Matthew 26:45-50

Bishops(i) 45 Then commeth he to his disciples, and sayth vnto them: Slepe hencefoorth, & take your rest, beholde, the houre is at hande, and the sonne of man is betrayed into the handes of synners 46 Ryse, let vs be goyng: beholde, he is at hande that doth betray me 47 Whyle he yet spake, loe Iudas, one of the twelue, came, and with hym a great multitude, with swordes & staues, from the chiefe priestes and elders of the people 48 But he that betrayed him, gaue them a token, saying: Whomsoeuer I kysse, that same is he, holde hym fast 49 And foorthwith, he came to Iesus, and sayde, hayle maister: and kyssed hym 50 And Iesus sayde vnto hym: Frende, wherefore art thou come? Then came they, and layed handes on Iesus, and toke hym