Isaiah 9

CLV(i) 1 For no faintness of constraint will be hers as in the first era, when He slighted the land of Zebulon and the land of Naphtali. Yet in the latter era He will glorify the way of the sea, across the Jordan, Galilee of the nations." 2 The people walking in darkness will see a great light; dwellers in a death-shadowed land, light is bright over them." 3 Increase do You the exultation; magnify wilt You the rejoicing. They will rejoice before You as the rejoicing in the harvest, as they are exulting in their apportioning the loot." 4 For the yoke will withdraw from him, and the slider bar of his shoulder. Yahweh cracks the club of the exactor among them, as in the day of Midian;" 5 for every boot of the booter is in the quaking, and the raiment is being rolled in blood, and it comes to be for burning, fuel for a fire." 6 For a Boy is born to us; a Son is given to us, and the chieftainship shall come to be on His shoulder, and His name is called "Marvelous.Counsel to the master shall He bring, to the chief of the future, welfare." 7 To the increase of the chieftainship, and to the welfare shall be no end. On the throne of David, and over his kingdom, to prepare it, and to brace it with judgment and with justice, henceforth and in the future eon. The zeal of Yahweh of hosts will do this." 8 Word was sent by Yahweh into Jacob, and it fell in Israel." 9 And the people know, all of them, Ephraim and the dweller of Samaria, who, in pride and a greatly swollen heart, are saying, 10 The bricks fell, yet with trimmed stone will we build. The sycamore fig trees were hacked down, yet we to cedars will vary." 11 Yet Yahweh will make the foes of Rezin impregnable over him, and his enemies will He screen." 12 The Syrians from the east, and the Philistines from behind, and they shall devour Israel with a whole mouth. And in all this his anger does not reverse, and His hand is outstretched still!" 13 Yet the people do not return unto their Smiter, and of Yahweh of hosts they do not inquire." 14 And Yahweh will cut off from Israel head and tail, frond and rush in one day." 15 The elder and reputable, he is the head, and a prophet directing with falsehood, he is the tail." 16 And they are coming to make this people happy, leading them astray, and those being made happy will be swallowed up." 17 Therefore, their choice men my Lord will not spare, and on their orphans and their widows He will not have compassion, for all of them are polluted and doing evil, and every mouth speaks decadence. In all this His anger does not reverse, and His hand is outstretched still!" 18 For wickedness consumes as fire does buckthorn. Even the spine will it devour, and ravage in the thickets of the wildwood, and devour around all the hills. And they will mount up with swelling smoke." 19 By the hot rage of Yahweh of hosts is all the land incinerated, and the people are coming to be as fuel for the fire. A man his brother shall not spare." 20 And he will sever on the right, yet is famishing, and he will eat on the left, yet is not satisfied. A man will eat the flesh of his arm." 21 Manasseh will eat Ephraim and Ephraim Manasseh, and together they will dine on Judah. And in all this His anger does not reverse, and his hand is outstretched still!"