1 Forsothe Josaphat, his sone, regnyde for hym; and he hadde the maistrye ayens Israel.
2 And he settide noumbris of knyytis in alle the citees of Juda, that weren cumpassid with wallis, and he disposide strong holdis in the lond of Juda, and in the citees of Effraym, whiche Asa, his fadir, hadde take.
3 And the Lord was with Josaphat, whiche yede in the firste weies of Dauid, his fadir; he hopide not in Baalym,
4 but in the Lord God of Dauid, his fadir, and he yede in the comaundementis of God, and not bi the synnes of Israel.
5 And the Lord confermyde the rewme in his hond; and al Juda yaf yiftis to Josaphat, and ritchessis with outen noumbre, and myche glorie weren maad to hym.
6 And whanne his herte hadde take hardynesse for the weies of the Lord, he took awei also hiy placis and wodis fro Juda.
7 Forsothe in the thridde yeer of his rewme he sente of hise princes Benail, and Abdie, and Zacarie, and Nathanael, and Mychee, that thei schulden teche in the citees of Juda;
8 and with hem he sente dekenes Semeye, and Nathanye, and Zabadie, and Azahel, and Semyramoth, and Jonathan, and Adonye, and Thobie, and Abadonye, dekenes; and with hem `he sente Elisama and Joram, preestis;
9 and thei tauyten the puple in Juda, and hadden the book of the lawe of the Lord; and thei cumpassiden alle the citees of Juda, and tauyten al the puple.
10 Therfor the drede of the Lord was maad on al the rewmes of londis, that weren `bi cumpas of Juda; and tho dursten not fiyte ayens Josaphat.
11 But also Filisteis brouyten yiftis to Josaphat, and tol of siluer; and men of Arabie brouyten scheep seuene thousynde, and seuene hundrid of wetheris, and so many buckis of geet.
12 Therfor Josaphat encreesside, and was magnified `til in to an hiy; and he bildide in Juda housis at the licnesse of touris, and stronge citees;
13 and he made redi many werkis in the citees of Juda. Also men werriouris and stronge men weren in Jerusalem;
14 of whiche this is the noumbre, `bi the housis and meynees of alle in Juda. Duyk Eduas was prince of the oost, and with hym weren thre hundrid thousynde ful stronge men.
15 Aftir hym was Johannan prince, and with hym weren two hundrid thousynde and foure scoore thousynde.
16 After this also Amasye, the sone of Zechri, was halewid to the Lord, and with hym weren two hundrid thousynde of stronge men.
17 Eliada myyti to batels suede this Amasie, and with hym weren two hundrid thousynde of men holdynge bouwe and scheeld.
18 Aftir this was also Josaphat, and with hym weren an hundrid thousynde and foure scoore thousynde of redi knyytis.
19 Alle these weren at the hond of the kyng, outakun othere, whiche he hadde put in wallid cytees and in al Juda.
2 Chronicles 17 Cross References - Wycliffe
Genesis 12:2
2 and Y schal make thee in to a greet folk, and Y schal blisse thee, and Y schal magnyfie thi name, and thou schalt be blessid;
Genesis 13:2
2 Forsothe he was ful riche in possessyoun of siluer and of gold.
Genesis 13:16
16 And Y schal make thi seed as the dust of erthe; if ony man may noumbre the dust of erthe, also he schal mowe noumbre thi seed.
Genesis 15:5
5 And the Lord ledde out Abram, and seide to hym, Biholde thou heuene, and noumbre thou sterris, if thou maist. And the Lord seide to Abram, So thi seed schal be.
Genesis 26:13-14
Genesis 35:5
5 And whanne thei yeden, drede assailide alle men by cumpas of the citee, and thei weren not hardi to pursue hem goynge a wei.
Genesis 39:2-3
Genesis 39:21
21 Forsothe the Lord was with Joseph, and hadde mercy on hym, and yaf grace to hym in the siyt of the prince of the prisoun,
Exodus 3:12
12 And the Lord seide to Moises, Y schal be with thee, and thou schalt haue this signe, that Y haue sent thee, whanne thou hast led out my puple fro Egipt, thou schalt offre to God on this hil.
Exodus 4:12
12 Therfor go thou, and Y schal be in thi mouth, and Y schal teche thee what thou schalt speke.
Exodus 15:14-16
14 Puplis stieden, and weren wroothe; sorewis helden the dwelleris of Filistiym.
15 Thanne the pryncis of Edom weren disturblid; tremblyng held the stronge men of Moab.
16 Alle the dwelleris of Canaan `weren starke; inward drede falle on hem, and outward drede in the greetnesse of thin arm. Be thei maad vnmouable as a stoon, til thi puple passe, Lord; til this thi puple passe, whom thou weldidist.
