracles before the country of Ham." 28 He sent darkness, and it became very dark, And they could not defy His words." 29 He turned their waters to blood, And He put their fish to death." 30 Their country swarmed with frogs, Into the chambers of their kings." 31 He spoke, and there came a mixture of flies, Lice in all their territory." 32 He turned their downpours to hail, With fiery bolts blazing in their country." 33 He smote their vines and their fig trees, And He broke down the trees of their territory." 34 He spoke, and the locust came, And the young-locust and they were without number." 35 It devoured all the herbage in their country And devoured the fruit of their ground. 36 Then He smote all the firstborn in their country, The beginning of all their virility." 37 Thus He brought His people forth with silver and gold, And there was no one stumbling among their tribes." 38 Egypt rejoiced at their going forth, For alarm over them had fallen upon them." 39 He spread a cloud as a blanket, And a fire to light up the night." 40 They asked, and He brought forth quail, And He satisfied them with bread from the heavens." 41 He opened a rock, and waters gushed out; They flowed into the arid places as a stream." 42 For He was mindful of His holy word With Abraham, His servant, 43 And He brought His people forth with elation, His chosen ones with jubilant song." 44 He gave the countries of the nations to them, And they took over the toil of the national groups, 45 In order that they should keep His statutes And should preserve His laws. Praise Yah! 106 1 Praise Yah! Acclaim Yahweh, for He is good! For His benignity is eonian." 2 Who can declare the masterful deeds of Yahweh Or make all His praise heard? 3 Happy are those keeping right judgment, Executing righteousness in every era." 4 Remember me, O Yahweh, in Your benevolence to Your people; Notice me in Your salvation, 5 That I may see the good of Your chosen ones, To rejoice in the rejoicing of Your own nation, To praise with Your allotment." 6 We have sinned with our fathers; We have sown depravity; We have acted wickedly. 7 Our fathers in Egypt did not contemplate Your marvelous works; They did not remember Your many benignities, And they defied the Supreme by the Sea of Weeds." 8 Yet He saved them on account of His Name, To make known His masterful deeds." 9 He rebuked the Sea of Weeds, and it became drained, And He enabled them to walk through the abyss as through a wilderness." 10 So He saved them from the hand of the one hating them, And He redeemed them from the hand of their enemy." 11 The waters covered their foes; Not one of them was left. 12 Then they believed His words; They sang His praise. 13 But they quickly forgot His deeds; They did not tarry for His counsel. 14 They lusted with yearning in the wilderness, And they tried El in the desolation." 15 So He gave them their request, And He sent sustenance for their soul." 16 They grew jealous of Moses in the camp, And of Aaron, the holy one of Yahweh." 17 The earth opened up and swallowed Dathan, And it covered over the congregation of Abiram." 18 Fire consumed in their congregation; A blaze set the wicked aflame. 19 They made a calf at Horeb, And they bowed down to a molten image." 20 They changed His glory Into the model of a bull calf that feeds on herbage. 21 They forgot the El Who was saving them, Who was doing great deeds in Egypt, 22 Marvelous works in the country of Ham, Fear inspiring deeds by the Sea of Weeds." 23 He said that He would exterminate them, Except that Moses, His chosen one, Stood in the breach before Him, To turn back His fury from bringing ruin on them." 24 Then they rejected the coveted land; They did not believe His word, 25 And they murmured in their tents; They did not hearken to the voice of Yahweh. 26 So He lifted His hand in swearing to them To cast them down in the wilderness, 27 And to scatter their seed among the nations, And to toss them away throughout the countries." 28 Yet they paired themselves with Baal-peor, And they ate sacrifices offered to dead idols." 29 They provoked Him to vexation with their actions, So that a stroke breached forth among them." 30 But Phinehas stood up and mediated, And the stroke was restrained." 31 This was reckoned to him for righteousness For generation after generation for the eon. 32 They prompted wrath at the waters of Meribah, And it was evil for Moses for their sake" 33 Because they provoked his spirit, And he talked rashly with his lips." 34 They did not exterminate the peoples As Yahweh had commanded them. 35 They mixed with the nations, And they learned their customs." 36 They served their fetishes, And these came to be a trap for them." 37 They sacrificed their sons And their daughters to demons; 38 So they shed innocent blood, The blood of their sons and their daughters, Whom they sacrificed to the fetishes of Canaan, And the land was polluted with bloodshed." 39 Thus they defiled themselves by their deeds, And they prostituted themselves by their actions." 40 So the anger of Yahweh grew hot against His people, And He abhorred His allotment." 41 He gave them into the hand of the nations So that those hating them ruled among them. 42 Their enemies oppressed them, And they were made to submit under their hand." 43 Many times He rescued them, But they were rebellious in their counsel, And they were reduced lower in their depravity." 44 Yet He saw their distress, On His hearing of their appeal, 45 And, for them, He remembered His covenant, So that He was merciful according to His many benignities." 46 He gave them over to compassions Before all those holding them captive. 47 Save us, O Yahweh our Elohim, And convene us from the nations, To acclaim Your holy Name, To triumph in Your praise." 48 Blessed be Yahweh, Elohim of Israel, From the eon and until the eon. Then all the people will say, Amen. Praise Yah." 107 1 {SCROLL FIVE{ Acclaim Yahweh, for He is good, For His benignity is eonian." 2 Let the redeemed of Yahweh testify so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the foe." 3 He has convened them from far countries, From east and from west, From north and from the sea." 4 They strayed in a wilderness, in a desolation; They could not find the way to a city of dwelling." 5 Famished and thirsty, Their soul within them was drooping, 6 And they cried out to Yahweh in their distress. From their constraints, He rescued them, 7 And He caused them to tread in a straight way, To go to a city of dwelling." 8 Let them acclaim Yahweh for His benignity And His marvelous works to the sons of humanity. 9 For He satisfied the thirst of the unappeased soul, And the famished soul He filled with good." 10 Those dwelling in darkness and the shadow of death, The bound ones in humiliation and iron, 11 Because they had rebelled against the sayings of El, And had spurned the counsel of the Supreme, 12 He brought their heart into submission with toil; They stumbled, and there was no one to help." 13 Then they cried out to Yahweh in their distress:He saved them from their constraints; 14 He brought them forth from darkness and the shadow of death, And He pulled away their bonds." 15 Let them acclaim Yahweh for His benignity And His marvelous works to the sons of humanity. 16 For He broke the doors of bronze And hacked down the bars of iron. 17 The foolish, because of the way of their transgression, And because of their depravities, they were humbled." 18 Their soul abhorred all food, And they touched close unto the gates of death." 19 Then they cried out to Yahweh in their distress:He saved them from their constraints; 20 He sent forth His word and healed them, And He provided escape from their graves." 21 Let them acclaim Yahweh for His benignity And His marvelous works to the sons of humanity. 22 And let them sacrifice sacrifices of acclamation And recount His deeds with jubilant song. 23 Those going down to the sea in ships, Who do their work on vast waters, 24 They have seen the deeds of Yahweh, And His marvelous works in the shadowy deep." 25 He spoke and recruited a tempestuous wind, And it raised its billows high." 26 They ascended to the heavens; they descended to the abyss; Their soul dissolved because of the peril. 27 They circled and staggered like a drunkard, And all their wisdom was swallowed up." 28 Then they cried out to Yahweh in their distress, And He brought them forth from their constraints." 29 He recast the tempest into stillness, And the billows against them were hushed;" 30 So they rejoiced that they were calmed, And He guided them to the destination of their desire." 