Ezekiel 39:17-21

CAB(i) 17 And you, son of man, say, Thus says the Lord: Say to every winged bird, and to all the wild beasts of the field, Gather yourselves, and come; gather yourselves from all places round about to My sacrifice, which I have made for you, even a great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel, and you shall eat flesh, and drink blood. 18 You shall eat the flesh of mighty men, and you shall drink the blood of princes of the earth, rams, and calves and goats, and they are all fatted calves. 19 And you shall eat fat till you are full, and shall drink wine till you are drunk, of My sacrifice which I have prepared for you. 20 And you shall be filled at My table, eating horse and rider, and mighty man, and every warrior, says the Lord. 21 And I will set My glory among you, and all the nations shall see My judgment which I have wrought, and My hand which I have brought upon them.