Exodus 34:24
24 For whanne Y schal take awei folkis fro thi face, and Y schal alarge thi termes, noon schal sette tresouns to thi lond, while thou stiest and apperist in the siyt of thi Lord God, thries in the yeer.
Numbers 1:2
2 and seide, Take ye `the summe of al the congregacioun of the sones of Israel, bi her kynredis, and howsis, and `the names of alle bi hem silf, what
Numbers 1:18
18 And thei gaderiden in the firste dai of the secounde monethe, and telden hem bi kynredis, and housis, and meynees, and heedis, and names of alle by hem silf, fro the twentithe yeer and aboue,
Deuteronomy 4:5
5 Ye witen that Y tauyte you the comaundementis and riytfulnessis, as my Lord God comaundide to me; so ye schulen do tho in the lond whiche ye schulen welde,
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
4 Thou Israel, here, thi Lord God is o God.
5 Thou schalt loue thi Lord God of al thin herte, and of al thi soule, and of al thi strengthe.
6 And these wordis whiche Y comaunde to thee to dai, schulen be in thin herte;
7 and thou schalt telle tho to thi sones, and thou schalt thenke on tho, sittynge in thin hows, and goynge in the weie, slepynge, and rysinge.
8 And thou schalt bynde tho as a signe in thin hond; and tho schulen be, and schulen be moued bifor thin iyen; and thou schalt write tho in the lyntel,
9 and in the doris of thin hows.
Deuteronomy 8:13-14
Deuteronomy 28:47
47 for thou seruedist not thi Lord God in the ioye and gladnesse of herte, for the abundaunce of alle thingis.
Deuteronomy 31:11-13
11 whanne alle men of Israel schulen come togidere, that thei appere in the siyt of her Lord God, in the place `which the Lord chees, thou schalt rede the wordis of this lawe bifor al Israel,
12 while thei heren, and while al the puple is gaderid to gidere, as wel to men, as to wymmen, to litle children, and comelyngis that ben with ynne thi yatis; that thei here, and lerne, and drede youre Lord God, and kepe and fille alle the wordis of this lawe;
13 also that the sones of hem, that now knowen not, moun here, and that thei drede her Lord God in alle daies in whiche thei lyuen in the lond to whiche ye schulen go to gete, whanne Jordan is passid.
Deuteronomy 33:10
10 Jacob, thei kepten thi domes, and `thou, Israel, thei kepten thi lawe; thei schulen putte encense in thi strong veniaunce, and brent sacrifice on thin auter.
Joshua 1:5
5 Noon schal mow ayenstonde you in alle the daies of thi lijf; as Y was with Moises, so Y schal be with thee; Y schal not leeue, nether Y schal forsake thee.
Joshua 1:7-8
7 Therfor be thou coumfortid, and be thou ful strong, that thou kepe and do al the lawe, which Moyses, my seruaunt, comaundide to thee; bowe thou not fro it to the riyt side, ether to the left side, that thou vndirstonde alle thingis whiche thou doist.
8 The book of this lawe departe not fro thi mouth, but thou schalt thenke therynne in daies and nyytis, that thou kepe and do alle thingis that ben writun therynne; thanne thou schalt dresse thi weie, and schalt vndirstonde it.
9 Lo! Y comaunde to thee; be thou coumfortid, and be thou strong; nyle thou drede `withoutforth, and nyle thou drede withynne; for thi Lord God is with thee in alle thingis, to whiche thou goost.
Joshua 2:9-11
9 Y knowe that the Lord hath bitake to you this lond; for youre feerdfulnesse felde in to vs, and alle the dwelleris of the lond `weren sike.
10 We herden, that the Lord driede the watris of the Reed See at youre entryng, whanne ye yeden out of Egipt; and what thingis ye diden to twei kyngis of Ammorreis, that weren biyende Jordan, to Seon and Og, whiche ye killiden;
11 and we herden these thingis, and we dredden, and oure herte `was sike, and spirit dwellide not in vs at youre entryng; for youre Lord God hym silf is God in heuene aboue, and in erthe bynethe.
Judges 2:11
11 And the sones of Israel diden yuel in the siyt of the Lord, and thei serueden Baalym and Astaroth;
Judges 2:18
18 And whanne the Lord reiside iugis in `the daies of hem, he was bowid bi mercy, and he herde the weilyngis of hem turmentid, and he delyuerede hem fro the sleyng of wasteris.
Judges 5:2
2 Ye men of Israel, that `offriden wilfuli youre lyues to perel, blesse the Lord.
Judges 5:9
9 Myn herte loueth the princes of Israel; ye that offriden you to perel bi youre owyn wille,
Judges 6:12
12 that he schulde fle Madian, an aungel of the Lord apperide to hym, and seide, The Lord be with thee, thou strongeste of men.
