2 Samuel 11:10-17

Bishops(i) 10 Which when they had tolde Dauid, saying, Urias went not downe vnto his house: Dauid saide vnto Urias, Camest thou not from thy iourney? why diddest thou not go downe then vnto thyne house 11 Urias aunswered Dauid: The arke, & Israel, and Iuda dwell in pauilions, and my lorde Ioab and the seruauntes of my lorde abyde in the open fieldes, and shall I then go into myne house, to eate, and drinke, & lye with my wyfe? By thy lyfe, and by the lyfe of thy soule, I will not do this thing 12 And Dauid saide vnto Urias: Tary here this day also, and to morow I wil let thee departe. And so Urias abode in Hierusalem that day, and the morow 13 And when Dauid had called him, he did eate and drinke before him, and he made him drunke: And at euen he went out to lye on his couch with ye seruautes of his lorde, but went not downe to his house 14 On the morowe Dauid wrote a letter to Ioab, and sent it by the hand of Urias 15 And he wrote thus in the letter: Put ye Urias in the forefront of the sharper battaile, and come ye backe from him, that he maye be smytten, and dye 16 So when Ioab besieged the citie, he assigned Urias vnto a place where he wist that strong men were 17 And the men of the citie came out, and fought with Ioab: And there were certayne ouerthrowen of the people of the seruauntes of Dauid: & Urias the Hethite dyed also