Daniel 2:40-43

CLV(i) 40 The fourth kingdom shall be mighty as iron, forasmuch as iron is pulverizing and overcoming all. As iron that smashes, all these shall it pulverize and smash." 41 Seeing that you perceived the feet and toes, part of them of potter's clay, and part of them of iron:The kingdom shall be composite. And the stability of iron will be in it, forasmuch as you perceived the iron mixed with the muddy clay." 42 And the toes of the feet, part of them of iron and part of them of clay:at the end, the kingdom shall be mighty, yet part of it shall be frail." 43 Seeing that you perceived the iron mixed with muddy clay:Thus mixing with wealth is the armed force of the mortal. Yet with wealth it is not clinging, this one with that one, even as iron mixes not with clay."