Judges 8:33
33 Forsothe aftir that Gedeon was deed, the sones of Israel turneden awey `fro Goddis religioun, and diden fornycacioun, `that is, idolatrie, with Baalym; and thei smytiden boond of pees with Baal, that he schulde be to hem in to God,
1 Samuel 10:27
27 Forsothe the sones of Belyal seiden, Whether this man may saue vs? And thei dispisiden hym, and brouyten not yiftis, `that is, preisyngis, to him; forsothe he `dissymelide hym to here.
1 Samuel 23:16
16 And Jonathas, the sone of Saul, roos, and yede to Dauid in to the wode, and coumfortide hise hondis in God.
2 Samuel 1:21-22
21 Hillis of Gelboe, neither dew nethir reyn come on you, nether the feeldis of firste fruytis be; for the scheeld of stronge men was cast awey there, the scheeld of Saul, as `if he were not anoyntid with oile.
22 Of the blood of slayn men, of the fatnesse of strong men, the arewe of Jonathas yede neuer abak, and the swerd of Saul turnede not ayen void.
2 Samuel 5:10
10 And he entride profitynge and encreessynge; and the Lord God of oostis was with hym.
2 Samuel 7:25-26
25 Now therfor, Lord God, reise thou withouten ende the word that thou hast spoke on thi seruaunt and on his hows, and do as thou hast spoke;
26 and thy name be magnyfied til in to withouten ende, and be it seid, The Lord of oostis is God on Israel; and the hows of thi seruaunt Dauid schal be stablischid byfor the Lord;
2 Samuel 8:2
2 And Dauid smoot Moab, and mat hem with a coorde, and made euene to the erthe; forsothe `he mat twey cordis, oon to sle, and oon to quikene. And Moab seruyde Dauid vndur tribute.
2 Samuel 8:15
15 And Dauid regnede on al Israel, and Dauid dide doom, and riytfulnesse to al his puple.
1 Kings 4:21
21 Forsothe Solomon was in his lordschip, and hadde alle rewmes, as fro the flood of the lond of Filisteis `til to the laste part of Egipt, of men offrynge yiftis to hym, and seruynge to hym, in alle the daies of his lijf.
1 Kings 9:4-5
4 Also if thou goist bifore me, as thi fadir yede, in simplenesse of herte, and in equite, and doist alle thingis whiche Y comaundide to thee, and kepist my domes, and my lawful thingis,
5 Y schal sette the trone of thi rewme on Israel with outen ende, as Y spak to Dauid, thi fadir, and seide, A man of thi kyn schal not be takun awei fro the trone of Israel.
1 Kings 10:25
25 And alle men brouyten yiftis to hym, vessels of gold, and of siluer, clothis, and armeris of batel, and swete smellynge thingis, and horsis, and mulis, bi ech yeer.
1 Kings 10:27
27 And he made, that so greet aboundaunce of siluer was in Jerusalem, how greet was also of stoonys; and he yaf the multitude of cedris as sicomoris, that growen in feeldy places.
1 Kings 11:6
6 and Salomon dide that, that pleside not bifor the Lord, and he fillide not that he suede the Lord, as Dauid, his fadir, dide.
1 Kings 12:28
28 And by counsel thouyt out, he made tweyne goldun caluys, and seide to hem, Nyle ye stie more in to Jerusalem; Israel, lo! thi goddis, that ledden thee out of the lond of Egipt.
1 Kings 12:30
30 And this word was maad to Israel in to synne; for the puple yede til in to Dan, to worschipe the calf.
1 Kings 12:33
33 And he styede on the auter, which he hadde bildid in Bethel, in the fiftenthe day of the eiythe monethe, which he hadde feyned of his herte; and he made solempnyte to the sones of Israel, and he stiede on the auter, that he schulde brenne encence.
1 Kings 13:33-34
33 And for this cause the hows of Jeroboam synnede, and it was distried, and doon awey fro the face of erthe.
1 Kings 15:3-4
3 And he yede in alle the synnes of his fadir, which he dide bifor hym; and his herte was not perfit with his Lord God, as the herte of Dauid, his fadir, `was perfit.
4 But for Dauid his Lord God yaf to hym a lanterne in Jerusalem, that he schulde reise his sone after hym, and that he schulde stonde in Jerusalem;
1 Kings 15:24
24 And Asa slepte with hise fadris, and he was biried with hem in the citee of Dauid, his fader; and Josophat, his sone, regnede for him.
1 Kings 16:31-33
31 and it suffiside not to hym that he yede in the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, ferthermore and he weddide a wijf, Jezabel, the douyter of Methaal, kyng of Sydoneis; and he yede, and seruyde Baal, and worschipide hym.
32 And he settide an auter to Baal in the temple of Baal, which he hadde bildid in Samarie, and he plauntide a wode;
33 and Achab addide in his werk, and terride to ire the Lord God of Israel, more thanne alle kyngis of Israel that weren bifor hym.