31 Let them acclaim Yahweh for His benignity And His marvelous works to the sons of humanity. 32 And let them exalt Him in the assembly of the people, And in the dwelling of the elders, let them praise Him." 33 He can convert streams into wilderness, And flowing wells of water into thirsty ground, 34 A fruitful area into a salty waste, Because of the evil of those dwelling in it." 35 He can convert a wilderness into a pond of water And an arid area into flowing wells of water. 36 And He shall cause the famished to dwell there; They shall establish a city of dwelling. 37 They shall sow fields and plant vineyards, And they shall get a fruitful yield." 38 Then He shall bless them, and they shall increase exceedingly, And He shall not let their domestic beasts decrease." 39 When they are decreased and bowed down Because of restraint, evil and affliction, 40 He is pouring out contempt upon the tyrants, So that He causes them to stray in a wayless wasteland." 41 Yet for the needy He makes an impregnable retreat from humiliation, And He establishes his families like a flock." 42 The upright see it, and they rejoice, Yet all iniquity, it will shut its mouth." 43 Whoever is wise, let him observe these things; Let them consider the benignities of Yahweh." 108 1 {A Song{ {A Davidic Psalm{ My heart is established, O Elohim; My heart is established. Let me sing and make melody; You are my Glory." 2 Do rouse, zither and harp! Let me arouse the dawn." 3 I shall acclaim You among the peoples, O Yahweh, And I shall make melody to You among the national groups." 4 For Your benignity is towering above the heavens, And Your faithfulness unto the skies." 5 Be exalted over the heavens, O Elohim, And let Your glory be over all the earth." 6 That Your beloved ones may be liberated, Do save with Your right hand, and so answer me." 7 Elohim, He has spoken in His holiness:I shall ascend; I shall apportion out Shechem, And I shall measure off the vale of Succoth." 8 Mine is Gilead; Mine is Manasseh, And Ephraim is the stronghold of My head; Judah is My statute-maker;" 9 Moab is My washbasin; Unto Edom shall I fling My sandal; Over Philistia shall I shout in triumph. 10 Who shall escort me to the fortress city? Who will guide me unto Edom? 11 O Elohim, have You not cast us off? And shall You not go forth, O Elohim, with our hosts? 12 Do grant to us help from distress, For salvation from a human is futile." 13 With Elohim we shall do valiantly, For He Himself shall trample our foes. {Permanent{ " 109 1 {A Davidic Psalm{ O Elohim of my praise, do not be silent, 2 For a mouth of wickedness and a mouth of deceit They have opened against me; They have spoken against me with a tongue of falsehood; 3 With words of hatred, they have surrounded me, And they fight against me gratuitously." 4 In return for my love they are my adversaries, Even while I was in prayer." 5 They bring evil upon me in return for good, And hatred in return for my love." 6 Post a wicked person over him, And let an adversary stand at his right hand." 7 When he is judged, let him go forth condemned, And let his prayer be seen as sin." 8 May his days come to be few; May his supervision be taken by another. 9 May his sons become orphans, And his wife a widow." 10 May his sons rove, yea rove so that they must beg, And may they be driven out from their deserted homes." 11 May the creditor confiscate all that he has, And may aliens plunder the fruit of his labor." 12 There must not be anyone being indulgent with kindness to him, And there must not be anyone showing grace to his orphans." 13 May his posterity be cut off; In the generation following, may his name be wiped out." 14 May the depravity of his fathers be remembered before Yahweh, And the sin of his mother, let it not be wiped out." 15 Let these be in front of Yahweh continually, And let their family's remembrance be cut off from the earth, 16 Because he did not remember to show kindness, And he persecuted the humbled man and the needy one And the sore of heart, to put him to death." 17 He loved malediction; may it come back on him. He has not delighted in blessing; may it stay far from him. 18 He clothed himself with malediction as his coat; May it enter within him like water, And like oil into his bones." 19 May it be upon him like a cloak with which he is muffled, And like a cordon that he girds about him continually." 20 May this be the wage for my adversaries from Yahweh, And for those speaking evil against my soul." 21 But You, O Yahweh my Lord, deal with me on account of Your Name; Because Your benignity is good, rescue me." 22 For humbled and needy am I, And my heart, it is wounded within me." 23 Like a shadow as it stretches out, I fade away; I am shaken off like a locust." 24 My knees, they stumble from fasting, And my flesh, it is emaciated for want of oil." 25 And I have become a reproach to them; When they see me, they wag their head." 26 Help me, O Yahweh my Elohim; Save me according to Your benignity." 27 Then they shall know that this is Your handiwork, That You Yourself, O Yahweh, have done it." 28 They may maledict, but You shall bless; Those rising against me shall be ashamed, yet Your servant shall rejoice." 29 Let my adversaries be clothed with mortification, And let them be muffled with their shame like a robe." 30 I shall acclaim Yahweh very highly with my mouth, And in the midst of multitudes shall I praise Him." 31 For He is standing at the right hand of the needy one, In order to save him from those judging his soul." 110 1 {A Davidic Psalm{ The averring of Yahweh to my Lord:Sit at My right Until I should set Your enemies as a stool for Your feet. 2 The rod of Your strength shall Yahweh send from Zion; Sway among Your enemies. 3 Your people shall be willing in the day of Your potent power; In holy effulgence from the womb of the dawn, You will have the dew of Your childhood." 4 Yahweh has sworn, and He shall not regret:You are a priest for the eon According to the order of Melchizedek." 5 Yahweh is at Your right; He will transfix kings in the day of His anger. 6 He shall adjudicate among the nations; He will fill them with dead bodies; He will transfix heads over the vast earth. 7 He shall drink from the watercourse along the way; Therefore He shall hold His head high. 111 1 {Praise Yah{ I shall acclaim Yahweh with my whole heart, In the council of the upright, in the congregation." 2 Great are the works of Yahweh, Sought after by all who delight in them." 3 Splendor and honor are His deeds, And His righteousness is standing into the future." 4 He has made His marvelous works memorable; Gracious and compassionate is Yahweh. 5 He gave viands to those fearing Him; He shall remember His covenant for the eon. 6 He has told of the vigor of His works to His people, That He would give to them the allotment of the nations." 7 The works of His hands are truth and right judgment; Faithful are all His precepts, 8 Supported into the future, for the eon, Worked out in truth and uprightness." 9 He sent a ransom for His people; He enjoined His covenant on them for the eon; Holy and fear inspiring is His Name. 10 The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom; All who practice it have a good insight. His praise is standing into the future. 112 1 {Praise Yah{ Happy is the man who fears Yahweh; In His instructions he very much delights. 2 His seed shall become masterful in the land; The generation of the upright, it shall be blessed." 3 Wealth and riches are in his house, And his righteousness is standing into the future." 4 In the darkness he radiates as a light for the upright ones; He is gracious, compassionate and righteous." 5 It is good when a man is gracious and obliging; He shall sustain his affairs with right judgment. 6 Truly he shall not slip for the eon; The righteous one shall become an eonian remembrance. 7 He shall not fear an evil report; His heart is established, trusting in Yahweh." 8 His heart is stalwart; he shall not fear, Since he shall see the fate of his foes." 9 He disperses; he gives to the needy; His righteousness is standing into the future; His horn shall be exalted in glory. 10 The wicked one, he shall see and be vexed; He shall gnash his teeth and melt away. The yearning of the wicked shall perish." 113 1 {Praise Yah{ Praise, O servants of Yahweh, Praise the Name of Yahweh." 2 Let the Name of Yahweh be blessed, Henceforth and for the eon." 3 From the rising of the sun unto its setting, Let the Name of Yahweh be praised." 4 Exalted over all nations is Yahweh, Over the heavens, His glory." 