Exodus 7:17-21

Bishops(i) 17 Thus sayeth the Lord, In this thou shalt knowe that I am the Lorde: beholde, I wyll smyte with the rodde that is in my hande, the waters whiche are in the ryuers, and they shalbe turned to blood 18 And the fishe that is in the riuer, shall dye: and the ryuer shall corrupt, and it shall greeue the Egyptians to drinke of the water of the ryuer 19 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses: say vnto Aaron, Take thy rodde, and stretche out thyne hand ouer the waters of Egypt, ouer their streames, ouer their riuers and pondes, and all pooles of water whiche they haue, that they may be blood, and that there may be blood throughout all ye lande of Egypt, both in [vesselles] of wood, & also of stone 20 And Moyses and Aaron did euen as the Lorde commaunded: and he lyfte vp the rodde, and smote the waters that were in the ryuer in the sight of Pharao, and in the sight of his seruauntes: and all the water that was in the ryuer, turned into blood 21 And the fishe that was in the ryuer dyed: and the ryuer corrupted, and the Egyptians coulde not drinke of the waters of the ryuer, and there was blood throughout all the lande of Egypt