1 Kings 22:41
41 Forsothe Josephat, sone of Asa, bigan to regne on Juda in the fourthe yeer of Achab, kyng of Israel.
1 Kings 22:43
43 And he yede in al the weye of Asa, his fadir, and bowide not fro it; and he dide that, that was riytful in the siyt of the Lord.
2 Kings 3:4
4 Forsothe Mesa, kyng of Moab, nurschide many beestis, and paiede to the kyng of Israel an hundrid thousynde of lambren, and an hundrid thousynde of wetheris, with her fleesis.
2 Kings 8:18
18 And he yede in the weies of the kyngis of Israel, as the hows of Achab hadde go; for the douyter of Achab was his wijf; and he dide that, that is yuel in the siyt of the Lord.
2 Kings 14:3
3 And he dide riytfulnesse bifor the Lord, netheles not as Dauid, his fadir; he dide bi alle thingis whiche Joas, his fadir, dide, no but this oonli,
2 Kings 16:2
2 Achaz was of twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde sixtene yeer in Jerusalem; he dide not that, that was plesaunt in the siyt of his Lord God, as Dauid, his fadir dide, but he yede in the weie of the kyngis of Israel.
2 Kings 17:19
19 But nether Juda hym silf kepte the heestis of `his Lord God, netheles he erride, and yede in the errour of Israel, whiche it wrouyte.
2 Kings 18:3
3 And he dide that, that was good bifor the Lord, bi alle thingis, which Dauid, his fadir, hadde do.
2 Kings 22:2
2 And he dide that, that was plesaunt bifor the Lord, and he yede be alle the wayes of Dauid, his fadir; he bowide not, nethir to the riytside, nethir of the leftside.
1 Chronicles 11:10
10 These ben the princes of the stronge men of Dauid, that helpiden hym, that he schulde be kyng on al Israel, bi the word of the Lord which he spak to Israel.
1 Chronicles 22:18
18 his sone, and seide, Ye seen, that `youre Lord God is with you, and hath youe to you reste `by cumpas, and hath bitake alle enemyes in youre hoond, and the erthe is suget bifor the Lord, and bifor his puple.
1 Chronicles 27:25-31
25 Forsothe Azymoth, the sone of Adihel, was on the tresouris of the kyng; but Jonathan, the sone of Ozie, was souereyn of these tresours, that weren in cytees, and in townes, and in touris.
26 Sotheli Ezri, the sone of Chelub, was souereyn on the werk of hosebondrie, and on erthe tiliers, that tiliden the lond;
27 and Semeye Ramathites was souereyn on tilieris of vyneris; sotheli Zabdie Aphonytes was souereyn on the wyn celeris;
28 for Balanam Gadaritis was on the olyue placis, and fige places, that weren in the feeldi places; sotheli Joas was on the schoppis, `ether celeris, of oile;
29 forsothe Cethray Saronytis `was souereyn of the droues, that weren lesewid in Sarena; and Saphat, the sone of Abdi, was ouer the oxis in valeys;
30 sotheli Vbil of Ismael was ouer the camelis; and Jadye Meronathites was ouer the assis; and Jazir Aggarene was ouer the scheep;
31 alle these weren princes of the catel of kyng Dauid.
1 Chronicles 29:9
9 And the puple was glad, whanne thei bihiyten avowis bi her fre wille, for with al the herte thei offriden tho to the Lord. But also kyng Dauid was glad with greet ioye, and blesside the Lord bifor al the multitude,
1 Chronicles 29:14
14 Who am Y, and who is my puple, that we moun bihete alle these thingis to thee? Alle thingis ben thine, and we han youe to thee tho thingis, whiche we token of thin hond.
1 Chronicles 29:17
17 My God, Y woot, that thou preuest hertis, and louest symplenesse of herte; wherfor and Y, in the symplenesse of myn herte, haue offrid gladli alle these thingis; and Y siy with greet ioye thi puple, which is foundun here, offre yiftis to thee.
1 Chronicles 29:25
25 Therfor the Lord magnefiede Salomon on al Israel, and yaue to hym glorie of the rewme, what maner glorie no kyng of Israel hadde bifor hym.
2 Chronicles 1:15
15 And the kyng yaf in Jerusalem gold and siluer as stoonys, and cedris as sicomoris, that comen forth in feeldi places in greet multitude.
2 Chronicles 8:2-6
2 and his owne hows, he bildide the citees, whiche Iram hadde youe to Salomon; and he made the sones of Israel to dwelle there.
