John 6:11-13

  11 G1161   G2424 Jesus G2983 therefore took G740 the loaves; G2532 and G2168 having given thanks, G1239 he distributed G3101 to them G345 that were set down; G3668 likewise G1537 also of G3795 the fishes G3745 as much as G2309 they would.
  12 G1161 And G5613 when G1705 they were filled, G3004 he saith G846 unto his G3101 disciples, G4863 Gather up G2801 the broken pieces G4052 which remain G2443 over, that G3361 nothing G5100   G622 be lost.
  13 G3767 So G4863 they gathered G4863 them up, G2532 and G1072 filled G1427 twelve G2894 baskets G2801 with broken pieces G1537 from G4002 the five G2916 barley G740 loaves, G3739 which G4052 remained over G977 unto them that had eaten.