Luke 11:8-13

CLV(i) 8 I am saying to you, even if he will not rise to give to him because of his being his friend, surely because of his pestering, being roused, he will be giving him whatever he needs." 9 And I to you am saying, Request, and it shall be given to you. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened to you." 10 For everyone who is requesting is obtaining and who is seeking is finding, and to the one knocking it shall be opened." 11 Now of some father of you a son will be requesting bread. No stone will he be handing him! Or a fish, also. Not, instead of a fish, a serpent will he be handing him!" 12 Or he will also be requesting an egg. He will not be handing him a scorpion! 13 If you, then, being inherently wicked, are aware how to give good gifts to your children, how much rather will the Father Who is out of heaven, be giving holy spirit to those requesting Him!"