3 Also he yede in to Emath of Suba, and gat it.
4 And he bildide Palmyram in deseert, and he bildide othere `citees maad ful stronge in Emath.
5 And he bildide the hiyere Betheron and the lowere Betheron, wallid citees, hauynge yatis and lockis and barris;
6 also he bildide Balaath, and alle `citees ful stronge that weren of Salomon; and alle the citees of cartis, and the citees of knyytis kyng Salomon bildide, and disposide alle thingis whiche euere he wolde, in Jerusalem, and in the Liban, and in al the lond of his power.
2 Chronicles 9:14
14 outakun that summe whiche the legatis of dyuerse folkis, and marchauntis weren wont to brynge, and alle the kyngis of Arabie, and the princes of londis, that brouyten togidere gold and siluer to Salomon.
2 Chronicles 9:27
27 And he yaf so greet plente of siluer in Jerusalem, as of stoonys, and so greet multitude of cedris, as of sycomoris that growen in feeldi places.
2 Chronicles 11:1
1 Forsothe Roboam cam in to Jerusalem, and clepide togidere al the hows of Juda and of Beniamyn, `til to nyne scoore thousynde of chosen men and werriouris, for to fiyte ayens Israel, and for to turne his rewme to hym.
2 Chronicles 11:5
5 Forsothe Roboam dwellide in Jerusalem, and he bildide wallid citees in Juda;
2 Chronicles 11:5-12
5 Forsothe Roboam dwellide in Jerusalem, and he bildide wallid citees in Juda;
6 and bildide Bethleem, and Ethan, and Thecue, and Bethsur;
7 and Sochot, and Odollam;
8 also and Jeth, and Maresa, and Ziph;
9 but also Huram, and Lachis, and Azecha;
10 and Saraa, and Hailon, and Ebron, that weren in Juda and Beniamyn, ful strong citees.
11 And whanne he hadde closid tho with wallis, he settide `in tho citees princes, and bernes of metis, that is, of oile, and of wyn.
12 But also in ech citee he made placis of armuris of scheeldis, and speris, and he made tho strong with most diligence; and he regnyde on Juda and Beniamyn.
2 Chronicles 11:12
12 But also in ech citee he made placis of armuris of scheeldis, and speris, and he made tho strong with most diligence; and he regnyde on Juda and Beniamyn.
2 Chronicles 11:23
23 for he was wisere and myytiere ouer alle hise sones, and in alle the coostis of Juda and of Beniamyn, and in alle wallid citees; and he yaf to hem ful many metis, and he had many wyues.
2 Chronicles 12:1
1 And whanne the rewme of Roboam was maad strong and coumfortid, he forsook the lawe of the Lord, and al Israel with hym.
2 Chronicles 13:3
3 And whanne Abia hadde bigunne batel, and hadde most chyualrouse men, and four hundrid thousynde of chosun men, Jeroboam arayede ayenward the scheltroun with eiyte hundrid thousynde of men, and thei weren chosun men and most stronge to batels.
2 Chronicles 14:2-5
2 Chronicles 14:3
3 and brak ymagis, and kittide doun woodis;
4 and he comaundide Juda to seke the Lord God of her fadris, and to do the lawe and alle comaundementis.
5 And he took awei fro alle the citees of Juda auteris and templis of idols, and he regnede in pees.
6 And he bildide stronge cytees in Juda; for he was in reste, and no batels risiden in his tymes, for the Lord yaf pees.
7 Forsothe he seide to Juda, Bilde we these cytees, and cumpasse we with wallis, and strengthe we with touris and yatis and lockis, as longe as alle thingis ben restful fro batel; for we han souyte the Lord God of oure fadris, and he hath youe to vs pees bi cumpas. Therfor thei bildiden, and no lettyng was in bildyng.
8 Sotheli Asa hadde in his oost thre hundrid thousynde of men of Juda berynge scheldis and speris, sotheli of Beniamyn he hadde two hundrid thousynde and fourscoore thousynde of scheeld beeris and of archeris; alle these weren ful stronge men.
2 Chronicles 14:11
11 and seide, Lord, no dyuersitee is anentis thee, whether thou helpe in fewe, ethir in manye; oure Lord God, helpe thou vs, for we han trist in thee and in thi name, and camen ayens this multitude; Lord, thou art oure God, a man haue not the maistrye ayens thee.
2 Chronicles 14:14
14 and smitiden alle the citees `bi the cumpas of Gerare; for greet drede hadde assailid alle men. And thei rifliden cytees, and baren a weye myche prey;
2 Chronicles 15:2
2 yede out in to the metyng of Asa; and seide to hym, Asa and al Juda and Beniamyn, here ye me; the Lord is with you, for ye weren with hym; if ye seken hym, ye schulen fynde hym; sotheli if ye forsaken hym, he schal forsake you.
3 Forsothe many daies schulen passe in Israel with outen veri God, and without preest, and without techere, and without lawe.