5 Who is like Yahweh our Elohim, The One elevated in His dwelling, 6 The One condescending in His vigilance Over the heavens and the earth. 7 Raising the poor from the soil, He exalts the needy from the ash heaps, 8 Giving a seat among the patrons, Among the patrons of his people, 9 Causing the barren to dwell at home As a mother of sons, rejoicing. Praise Yah." 114 1 When Israel went forth from Egypt, The house of Jacob from a barbarous people, 2 Judah became His sanctuary, Israel, His dominion." 3 The sea, it looked and fled; The Jordan, it turned around backward." 4 The mountains, they danced like rams, The hills like the young of the flock." 5 What is it with you, O sea, that you are fleeing, Jordan, that you are turning around backward, 6 Mountains, that you are dancing like rams. Hills, like the young of the flock? 7 At the presence of the Lord, travail, O earth, At the presence of the Elohim of Jacob, 8 The One Who turned the rock into a pond of water, The flintstone into a spring of water." 115 1 Not to us, O Yahweh, not to us, But to Your Name give glory, On account of Your benignity, Your faithfulness." 2 Why should the nations say, Where, pray, is their Elohim? 3 Indeed our Elohim is in the heavens; All that He desires, He does." 4 Their fetishes are silver and gold, The work of human hands;" 5 They have a mouth, but they cannot speak; They have eyes, but they cannot see;" 6 They have ears, but they cannot hear; They have a nose, but they cannot smell;" 7 Their hands, they cannot feel with them; Their feet, they cannot walk with them; They cannot even mumble in their throat." 8 Like them, may their makers become, All who are trusting in them." 9 House of Israel, trust in Yahweh; He is their Help and their Shield." 10 House of Aaron, trust in Yahweh; He is their Help and their Shield." 11 You who are fearing Yahweh, trust in Yahweh; He is their Help and their Shield." 12 Yahweh, He remembers us; He shall bless us; He shall bless the house of Israel; He shall bless the house of Aaron;" 13 He shall bless those fearing Yahweh, The small with the great." 14 May Yahweh add to you, To you and to your sons." 15 Blessed be you by Yahweh, Maker of the heavens and earth." 16 The heavens are Yahweh's heavens, Yet He has given the earth to the sons of humanity." 17 The dead cannot praise Yah, Nor all those descending into stillness." 18 But we, we the living, shall bless Yah, Henceforth and unto the eon. Praise Yah!" 116 1 I love Him because Yahweh has heard My voice, my supplications;" 2 For He has stretched out His ear to me, And I shall call on Him throughout all my days." 3 The cables of death have enveloped me, And the constrictions of the unseen, they have converged upon me; I found distress and affliction." 4 Then I called on the Name of Yahweh, Oh Yahweh, do make a way of escape for my soul." 5 Gracious is Yahweh and righteous, And our Elohim is compassionate;" 6 The One guarding the simple is Yahweh; I was impoverished, and He saved me." 7 Return to your rest, my soul, For Yahweh, He has dealt bountifully with you." 8 Indeed, You have extricated my soul from death, My eye from tears, My feet from foundering." 9 I shall walk before Yahweh In the land of the living. 10 I believe; wherefore I am speaking:I am very much humbled; 11 I said in my consternation, Every human is a liar." 12 What can I restore to Yahweh For all His bountiful dealings toward me? 13 I shall take up the cup of salvation And call on the Name of Yahweh. 14 I shall pay my vows to Yahweh Straight in front of all His people. 15 Precious in the eyes of Yahweh Is the death of His benign ones. 16 Oh Yahweh, seeing that I am Your servant, I am Your servant, son of Your maidservant, You have opened up my bonds;" 17 I shall sacrifice to You a sacrifice of acclamation And call on the Name of Yahweh. 18 I shall pay my vows to Yahweh Straight in front of all His people, 19 In the courts of Yahweh's House, In your midst, Jerusalem. Praise Yah." 117 1 Praise Yahweh, all nations! Laud Him, all clans!" 2 For His benignity is masterful over us, And Yahweh's faithfulness is eonian. Praise Yah." 118 1 Acclaim Yahweh, for He is good! For His benignity is eonian." 2 Let Israel surely say, His benignity is eonian." 3 Let the house of Aaron surely say, His benignity is eonian." 4 Let those fearing Yahweh surely say, His benignity is eonian." 5 From my constriction, I called on Yah; Yah answered me with a wide place." 6 Yahweh is for me; I shall not fear What a human may do to me. 7 Yahweh is for me as my Helper, And I shall see the fate of those hating me." 8 It is better to take refuge in Yahweh Than to trust in a human. 9 It is better to take refuge in Yahweh Than to trust in patrons. 10 All nations, they have surrounded me; It was with the Name of Yahweh That I cut them off." 11 They surrounded me; indeed they surrounded me; It was with the Name of Yahweh That I cut them off. 12 They surrounded me like bees; They were extinguished like a fire of thorns. It was with the Name of Yahweh That I cut them off. 13 I was pushed, yea pushed so as to fall, Yet Yahweh, He helped me." 14 Yah is my Strength and my Melody, And He became mine for salvation." 15 The sound of jubilant song and salvation Comes from the tents of the righteous:Yahweh's right hand does valiantly; 16 Yahweh's right hand is exalted; Yahweh's right hand does valiantly. 17 I shall not die but shall live, And I shall recount the deeds of Yah." 18 Yah has disciplined, yea disciplined me, Yet He has not given me over to death." 19 Open the gates of righteousness to me; I shall enter through them and acclaim Yah. 20 This is the gate belonging to Yahweh; The righteous, they shall enter through it." 21 I am acclaiming You, for You have answered me, And You became mine for salvation." 22 The stone which the builders rejected, It came to be for the head of the corner." 23 From Yahweh came this; It is marvelous in our eyes. 24 This is the day Yahweh has made; Let us exult and rejoice in it. 25 Oh Yahweh, do save us! Oh Yahweh, do prosper us!" 26 Blessed in the Name of Yahweh is he who is coming; We bless you from the House of Yahweh. 27 El is Yahweh, and He shall enlighten us. Bind the way of celebration with entwined boughs Unto the horns of the altar." 28 You are my El, and I am acclaiming You; My Elohim, I am exalting You." 29 Acclaim Yahweh, for He is good! For His benignity is eonian." 119 1 Happy are those whose way is flawless, Who are walking in the law of Yahweh." 2 Happy are those preserving His testimonies; With all their heart, they are seeking after Him." 3 Indeed, they do not contrive iniquity; In His ways they walk." 4 You Yourself have enjoined that Your precepts Are to be kept very faithfully. 5 O that my ways should be established To keep Your statutes. 6 Then I should not be ashamed When I look to all Your instructions. 7 I shall acclaim You in uprightness of heart, While I learn Your righteous ordinances." 8 Your statutes shall I keep; O do not forsake me utterly. 9 Whereby shall a youth purge his path? By keeping Your word. 10 With all my heart, I have sought after You; O do not let me err from Your instructions." 11 In my heart have I stored up Your promise, That I may not sin against You." 12 Blessed be You, O Yahweh; Teach me Your statutes." 13 With my lips I recount All the ordinances from Your mouth. 14 In the way of Your testimonies I am elated, As over all wealth." 15 I will meditate in Your precepts, And I will scrutinize Your paths." 16 In Your statutes am I reveling; I am not forgetting Your word. 17 Deal bountifully with Your servant, That I may live and keep Your word." 18 Expose my eyes that I may scrutinize The marvels of Your law. 19 I am a sojourner upon the earth; O do not conceal Your instructions from me. 20 My soul is broken up by an ardent desire For Your ordinances in every season. 21 You rebuke the arrogant, who are accursed, Who are erring from Your instructions." 22 Roll reproach and contempt away from me, For I have preserved Your testimonies." 23 Even though chiefs have sat and plotted against me, Your servant, he shall meditate on Your statutes;" 24 Even so Your testimonies are my delectations, Your statutes are my men of counsel." 25 My soul clings to the soil; Revive me according to Your word. 26 I have recounted my ways, and You answered me; Teach me Your statutes." 27 Make me understand the way of Your precepts, And I will meditate on Your marvelous works." 