Sirach 1

Bishops(i) 1 All wisdome [commeth] of god the Lord, & hath ben euer with him, and is before all tyme. 2 Who hath numbred the sande of the sea, the droppes of the rayne, and the dayes of time? Who hath measured the heyght of heauen, the breadth of the earth, and the deepenesse of the sea? 3 Who hath sought out the grounde of Gods wisdome, which hath ben before all thynges? 4 Wisdome hath ben created before all thinges, and the vnderstandyng of prudence from euerlastyng. 5 (Gods worde in the heyght is the well of wisdome, and the euerlastyng commaundementes are the entraunce of her.) 6 Unto who hath the roote of wisdome ben declared? or who hath knowen her wit? 7 Unto whom hath the doctrine of wisdome ben discouered and shewed? and who hath vnderstande the manifolde entraunce of her? 8 There is one, euen the hyest, the maker of all thynges, the almightie, the kyng of power, of whom men ought to stand greatly in awe, which sitteth vpon his throne, beyng a God of dominion. 9 He hath created her through the holy ghost, he hath seene her, numbred her, and measured her. 10 He hath powred her out vpon all his workes, and vpon all fleshe, accordyng to his gyft, he geueth her richely vnto them that loue hym. 11 The feare of the Lorde is worshyp and triumph, gladnesse, and a ioyfull crowne. 12 The feare of the Lorde maketh a mery heart, geueth gladnesse, ioy, and long lyfe. 13 Who so feareth the Lorde, it shall go well with him at the last, and in the day of his death he shalbe blessed. 14 The loue of God is honorable wisdome: loke vnto whom it appeareth, they loue it, for they see what wonderous thinges it doth. 15 The feare of the Lorde is the begynnyng of wisdome, and was made with the faythfull in the mothers wombe, it shall go with the chosen women, and shalbe knowen of the ryghteous and faythfull. 16 The feare of the Lorde is the ryght Gods seruice, 17 That preserueth & iustifieth the heart, and geueth mirth and gladnesse. 18 Who so feareth the Lorde shalbe happy, and when he hath neede of comfort he shalbe blessed. 19 She hath buylt her euerlastyng foundations with men, and is geuen to be with their seede. 20 To feare God is the wisdome that maketh riche, and bryngeth all good with her. 21 She fylleth the whole house with her giftes, & she garners with her treasure. 22 The feare of the Lorde is the crowne of wisdome, and geueth plenteous peace and health: He hath seene her and numbred her: Both these are the gyftes of God. 23 Knowledge and vnderstandyng of wisdome hath he powred out as rayne, and them that helde her fast hath he brought vnto honour. 24 The feare of the Lorde is the roote of wisdome, & her braunches are long lyfe. 25 In the treasures of wisdome is vnderstandyng & deuotion of knowledge, but wisdome is abhorred of sinners. 26 The feare of the Lorde driueth out sinne, and whe she is present, she driueth away anger. 27 For he that is without feare can not be made ryghteous, and his wylfull boldenesse is his owne destruction. 28 A patient man wyll suffer vnto the tyme, and then shall he haue the rewarde of ioy. 29 A good vnderstandyng wyll hyde his wordes for a tyme, and many mens lippes shall speake of his wisdome. 30 In the treasures of wisdome is the declaration of doctrine: but the sinner abhorreth the worshyp of God. 31 My sonne yf thou desire wisdome, kepe the commaundement, and God shall geue her vnto thee: 32 For the feare of the Lorde is wisdome and nurture: he hath pleasure in fayth and louyng mekenesse, and he shall fyll the treasures therof. 33 Be not obstinate and vnfaythfull to the feare of the Lorde, and come not vnto hym with a double heart. 34 Be not an hypocrite in the syght of men, and take good heede what thou speakest. 35 Exalt not thy selfe, lest thou happen to fall and bryng thy soule to dishonour, and so discouer thy secretes, and cast thee downe in the myddest of the congregation: because thou wouldest not receaue the feare of God, & because thy heart is full of faynednesse and deceipt.