2 Chronicles 15:8
8 And whanne Asa hadde herd this thing, that is, the wordis and profesye of Asarie, the sone of Obed, the profete, he was coumfortid, and he dide a wei alle the idols fro al the lond of Juda and of Beniamyn, and fro the citees whiche he hadde take of the hil of Effraym. And he halewide the auter of the Lord, that was bifor the porche of the hows of the Lord.
2 Chronicles 15:8-13
8 And whanne Asa hadde herd this thing, that is, the wordis and profesye of Asarie, the sone of Obed, the profete, he was coumfortid, and he dide a wei alle the idols fro al the lond of Juda and of Beniamyn, and fro the citees whiche he hadde take of the hil of Effraym. And he halewide the auter of the Lord, that was bifor the porche of the hows of the Lord.
9 And he gaderide togidere al Juda and Beniamyn, and with hem the comelyngis of Effraym, and of Manasses, and of Symeon; for manye of Israel, seynge that his Lord God was with hym, fledden ouer to hym.
10 And whanne thei hadden comun in to Jerusalem, in the thridde monethe, in the fiftenthe yeer of the rewme of Asa,
11 thei offriden `to the Lord in that dai, bothe of the spuylis and of the prey, which thei hadden brouyt, seuene hundrid oxis, and seuene thousynde wetheris.
12 And Asa entride bi custom to make strong the boond of pees, that thei schulden seke the Lord God of her fadris in al her herte, and in al her soule.
13 Sotheli he seide, If ony man sekith not the Lord God of Israel, die he, fro the leeste `til to the mooste, fro man `til to womman.
2 Chronicles 15:17
17 But hiy places weren left in Israel; netheles the herte of Asa was riytful in alle hise daies.
2 Chronicles 16:9
9 For the iyen of the Lord biholden al the erthe, and yyuen strengthe to hem, that with perfit herte bileuen in to hym. Therfor thou hast do folili, and for this, yhe, in present tyme batels schulen rise ayens thee.
2 Chronicles 17:2
2 And he settide noumbris of knyytis in alle the citees of Juda, that weren cumpassid with wallis, and he disposide strong holdis in the lond of Juda, and in the citees of Effraym, whiche Asa, his fadir, hadde take.
2 Chronicles 17:5
5 And the Lord confermyde the rewme in his hond; and al Juda yaf yiftis to Josaphat, and ritchessis with outen noumbre, and myche glorie weren maad to hym.
2 Chronicles 17:12
12 Therfor Josaphat encreesside, and was magnified `til in to an hiy; and he bildide in Juda housis at the licnesse of touris, and stronge citees;
2 Chronicles 18:1
1 Therfor Josaphat was riche and ful noble, and bi affynyte, `ethir alie, he was ioyned to Achab.
2 Chronicles 19:3
3 but good werkis ben foundyn in thee, for thou didist awey wodis fro the lond of Juda, and thou hast maad redi thin herte, for to seke the Lord God of thi fadris.
2 Chronicles 19:8
8 Also in Jerusalem Josaphat ordeynede dekenes, and preestis, and the princes of meynees of Israel, that thei schulden deme the doom and cause of the Lord to the dwellers of it.
2 Chronicles 20:33
33 Netheles he dide not awei hiy thingis; yit the puple hadde not dressid her herte to the Lord God of her fadris.
2 Chronicles 26:6-9
6 Forsothe he yede out, and fauyt ayens Filisteis, and distriede the wal of Geth, and the wal of Jabyne, and the wal of Azotus; and he bildide stronge places in Azotus and in Filistiym.
7 And the Lord helpide hym bothe ayens Filisteis, and ayens Arabeis that dwelliden in Garbahal, and ayenus Amonytis.
8 Amonytis paieden yiftis to Ozie, and his name was pupplischid `til to the entryng of Egipt for ofte victories.
2 Chronicles 26:8-9
8 Amonytis paieden yiftis to Ozie, and his name was pupplischid `til to the entryng of Egipt for ofte victories.
9 And Ozie bildide touris in Jerusalem ouer the yate of the corner, and ouer the yate of the valey, and othere touris in the same side of the wal; and made tho stidefast.
10 Also he bildide touris in the wildirnesse, and he diggide ful many cisternes; for he hadde many beestis as wel in the feeldi places as in the wastnesse of deseert. Also he hadde vyneris and tiliers of vynes in the hilles, and in Carmele; for he was a man youun to erthetilthe.
11 Forsothe the oost of hise werriours, that yeden forth to batels, vndur the hond of Heiel, scribe, and of Masie, techere, and vndur the hond of Ananye that was of the duykis of the kyng; and al the noumbre of princes, by her meynees, was of stronge men two thousynde and sixe hundrid.
2 Chronicles 26:13-15
13 And vndur hem was al the oost, thre hundrid thousynde and seuen thousynde and fyue hundrid, that weren able to batel, and fouyten for the king ayens aduersaries.