28 My soul is racked with affliction; Raise me up according to Your word. 29 Withdraw the false way from me, And favor me with Your own law." 30 The way of faithfulness have I chosen; Your ordinances have I poised before me. 31 I cling to Your testimonies; O Yahweh, let me not be put to shame." 32 In the way of Your instructions shall I run, For You are widening my heart." 33 Direct me, O Yahweh, in the way of Your statutes, That I may preserve it as the consequence." 34 Make me understand, and I will preserve Your law And keep it with all my heart." 35 Cause me to tread in the track of Your instructions, For I delight in it." 36 Stretch out my heart to Your testimonies, And not at all to selfish gain." 37 Avert my eyes from looking at futile things; Revive me in Your way. 38 Confirm for Your servant Your promise That leads me to the fear of You. 39 Cause my reproach, from which I shrink, to pass away, For Your ordinances are good." 40 Behold, I ardently desire Your precepts; Revive me in Your righteousness." 41 And let Your benignities come to me, O Yahweh, Your salvation according to Your promise." 42 Then I shall have a word to answer the one reproaching me. For I trust in Your word. 43 And do not divert the word of truth from my mouth utterly, For I have set my hope in Your ordinances." 44 I will keep your law continually, For the eon and further." 45 I will walk in wideness, For I have sought after Your precepts." 46 I will speak of Your testimonies in front of kings And not be ashamed. 47 For I am reveling in Your instructions Which I love. 48 Thus I am lifting my palms unto Your instructions that I love, And I will meditate on Your statutes." 49 Remember Your word to Your servant, On which You have set my hope." 50 This is my consolation in my humiliation, That Your promise revives me." 51 The arrogant, they mock me exceedingly, Yet I do not turn aside from Your law." 52 I remember Your ordinances from the eon, O Yahweh, And I find comfort for myself." 53 A simoon storm has taken hold of me because of the wicked Who are forsaking Your law. 54 Your statutes, they have become psalms to me In the house of my sojournings." 55 I remember Your Name in the night, O Yahweh, That I may keep Your law." 56 This has become my practice, That I preserve Your precepts." 57 You are my Portion, O Yahweh; I have promised to keep Your words." 58 I have beseeched Your presence with all my heart; Be gracious to me according to Your promise. 59 I have taken account of my ways; So let me turn back my feet to Your testimonies. 60 I hurry and do not dally To keep Your instructions. 61 The cables of the wicked, they bind me about, Yet I do not forget Your law." 62 At midnight I arise to acclaim You For Your righteous ordinances. 63 I am a partner to all who fear You, And to those keeping Your precepts." 64 Your benignity, O Yahweh, it fills the earth; Teach me Your statutes." 65 You have dealt well with Your servant, O Yahweh, according to Your word." 66 Teach me good discretion and knowledge, For I rely upon Your instructions." 67 Before I was humbled, I was erring, But now I keep Your promise close." 68 You are good and are doing us good; Teach me Your statutes. 69 The arrogant smear me with falsehood; As for me, with all my heart I preserve Your precepts." 70 Stolid like fat is their heart; As for me, I revel in Your law." 71 It is good for me that I was humbled, That I may learn Your statutes." 72 Better to me is the law of Your mouth Than thousands of gold and silver. 73 Your hands, they have made me and are establishing me; Give me understanding so I may learn Your instructions." 74 May those fearing You see me and rejoice, For I set my hope in Your word." 75 I know, O Yahweh, that Your ordinances are righteous, And You have humbled me in faithfulness." 76 Now may Your benignity become my comfort, According to Your promise to Your servant." 77 May Your compassions come on me that I may live, For Your law is my delectation." 78 May the arrogant be ashamed, for without cause have they distorted me; As for me, I shall meditate on Your precepts." 79 May those fearing You turn back to me, Those knowing Your testimonies." 80 May my heart become flawless in Your statutes, That I may not be ashamed." 81 My soul is exhausted looking for Your salvation; I have set my hope in Your word. 82 My eyes are exhausted looking for Your promise, Asking, When shall You comfort me? 83 Though I have become like an unused skin-bottle, hanging in smoke fumes, I have not forgotten Your statutes." 84 How long are the days of Your servant? When shall You bring judgment upon my persecutors? 85 The arrogant dig pits to trap me, Who do not act according to Your law." 86 All Your instructions are faithful, But they persecute me without cause; O help me." 87 Soon they would finish me from the earth, Yet I myself have not forsaken Your precepts." 88 Revive me according to Your benignity, And I will keep the testimony of Your mouth." 89 For the eon, O Yahweh, Your word is stationed in the heavens." 90 For generation after generation is Your faithfulness; You have established the earth, and it shall stand." 91 They stand today by Your ordinances, For they all are Your servants." 92 Unless Your law had been my delectation, Then I would have perished in my humiliation." 93 For the eon I shall not forget Your precepts, For by them have You revived me." 94 I am Yours; save me, For I have sought after Your precepts." 95 The wicked stretch out toward me to destroy me, But I gain understanding of Your testimonies." 96 I have seen the end of every aspiration, Yet Your instruction is very wide." 97 How I love Your law! The entire day it is my meditation. 98 Your instruction makes me wiser than my enemies, For it is with me for the eon." 99 I have gained insight more than all my teachers, For Your testimonies are my meditation." 100 I have gained more understanding than elders, For I preserve Your precepts." 101 1 I detain my feet from every evil path, That I may keep Your word." 102 2 I do not withdraw from Your ordinances, For You Yourself direct me." 103 How savory are Your promises to my palate, Better than honey to my mouth!" 104 From Your precepts I gain understanding; Therefore I hate every false path. 105 Your word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my tracks." 106 I have sworn-- let me confirm it-- To keep Your righteous ordinances. 107 I am humbled utterly; O Yahweh, revive me according to Your word." 108 Do accept the voluntary offerings of my mouth, O Yahweh, And teach me Your ordinances." 109 My soul is placed in my palms continually, Yet I do not forget Your law." 110 Wicked ones have placed a snare for me, Yet I do not stray from Your precepts." 111 I am allotted Your testimonies for the eon; Indeed they are the elation of my heart. 112 I stretch out my heart to perform Your statutes; The consequence is for the eon. 113 I hate forked tongues, But I love Your law." 114 My Concealment and my Shield are You; I set my hope in Your word. 115 Go away from me, you evildoers; I will preserve the instructions of my Elohim." 116 Support me according to Your promise that I may live, And let me not be put to shame because of my hopefulness." 117 Brace me that I may be saved, And I will continually heed Your statutes." 118 You have cast aside all those erring from Your statutes, For their deceitfulness shows their falsity." 119 You have reckoned all the wicked of the earth as dross; Therefore I love Your testimonies. 120 My flesh bristles from awe of You, And I fear Your judgments." 121 I have performed right judgment and righteousness; Do not leave me to those extorting me. 122 Be surety for Your servant's well-being; Let not the arrogant be extorting me. 123 My eyes, they are exhausted, looking for Your salvation And for Your righteous promise." 124 Deal with Your servant according to Your benignity, And teach me Your statutes." 125 I am Your servant; give me understanding So that I may know Your testimonies. 126 It is the season for Yahweh to act; They annul Your law. 127 Therefore I love Your instructions More than gold, even than glittering gold." 128 Therefore all Your precepts do I hold upright; Every false path do I hate. 129 Marvelous are Your testimonies; Therefore my soul preserves them. 130 The opening of Your words is enlightening, Making the simple proficient." 131 With my mouth I gape; so let me gasp, For I ardently desire Your instructions." 132 Turn toward me and be gracious to me According to the custom for those loving Your Name. 133 Establish my footsteps in Your promise, And let not any lawlessness have authority over me." 134 Ransom me from human extortion, And I will keep Your precepts." 