Genesis 1:1-6

CLV(i) 1 1Created by the Elohim were the heavens and the earth. 2 Yet the earth became a chaos and vacant, and darkness was on the surface of the submerged chaos. Yet the spirit of the Elohim is vibrating over the surface of the water. 3 And saying is the Elohim, "Become light!" And it is becoming light. 4 And seeing is the Elohim the light, that it is good. And separating is the Elohim between the light and the darkness. 5 And calling is the Elohim the light "day, and the darkness He calls "night." And coming is it to be evening and coming to be morning, day one. 6 And saying is the Elohim, "Become shall an atmosphere in the midst of the water, and coming is a separation between water and water.