Mark 7:4-13

AUV(i) 4 And when they returned from the open shopping markets they refused to eat [anything] until they washed themselves [or “it,” that is, the food, thoroughly]. There were also many other traditions which they [strictly] observed, like washing cups, pots and copper kettles [thoroughly].) [Note: The most accurate Greek manuscripts do not add “and beds” in this verse]. 5 The Pharisees and experts in the law of Moses asked Jesus, “Why do your disciples not live according to the traditions of the Jewish elders, but [instead] eat their food with contaminated [i.e., ceremonially unwashed] hands?” 6 And He answered them, “Isaiah prophesied about you hypocrites very well when he wrote [Isa. 29:13], ‘These people honor me with their lips [i.e., by what they say], but their heart is far from [honoring] me. 7 They are worshiping me for nothing because they are teaching principles which are [merely] the requirements of men.’ 8 You disregard the commandment of God and [yet] hang onto the traditions of men.” 9 And He said to them, “You are good at rejecting the commandment of God so you can keep your traditions. 10 For Moses said, [Ex. 20:12] ‘Give honor to your father and mother,’ and [Ex. 21:17 says], ‘Whoever says bad things about his father or mother should surely be put to death.’ 11 But when you people say, ‘If someone says to his father or mother, [the money] I could have helped you with is Corban; in other words, [it is] given to God,’ 12 you are not allowing him to do anything for his father or mother anymore. 13 You are making God’s message useless by [enforcing] the tradition you have been following. And you do many things like that.”