135 Let Your face enlighten Your servant, And teach me Your statutes." 136 Rillets of water, they descend from my eyes Because men do not keep Your law." 137 You are righteous, O Yahweh, And Your judgments are upright." 138 Your testimonies which You have enjoined are righteous And very faithful. 139 My zeal gnaws at me, For my foes forget Your words." 140 Refined is Your promise exceedingly, And Your servant, he loves it." 141 I am insignificant and despised, Yet I do not forget Your precepts." 142 Your righteousness is eonian righteousness, And Your law is truth." 143 Though distress and constraint have converged on me, Your instructions are my delectations." 144 Your testimonies are eonian righteousness; Give me understanding that I may live. 145 I call out with all my heart; answer me, O Yahweh; I will preserve Your statutes." 146 I call out to You; O save me, And I will keep Your testimonies." 147 I rise before the morning gloaming, that I may implore; I set my hope in Your words." 148 My wakeful eyes have gone before the night vigils To meditate on Your promise. 149 Do hear my voice according to Your benignity; O Yahweh, according to Your right judgment, revive me." 150 Those persecuting me draw near with evil scheme; They are far from Your law. 151 You are near, O Yahweh, And all Your instructions are truth." 152 Long ago I came to know from Your testimonies That You had founded them for the eon. 153 See my humiliation, and liberate me, For I have not forgotten Your law." 154 Do contend my cause and redeem me; Revive me with Your promise. 155 Far from the wicked is salvation, For they do not seek after Your statutes." 156 Your compassions are many, O Yahweh; Revive me according to Your ordinances." 157 Many are my persecutors and my foes, Yet I do not turn aside from Your testimonies." 158 I see the treacherous, and I am disgusted Because they do not keep Your promise close." 159 See how I love Your precepts; O Yahweh, according to Your benignity revive me." 160 The sum of Your word is truth, And all of Your righteous ordinances are eonian." 161 Chief men, they persecute me gratuitously, Yet my heart stands in awe before Your word." 162 I am elated over Your promise Like one finding much loot. 163 I hate what is false, and I will always abhor it; I love Your law." 164 Seven times in a day I praise You For Your righteous ordinances. 165 Much peace is for those loving Your law, And there is no stumbling block for them." 166 I look forward to Your salvation, O Yahweh, And I perform Your instructions." 167 My soul keeps Your testimonies, And I love them exceedingly." 168 I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies, For all my ways are in front of You." 169 May my appeal come near before You, O Yahweh; According to Your word, give me understanding." 170 May my supplication come before You; According to Your promise, rescue me." 171 May my lips utter praise, For You teach me Your statutes." 172 May my tongue sing in response to Your promise, For all Your instructions are righteous." 173 May Your hand be ready to help me, For I have chosen Your precepts." 174 I ardently desire Your salvation, O Yahweh, And Your law is my delectation." 175 May my soul live and praise You, And may Your ordinances help me." 176 I have strayed like a lost flockling; seek Your servant, For I have not forgotten Your instructions." 120 1 {A Song of Ascents{ To Yahweh in my distress I call out that He may answer me. 2 O Yahweh, do rescue my soul From the false lip, From the deceitful tongue." 3 What shall He give to you, And what more shall He add for you, Deceitful tongue? 4 He will send arrows of the masterful, whetted With glowing embers of broom!" 5 Woe to me, for I sojourn in Meshech; I tabernacle among the tents of Kedar." 6 Long enough for itself has my soul tabernacled With a people hating peace. 7 I am for peace, yet when I speak They are for war." 121 1 {A Song for Ascents{ I am lifting my eyes to the mountains; From where shall my help come? 2 My help is from Yahweh, Maker of the heavens and earth." 3 He shall certainly not allow your foot to slip; Your Guardian shall certainly not slumber. 4 Behold, He is neither slumbering nor sleeping, The Guardian of Israel." 5 Yahweh is your Guardian; Yahweh is your Protecting Shade at your right hand. 6 By day the sun shall not smite you, Nor the moon by night." 7 Yahweh Himself shall guard you from all peril; He shall guard your soul. 8 Yahweh Himself shall guard your going forth and your coming in, Henceforth and unto the eon." 122 1 {A Song of Ascents, Davidic{ I rejoiced with those saying to me, Let us go to the House of Yahweh." 2 Our feet are standing In your gateways, O Jerusalem, 3 Jerusalem, being built Like a city that is joined to itself together, 4 Where the tribes ascend, The tribes of Yah, a testimony for Israel, To acclaim the Name of Yahweh." 5 For there are located thrones of judgment, The thrones for the house of David." 6 Ask for Jerusalem's well-being; May those loving you be at ease. 7 May peace be within your estate, Ease within your citadels." 8 For the sake of my brothers and my associates, Let me say again, Peace be within you." 9 For the sake of the House of Yahweh our Elohim, Let me seek your good." 123 1 {A Song of Ascents{ To You I lift up my eyes, The One dwelling in the heavens." 2 Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their lords, As the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, So do our eyes look to Yahweh our Elohim Until He should be gracious to us." 3 Be gracious to us, O Yahweh, be gracious to us, For we are surfeited greatly with contempt." 4 For itself is our soul greatly surfeited With the derision of the self-satisfied, With the contempt of the proud." 124 1 {A Song of Ascents, Davidic{ Unless Yahweh Himself had been for us, Now let Israel say, 2 Unless Yahweh Himself had been for us, When mankind rose against us, 3 Then they would have swallowed us up alive In the heat of their anger against us; 4 Then the waters, they would have engulfed us, The torrent, it would have passed over our soul;" 5 Then there would have passed over our soul The rampaging waters. 6 Blessed be Yahweh, Who has not given us as a prey to their teeth." 7 Our soul, like a bird has it escaped from the snare of the trappers; The snare has been broken, and we have escaped." 8 Our help is in the Name of Yahweh, Maker of the heavens and earth." 125 1 {A Song of Ascents{ Those who trust in Yahweh are like Mount Zion which is immovable; It shall dwell securely for the eon. 2 As Jerusalem has mountains round about it, So Yahweh is round about His people Henceforth and unto the eon." 3 For the scepter of the wicked shall not settle over the lot of the righteous, So that the righteous may not put forth their hands into iniquity." 4 Do good, O Yahweh, to the good And to those who are upright in their hearts." 5 As for those who turn aside to their tortuous ways, May Yahweh banish them with the contrivers of lawlessness. Peace be on Israel." 126 1 {A Song of Ascents{ When Yahweh reversed the captivity of Zion, We became like those who are dreaming." 2 Then our mouth was filled with mirth And our tongue with jubilant song. Then they said among the nations, Yahweh has done great things in His dealings with these people." 3 Yahweh did do great things in His dealings with us; We were a rejoicing people. 4 Do reverse again, O Yahweh, our captivity Like channels in the Negev." 5 Those who sow with tears, With jubilant song shall they reap." 6 Going out, he goes with weeping, Bearing the drawbag of seed; Coming in, he comes with jubilant song, Bearing his grain-sheaves." 127 1 {A Song of Ascents, Solomonic{ If Yahweh Himself is not building a house, Its builders toil futilely in it. If Yahweh Himself is not guarding a city, The sentinel is alert futilely." 2 Futile is it for you to rise early, And stay up late, Eating the bread of grievous labor; Yet so is He giving to His beloved in their sleep." 3 Behold, sons are an allotment from Yahweh; The fruit of the belly is a reward." 4 Like arrows in the hand of a master, So are the sons of youthful parents." 5 Happy is the master who fills his quiver with them; They shall not be ashamed When they are speaking with enemies in the gateway. 128 1 {A Song of Ascents{ Happy is everyone who is fearing Yahweh, Who is walking in His ways." 2 The fruit of the labor of your palms shall you surely eat; Happy are you, and it will be well for you." 3 Your wife will be like a fruitful vine In the recesses of your house, Your sons like transplanted olive shoots Round about your table." 