2 Chronicles 26:13
13 And vndur hem was al the oost, thre hundrid thousynde and seuen thousynde and fyue hundrid, that weren able to batel, and fouyten for the king ayens aduersaries.
14 And Ozie made redi to hem, that is, to al the oost, scheldis, and speris, and basynetis, and haburiouns, and bouwis, and slyngis to caste stonys.
15 And he made in Jerusalem engynes of dyuerse kynde, which he settide in touris, and in the corneris of wallis, that tho schulden caste arowis and grete stoonys; and his name yede out fer, for the Lord helpide hym, and hadde maad him strong.
2 Chronicles 27:4
4 also he bildide citees in the hillis of Juda, and he bildide castels and touris in forestis.
2 Chronicles 30:22
22 And Ezechie spak to the herte of alle the dekenes, that hadden good vndurstondyng of the Lord; and thei eeten bi seuene daies of the solempnyte, offrynge sacrifices of pesible thingis, and heriynge the Lord God of her fadris.
2 Chronicles 31:1
1 And whanne these thingis weren doon riytfuli, al Israel yede out, that was foundun in the citees of Juda; and thei braken simylacris, and kittiden doun woodis, and wastiden hiy places, and distrieden auteris, not oneli of al Juda and Beniamyn, but also and of Effraym and Manasses, til thei distrieden outirli. And alle the sones of Israel turneden ayen in to her possessiouns and citees.
2 Chronicles 32:5
5 Also he dide wittili, and bildide al the wal that was distride, and he bildide touris aboue, and an other wal withoutforth. And he reparilide Mello in the citee of Dauid; and made armure of al kynde, and scheldis.
2 Chronicles 32:23
23 Also many men brouyten offryngis and sacrifices to the Lord in to Jerusalem, and yiftis to Ezechie, kyng of Juda; which was enhaunsid aftir these thingis bifor alle folkis.
2 Chronicles 32:27-29
27 Forsothe Ezechie was riche, and ful noble, and gaderide to hym silf ful many tresours of siluer, of gold, and of preciouse stoon, of swete smellynge spices, and of armuris of al kynde, and of vessels of greet prijs.
28 Also he bildide large housis of wheete, of wyn, and of oile, and cratchis of alle beestis,
29 and fooldis to scheep, and sixe citees. For he hadde vnnoumbrable flockis of scheep and of grete beestis; for the Lord hadde youe to hym ful myche catel.
2 Chronicles 34:3-7
3 Forsothe in the eiytethe yeer of the rewme of his empire, whanne he was yit a child, he bigan to seke God of his fadir Dauid; and in the tweluethe yeer after that he bigan, he clenside Juda and Jerusalem fro hiy places, and wodis, and similacris, and grauun ymagis.
4 And thei destrieden bifor hym the auteris of Baalym, and thei destrieden the symylacris, that weren put aboue. Also he hewide doun the wodis, and grauun ymagis, and brak to smale gobetis; and scateride abrood `the smale gobetis on the birielis of hem, that weren wont to offre `to tho.
5 Ferthermore he brente the boonys of preestis in the auteris of idols, and he clenside Juda and Jerusalem.
6 But also he destriede alle idols in the citees of Manasses, and of Effraym, and of Symeon, `til to Neptalym.
7 And whanne he hadde scateride the auteris, and hadde al to-broke in to gobetis the wodis, and grauun ymagis, and hadde destried alle templis of ydols fro al the lond of Israel, he turnede ayen in to Jerusalem.
2 Chronicles 35:3
3 And he spak to the dekenes, at whos techyng al Israel was halewid to the Lord, Sette ye the arke in the seyntuarie of the temple, which Salomon, kyng of Israel, the sone of Dauid, bildide; for ye schulen no more bere it. But now serue `youre Lord God and his puple Israel,
Ezra 7:1-6
1 Forsothe aftir these wordis Esdras, the sone of Saraie, sone of Azarie, sone of Helchie,
2 sone of Sellum, sone of Sadoch, sone of Achitob,
3 sone of Amarie, sone of Azarie,
4 sone of Maraioth, sone of Saraie, sone of Ozi,
5 sone of Bocci, sone of Abisue, sone of Phynees, sone of Eleazar, sone of Aaron, preest at the bigynnyng, was in the rewme of Artaxerses, king of Persis; thilke Esdras stiede fro Babiloyne,
6 and he was a swift writere in the lawe of Moises, which the Lord God of Israel yaf; and the kyng yaf to hym al his axyng, by the goode hoond of his Lord God on hym.
Nehemiah 8:7-8
7 Forsothe Josue, and Baany, and Serebie, Jamyn, Acub, Septhai, Odia, Maasie, Celitha, Ayarie, Jozabeth, Anan, Phallaie, dekenes, maden silence in the puple for to here the lawe. Sotheli the puple stood in her degree.
