Leviticus 14:18 Cross References - Wycliffe

18 and on the heed `of hym.

Exodus 29:7

7 and thou schalt schede the oile of anoyntyng on his heed; and bi this custom he schal be sacrid.

Leviticus 4:26

26 Sotheli the preest schal brenne the innere fatnesse aboue the auter, as it is wont to be doon in the sacrifice of pesible thingis, and the preest schal preye for hym, and for his synne, and it schal be foryouun to hym.

Leviticus 4:31

31 Sotheli he schal take a wei al the ynnere fatnesse, as it is wont to be don a wei of the sacrifices of pesible thingis, and he schal brenne it on the auter, in to odour of swetnesse to the Lord; and the preest schal preye for hym, and it schal be foryouun to hym.

Leviticus 5:16

16 And he schal restore that harm that he dide, and he schal putte the fyuethe part aboue, and schal yyue to the preest, which preest schal preye for hym, and offre the ram, and it schal be foryouun to hym.

Leviticus 8:12

12 Which oile he schedde on `the heed of Aaron, and anoyntide hym, and halewide.

2 Corinthians 1:21-22

21 Sotheli it is God that confermeth vs with you in Crist, and the which God anoyntide vs, 22 and which markide vs, and yaf ernes of the spirit in oure hertis.

Ephesians 1:17-18

17 that God of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, the fadir of glorie, yyue to you the spirit of wisdom and of reuelacioun, in to the knowyng of hym; 18 and the iyen of youre herte liytned, that ye wite, which is the hope of his clepyng, and whiche ben the richessis of the glorie of his eritage in seyntis;

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.