4 Behold that so a master is being blessed, Who is fearing Yahweh." 5 May Yahweh bless you from Zion; Thus see the goodness of Jerusalem All the days of your life, 6 And see the sons of your sons. Peace be on Israel. 129 1 {A Song of Ascents{ Many times have they distressed me from my youth, May Israel now say, 2 Many times have they distressed me from my youth, Yet they did not prevail against me." 3 On my arched back have the wicked plowed; They have lengthened their plowing lines. 4 Yahweh is just; He has cut away the ropes of the wicked. 5 They shall be put to shame and turned away backward, All who are hating Zion." 6 They shall become like grass on the housetops, Which dries up before it unfurls, 7 With which neither the one reaping can fill his palm, Nor the one binding sheaves his bosom pouch." 8 And those passing by do not even say, Yahweh's blessing be on you. Yet we do bless you all in the Name of Yahweh." 130 1 {A Song of Ascents{ From the depths I call out to You, O Yahweh;" 2 O Yahweh, do hear my voice; Let Your ears be attentive To the sound of my supplications." 3 If You should keep account of depravities, O Yah, O Yahweh, who should stand? 4 For with You is pardon That You may be devoutly feared. 5 I am expectant for Yahweh; my soul is expectant, And I wait for His word." 6 My soul longs for Yahweh More than sentinels for the morning, Yea, sentinels for the morning." 7 Wait, Israel, for Yahweh, For with Yahweh is benignity, And with Him abundant ransom." 8 And He Himself shall ransom Israel From all its depravities. 131 1 {A Song of Ascents, Davidic{ O Yahweh, my heart is not haughty; Nor are my eyes set high, And I do not walk in ways too great Or too difficult for me." 2 Assuredly I have poised and stilled my soul Like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul to me. 3 Wait, Israel, for Yahweh, Henceforth and unto the eon." 132 1 {A Song of Ascents{ Remember, O Yahweh, concerning David, All his humiliation, 2 How he swore to Yahweh And vowed to the Sturdy One of Jacob: 3 I shall assuredly not come into my tent house, Assuredly not go up to the cot of my berth, 4 Assuredly not give sleep to my eyes, Or slumber to my eyelids, 5 Until I should find a place for Yahweh, A Grand Tabernacle for the Sturdy One of Jacob." 6 Behold, we heard of it in Ephrathah; We found it in the fields of Jaar." 7 Let us go to His Grand Tabernacle; Let us worship at His footstool. 8 Do arise, O Yahweh, to Your resting place, You and the coffer of Your strength." 9 Your priests, may they be clothed with righteousness, And Your benign ones, may they be jubilant." 10 For the sake of David, Your servant, O do not turn back from the face of Your anointed one." 11 Yahweh has sworn to David the truth; He shall not turn back from it:Out of the fruit of your loin Shall I set One on your throne. 12 If your sons should keep My covenant And My testimonies that I shall teach them, Their sons also unto the future, They shall sit on your throne." 13 For Yahweh has chosen Zion; He yearns for it as His dwelling place: 14 This is My resting place unto the future; Here shall I dwell, for I yearn for it." 15 Its provision shall I bless, yea bless; Its needy ones shall I satisfy with bread;" 16 Its priests shall I clothe with salvation, And its benign ones, they shall be jubilant, yea jubilant;" 17 There shall I make the horn of David sprout; I will arrange a lamp for My anointed one. 18 His enemies shall I clothe with shame, Yet his insignia shall blossom upon him." 133 1 {A Song of Ascents, Davidic{ Behold, how good and how pleasant For brothers to dwell as one." 2 It is like the good oil upon the head, Descending upon the beard, Aaron's beard, which is descending over the slit of his coats." 3 It is like the night mist of Hermon, Which is descending upon the mountain ranges of Zion, For there Yahweh has determined the blessing to be, Life for the eon." 134 1 {A Song of Ascents{ Behold, bless Yahweh, all servants of Yahweh, Who are standing in Yahweh's House by night." 2 Lift your hands toward the Sanctuary, And bless Yahweh." 3 May Yahweh bless you from Zion, Maker of the heavens and earth." 135 1 Praise Yah. Praise the Name of Yahweh; Praise Him, servants of Yahweh, 2 Who are standing in Yahweh's House, In the courts of the House of our Elohim." 3 Praise Yah, for Yahweh is good; Make melody to His Name, for it is pleasant." 4 For Yah chose Jacob for Himself, Israel for His special possession." 5 For I myself know that Yahweh is great, And our Lord is greater than all elohim." 6 All that Yahweh delights He does, In the heavens and on earth, In the seas and every abyss;" 7 He Who is causing vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth, He has made sluices for the rain, Who is bringing forth the wind from His treasure vaults." 8 He Who smote the firstborn of Egypt From human unto beast, 9 He sent signs and miracles Into your midst, Egypt, Against Pharaoh and all his servants;" 10 He Who smote many nations And killed staunch kings, 11 Sihon, king of the Amorite, And Og, king of Bashan, And all the kingdoms of Canaan, 12 He gave their country as an allotment, An allotment for Israel, His people." 13 O Yahweh, Your Name is for the eon; O Yahweh, Your Remembrance is for generation after generation." 14 For Yahweh shall adjudicate His people, And He shall show Himself merciful over His servants." 15 The fetishes of the nations are silver and gold, The work of human hands." 16 They have a mouth, but they cannot speak; They have eyes, but they cannot see;" 17 They have ears, but they cannot listen; Indeed, there is really no spirit in their mouth." 18 Like them, may their makers become, All who are trusting in them." 19 House of Israel, bless Yahweh; House of Aaron, bless Yahweh;" 20 House of the Levite, bless Yahweh; You who are fearing Yahweh, bless Yahweh." 21 Blessed be Yahweh from Zion, Who is tabernacling in Jerusalem. Praise Yah." 136 1 Give acclamation to Yahweh, for He is good, For His benignity is eonian;" 2 Give acclamation to the Elohim of elohim, For His benignity is eonian;" 3 Give acclamation to the Lord of lords, For His benignity is eonian;" 4 To the One alone working great marvels, For His benignity is eonian;" 5 To the One making the heavens with understanding, For His benignity is eonian;" 6 To the One situating the earth above the waters, For His benignity is eonian;" 7 To the One making the great lights, For His benignity is eonian;" 8 The sun for ruling over the day, For His benignity is eonian;" 9 The moon and stars for ruling over the night, For His benignity is eonian;" 10 To the One smiting Egypt in their firstborn, For His benignity is eonian;" 11 And Who brought forth Israel from their midst, For His benignity is eonian;" 12 By a steadfast hand and by an outstretched arm, For His benignity is eonian;" 13 To the One severing the Sea of Weeds into severed parts, For His benignity is eonian;" 14 And Who caused Israel to pass through its midst, For His benignity is eonian;" 15 And Who shook off Pharaoh and his army into the Sea of Weeds, For His benignity is eonian;" 16 To the One conducting His people through the wilderness, For His benignity is eonian;" 17 To the One smiting great kings, For His benignity is eonian;" 18 And Who killed prestigious kings, For His benignity is eonian;" 19 Sihon king of the Amorite, For His benignity is eonian;" 20 And Og king of Bashan, For His benignity is eonian;" 21 He gave their country as an allotment, For His benignity is eonian;" 22 An allotment to Israel, His servant, For His benignity is eonian;" 23 Who in our lowliness remembered us, For His benignity is eonian;" 24 And Who tore us off from our foes, For His benignity is eonian;" 25 Who is giving nourishment to all flesh, For His benignity is eonian;" 26 Give acclamation to the El of the heavens, For His benignity is eonian." 137 1 By the streams of Babylon, There we sat down and lamented, While we remembered Zion." 2 On the oleanders in its midst We hung our harps, 3 For there our captors asked us for words of song, And our enslavers for rejoicing:Sing for us from a song of Zion." 4 How should we sing a song of Yahweh On foreign ground? 5 If I should forget you, Jerusalem, May my right hand forget its skill." 6 May my tongue cling to my palate, If I should not remember you, If I should not elevate Jerusalem Over my principal rejoicings." 7 Remember, O Yahweh, against Edom's sons, In Jerusalem's day, Those who were saying, Raze it, raze it, Even to its foundation." 8 Daughter of Babylon, the devastator, Happy is he who shall repay you With your dealing which you dealt to us." 9 Happy is he who shall hold and shatter your unweaned children Against the crag. 138 1 {Davidic{ I shall acclaim You, O Yahweh, with all my heart; In front of the elohim shall I make melody to You." 2 I shall worship toward Your holy Temple And shall acclaim Your Name For Your benignity and for Your faithfulness, For You have magnified Your Name, Your promise, over all else." 3 In the day I call, then You answer me; You make me dauntless with strength in my soul." 4 May all the kings of the earth acclaim You, O Yahweh, When they hear the promises of Your mouth;" 5 And may they sing of Yahweh's ways, For great is the glory of Yahweh." 6 Though Yahweh is exalted, yet He discerns the lowly, And He knows the haughty one from afar." 7 If I walk within distress, You revive me; You send forth Your hand against the anger of my enemies, And You save me with Your right hand." 8 Yahweh, He shall perfect in my future; O Yahweh, Your benignity is for the eon. The works of Your hands, O do not relax. {Permanent{ " 139 1 {A Davidic Psalm{ O Yahweh, You have investigated me and are knowing me;" 2 You Yourself know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought from afar; 3 My path and my pallet You have measured off, And for all my ways You have made provision." 4 For though there be no declaration on my tongue, Behold, O Yahweh, You know it all." 5 Back and front, You have besieged me, And You set Your palm upon me." 6 Such knowledge is marvelous beyond me; It is impregnable; I cannot reach to it. 7 Whither could I go from Your spirit, And whither could I run away from Your presence? 8 If I should climb to the heavens, You are there, And should I make my berth in the unseen, behold, You are there." 9 Should I wear the wings of dawn, Should I tabernacle in the hindmost sea, 10 Even there Your hand would guide me, And Your right hand, it would hold me." 11 If I said, Surely darkness, it snuffed me up, And night is belted about me, 12 Even darkness, it is not darkening to You, And the night, as the day, is giving light; Darkness is as light." 13 For You Yourself achieved the making of my innermost being; You overshadowed me in my mother's belly. 14 I shall acclaim You, for You are fearfully distinguished; Marvelous are Your works. You have known my soul very thoroughly;" 15 My skeleton was not suppressed from You, When I was made in concealment; I was woven together as in the nether parts of the earth." 16 Your eyes saw my embryo, And my days, all of them were written upon Your scroll; The days were formed When there was not one of them." 17 How precious are Your thoughts to me, O El, How plentiful are their sums:" 18 If I number them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with You." 19 O that You would despatch the wicked, O Eloah, And bloodthirsty men would withdraw from me, 20 Those who speak of You with evil scheming; They bear words of hypocrisy against You. 21 Do I not hate those hating You, O Yahweh, And with those rising against You, am I not disgusted? 22 With complete hatred I hate them; They have become enemies to me. 23 Search me out, O El, and know my heart; Test me, and know my disquieting thoughts." 24 See if a grievous way is in me, And guide me in the way eonian. {Permanent{ " 140 1 {A Davidic Psalm{ Liberate me, O Yahweh, from the evil person; From the man of violence may You preserve me;" 2 Those who devise evil deeds in their heart, All day long they stir up warfare;" 3 They whet their tongue like a serpent; The venom of an asp is under their lips. {Interlude{ 4 Keep me, O Yahweh, from the hands of the wicked one; From the man of violence may You preserve me, Those who devise ways to trip up my footsteps." 5 Proud men bury a snare for me, And they spread lines, a net at the side of my route; They set traps for me. {Interlude{ " 6 I avow to Yahweh, You are my El; Do give ear, O Yahweh, to the voice of my supplications." 7 O Yahweh, my Lord, the Strength of my salvation, You overshadow my head in the day of the weapon." 8 Do not grant, O Yahweh, the yearnings of the wicked one; Do not promote his scheme. Let them not be exalted." 9 As for the heads of those round about me, May the misery done by their lips cover them." 10 May glowing embers slip down over them; May He cast them into the fire, Into chasms, so they may rise no more." 11 May a man of slander no more become established in the land; A man of violence, may evil hunt him with jolt after jolt." 12 I know that Yahweh shall execute adjudication for the humbled, Right judgment for the needy." 13 Yea, the righteous, they shall acclaim Your Name; The upright shall dwell in Your presence." 141 1 {A Davidic Psalm{ O Yahweh, I call on You; do hurry to me; Do give ear to my voice when I call on You." 2 May my prayer be established as incense before You, The lifting of my palms as the evening approach present." 3 Do set, O Yahweh, a sentinel for my mouth, A preserver at the door of my lips." 4 O do not turn my heart aside to evil speaking, To practice activities in wickedness with men who are contrivers of lawlessness. And may I dine not at all on their pleasant things;" 5 Should the righteous one beat me, it were a kindness, And should he reprove me; it were oil on my head; May my head not repudiate it at all. But still, my prayer is against their evil deeds;" 6 When they are released into the hands of Our Crag, their Grand Judge, Then they will hear my sayings and see that they are pleasant." 7 As when one is harrowing and rending the earth, So our bones are dispersed at the mouth of the unseen." 8 Indeed toward You, O Yahweh my Lord, are my eyes directed; In You I take refuge; do not empty out my soul." 9 Keep me from the grip of the snare they have set to trap me, And from the traps of contrivers of lawlessness." 10 May the wicked ones each fall into his own nooses, While I pass by altogether." 142 1 {Contemplating, Davidic{ {When he was in the Cave; a Prayer{ With my voice am I crying out to Yahweh; With my voice am I supplicating to Yahweh." 2 I am pouring out my concern before Him; My distress am I telling before Him. 3 When my spirit droops within me, Then it is You Yourself Who knows my tracks; In the path that I am walking, They have buried a snare for me." 4 I look to the right, and I see, Yet there is no one recognizing my need; Hope of fleeing has perished from me; There is no one caring for my soul." 5 I cry out to You, O Yahweh; I say, You are my Refuge, My Portion in the land of the living." 6 Do attend to my appeal, For I am exceedingly impoverished; Rescue me from my persecutors, For they are tougher than I." 7 Bring my soul forth from this enclosure To acclaim Your Name; The righteous shall compass about me, For You shall deal bountifully with me." 143 1 {A Davidic Psalm{ O Yahweh, hear my prayer; Do give ear to my supplications; In Your faithfulness answer me, in Your righteousness." 2 O do not enter into judgment with Your servant, For no living one at all can be righteous before You." 3 For the enemy has persecuted my soul; He has crushed my life to the earth; He has made me sit in utter darkness like the eonian dead. 4 My spirit is drooping within me; In my midst my heart is dejected. 5 Yet I remember the days aforetime; I soliloquize upon all Your deeds; Upon the works of Your hands am I meditating. 6 I spread forth my hands to You; My soul looks to You like a fainting land. {Interlude{ 7 Quickly answer me, O Yahweh; my spirit is exhausted; O do not conceal Your face from me, Or I would become comparable with descenders to the crypt." 8 Let me hear of Your benignity in each morning, For I trust in You; Let me know that way I should go, For I lift up my soul to You." 9 Rescue me from my enemies, O Yahweh; To You I look for cover." 10 Teach me to do what is acceptable to You, For You are my Elohim; May You guide me with Your good spirit in an upright land." 11 For Your Name's sake, O Yahweh, may You revive me; In Your righteousness, may You bring my soul forth from distress." 12 In Your benignity may You efface my enemies; And You will destroy all the foes of my soul, For I am Your servant." 144 1 {Davidic{ Blessed be Yahweh, my Rock, Who is teaching my hands for the attack, My fingers for the battle, 2 My Benignity and my Fastness, My Impregnable Retreat and my Deliverance for me, My Shield; in Him I take refuge, The One bringing down the peoples under me." 3 O Yahweh, what is a human that You should acknowledge him, A son of a mortal that You should take account of him? 4 A human is like a transitory breath, His days like a passing shadow." 5 O Yahweh, stretch out Your heavens that You may descend; Touch the mountains that they may smoke." 6 Make lightning flash that You may scatter them; Send Your arrows that You may discomfit them. 7 Put forth Your hands from the height; Set me loose and rescue me from the great waters, From the hand of a foreigner's sons, 8 Whose mouth speaks hypocrisy, And their right hand is a false right hand." 9 O Elohim, let me sing a new song to You; On a zither of ten strings let me make melody to You, 10 Who are giving salvation to kings, Who are setting loose His servant David from the vicious sword." 11 Set me loose and rescue me from the hand of a foreigner's sons, Whose mouth speaks hypocrisy, And their right hand is a false right hand:" 12 That our sons be like plants grown great in their youth, Our daughters like cornerposts sculptured as in palace style, 13 Our garners be filled with harvested crops from one sort to every sort, Our flock become thousands, ten thousands in our open places, 14 And our domestic animals strong for bearing burdens There will be no breaching of walls, And there will be no going forth in defeat; There will be no fearful yelling in our squares." 15 Happy is the people for whom it is thus; Happy is the people whose Elohim is Yahweh. 145 1 {A Davidic Praise{ I shall exalt You, my Elohim the King; Let me bless Your Name for the eon and further." 2 In every day I shall bless You; Let me praise Your Name for the eon and further. 3 Great is Yahweh, and praised exceedingly, And as to His greatness there is no fathoming." 4 May one generation laud Your works to another generation, And of Your masterful deeds may they tell." 5 On the honor glorious of Your splendor And the words of Your marvelous works let me meditate. 6 The strength of Your fear inspiring deeds may they affirm, And Your great achievements let me relate." 7 The remembrance of Your great goodness, may they utter, And in Your righteousness may they be jubilant." 8 Gracious and compassionate is Yahweh, Slow to anger and with great benignity." 9 Yahweh is good to all, And His compassions are over all His works." 10 May all Your works acclaim You, O Yahweh, And let Your benign ones bless You." 11 The glory of Your kingdom, may they affirm, And of Your powerful mastery may they speak, 12 To make known His masterful deeds to the sons of humanity, And the glorious honor of His kingdom." 13 Your kingdom is a kingdom for all the eons, And Your dominion for every generation after generation. Faithful is Yahweh in all His words, And benign in all His works." 14 Supporting is Yahweh all who are falling And is making erect all who are bent down. 15 The eyes of all place hopefulness on You, And You are giving them their food in its season, 16 Opening Your hand And satisfying every living creature with benevolence. 17 Righteous is Yahweh in all His ways, And benign in all His works." 18 Near is Yahweh to all calling on Him, To all who are calling on Him in truth." 19 Benevolence for those fearing Him is He providing, And their imploring is He hearing and is saving them." 20 Guarding is Yahweh all who are loving Him, Yet all the wicked shall He exterminate." 21 The praise of Yahweh, may my mouth speak, And may all flesh bless His holy Name For the eon and further." 146 1 Praise Yah; Praise Yahweh, O my soul." 2 Let me praise Yahweh throughout my life; Let me make melody to my Elohim through all my future. 3 Do not trust in patrons, In a son of humanity with whom there is no salvation." 4 His spirit shall go forth, and he shall return to his ground; In that day his reflections perish." 5 Happy is he who has the El of Jacob as his Help; His hopefulness is set on Yahweh his Elohim, 6 Maker of the heavens and earth, The sea and all that is in them, The Guardian of truth for the eons;" 7 He is the One executing right judgment for those being exploited, The Giver of bread to the famished, Yahweh, letting loose those who are bound, 8 Yahweh, unclosing the eyes of the blind, Yahweh, making erect those who are bent down, Yahweh, loving those who are righteous, 9 Yahweh, Guardian over the sojourners; The orphan and the widow shall He bolster up, Yet the way of the wicked shall He overturn." 10 Yahweh shall reign for the eon, Your Elohim, O Zion, for generation after generation. Praise Yah." 147 1 Praise Yah. Indeed it is good to make melody to our Elohim; Indeed it is pleasant to make comely praise. 2 Yahweh is building up Jerusalem; He is collecting together the expelled of Israel, 3 The One healing the broken heart And binding up their grievous wounds; 4 The One counting the number of stars, He is calling them all by their names." 5 Great is our Lord and vast in vigor; As to His understanding, there is no enumeration of it." 6 Yahweh is bolstering up the humbled ones, Abasing the wicked to the earth." 7 Respond to Yahweh with acclamation; Make melody to our Elohim with the harp, 8 The One covering the heavens with thick clouds, The One preparing rain for the earth, The One sprouting grass on the mountains, 9 Giving its nourishment to the beasts, To the raven's young when they should call." 10 Not in the horse's mastery is He delighting; Not in the legs of a man is He placing approval; 11 Yahweh is placing approval in those fearing Him, In those waiting for His benignity." 12 Laud Yahweh, O Jerusalem; Praise your Elohim, O Zion, 13 For He has fortified the bars of your gates And has blessed your sons within you. 14 The One giving peace in your territory, He is satisfying you with the fat of wheat;" 15 The One sending His command to the earth, His word is running quickly;" 16 The One giving snow like wool, He is dispersing hoarfrost like ashes, 17 Flinging down His ice like morsels of bread; Who can stand before His cold blast? 18 He is sending His word and melts them; He is reversing His wind, and the waters flow." 19 He is telling His words to Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances to Israel." 20 He has not done so for any other nation, And His ordinances, they do not know them at all. Praise Yah." 148 1 Praise Yah. Praise Yahweh from the heavens; Praise Him in the heights. 2 Praise Him, all His messengers; Praise Him, all His hosts." 3 Praise Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all stars of light." 4 Praise Him, heavens of the heavens, And the waters that are above the heavens." 5 May they praise the Name of Yahweh, For He Himself determined, and they were created." 6 He makes them stand for the future, for the eon; He has set down a statute, and it shall not pass away." 7 Praise Yahweh from the earth, Sea monsters and every abyss, 8 Fire and hail, snow and fume, Tempestuous wind, performing His word, 9 Mountains and all hills, Fruit trees and all cedars, 10 Wild animal and every domestic beast, Reptile and winged bird, 11 Kings of the earth and all national groups, Chiefs and all judges of the earth, 12 Choice young men and virgins too, Old men along with youths." 13 May they praise the Name of Yahweh, For an Impregnable Retreat is His Name, His alone; His splendor is over the earth and heavens;" 14 He has raised up a horn for His people, Praise for all His benign ones, For the sons of Israel, a people near Him. Praise Yah." 149 1 Praise Yah. Sing to Yahweh a new song, His praise in the assembly of the benign ones." 2 May Israel rejoice in its Maker; May the sons of Zion exult in their King. 3 May they praise His Name in chorus; With tambourine and harp may they make melody to Him. 4 For Yahweh is placing approval on His people; He is making the humble beautiful with salvation. 5 May the benign ones be joyous in this glory; May they be jubilant upon their beds. 6 May exaltations of El be in their throat And a serrated sword in their hand, 7 To execute vengeance on the nations, Corrections on the national groups;" 8 To bind their kings with manacles And their glorious nobles with fetters of iron, 9 To execute the written judgment against them, This is the honor of all His benign ones. Praise Yah." 150 1 Praise Yah. Praise El in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His powerful atmosphere. 2 Praise Him in accord with His masterful deeds; Praise Him according to His vast greatness. 3 Praise Him with the blowing of a trumpet; Praise Him with zither and harp. 4 Praise Him with tambourine and in chorus; Praise Him with lute and shepherd's pipe. 5 Praise Him with resounding cymbals; Praise Him with shouting cymbals. 6 May all that has breath praise Yah. Praise Yah.