Nehemiah 8:7
7 Forsothe Josue, and Baany, and Serebie, Jamyn, Acub, Septhai, Odia, Maasie, Celitha, Ayarie, Jozabeth, Anan, Phallaie, dekenes, maden silence in the puple for to here the lawe. Sotheli the puple stood in her degree.
8 And thei redden in the book of Goddis lawe distinctli, `ether atreet, and opynli to vndurstonde; `and thei vndurstoden, whanne it was red.
Nehemiah 8:13-14
13 And in the secound dai the princes of meynees, alle the puplis, prestis, and dekenes, weren gaderid togidere to Esdras, the writere, that he schulde expowne to hem the wordis of the lawe.
14 And thei foundun writun in the lawe, that the Lord comaundide `in the hond of Moyses, that the sones of Israel dwelle in tabernaclis in the solempne dai, in the seuenthe moneth;
Nehemiah 9:3
3 And thei risiden togidere to stonde; and thei redden in the book of the lawe of `her Lord God fouresithis in the dai, and fouresithis in the niyt; thei knoulechiden, and herieden `her Lord God.
Nehemiah 9:3
3 And thou drowist along many yeeris on hem, and thou witnessidist to hem in thi Spirit bi the hond of thi prophetis; and thei herden not; and thou yauest hem in to the hond of the puplis of londis.
Job 22:26
26 Thanne on Almyyti God thou schalt flowe with delicis; and thou schalt reise thi face to God.
Job 42:12
12 Forsothe the Lord blesside the laste thingis of Joob, more than the bigynnyng of hym; and fouretene thousynde of scheep weren maad to hym, and sixe thousinde of camels, and a thousynde yockis of oxis, and a thousynde femal assis.
Psalms 34:11
11 Wickid witnessis risynge axiden me thingis, whiche Y knewe not.
Psalms 46:7
7 Synge ye to oure God, synge ye; synge ye to oure kyng, synge ye.
Psalms 68:29
29 Be thei don awei fro the book of lyuynge men; and be thei not writun with iust men.
Psalms 72:10
10 Therfor my puple schal be conuertid here; and fulle daies schulen be foundun in hem.
Psalms 76:11
11 And Y seide, Now Y bigan; this is the chaunging of the riythond of `the hiye God.
Psalms 110:3
3 His werk is knoulechyng and grete doyng; and his riytfulnesse dwellith in to the world of world.
Psalms 119:1
1 The `title of the hundrid and nyntenthe salm. The song of greces. Whanne Y was set in tribulacioun, Y criede to the Lord; and he herde me.
Psalms 127:1
1 The title of the hundrid and seuene and twentithe salm. The song of greces. Blessid ben alle men, that dreden the Lord; that gon in hise weies.
Psalms 132:1-5
1 The `title of the hundrid and two and thrittithe salm. The song of grecis. Lo! hou good and hou myrie it is; that britheren dwelle togidere.
2 As oynement in the heed; that goith doun in to the beerd, in to the beerd of Aaron. That goith doun in to the coler of his cloth; as the dew of Ermon,
3 that goith doun in to the hil of Sion. For there the Lord sente blessing; and lijf til in to the world.
Psalms 138:5
5 Lo! Lord, thou hast knowe alle thingis, the laste thingis and elde; thou hast formed me, and hast set thin hond on me.
Proverbs 16:7
7 Whanne the weyes of man plesen the Lord, he schal conuerte, yhe, hise enemyes to pees.
Ecclesiastes 1:12
12 I Ecclesiastes was king of Israel in Jerusalem;
Ecclesiastes 12:9-10
Isaiah 8:10
10 take ye councel, and it schal be destried; speke ye a word, and it schal not be doon, for God is with vs.
Isaiah 8:20
20 It is to go to the lawe more and to the witnessyng, that if thei seien not after this word, morewtide liyt schal not be to hem.
Isaiah 41:10
10 Drede thou not, for Y am with thee; boowe thou not awei, for Y am thi God. Y coumfortide thee, and helpide thee; and the riythond of my iust man vp took thee.
Isaiah 49:23
23 And kingis shulen be thi nurseris, and quenys shulen be thi nursis; with cheer cast doun in to erthe thei schulen worschipe thee, and thei schulen licke the dust of thi feet; and thou schalt wite, that Y am the Lord, on whom thei schulen not be schent, that abiden hym.
Jeremiah 2:23
23 Hou seist thou, Y am not defoulid, Y yede not aftir Baalym? Se thi weies in the greet valei, wite thou what thou hast do; a swifte rennere ordeynynge hise weies.
Jeremiah 3:7-8
7 And Y seide, whanne sche hadde do alle these thingis, Turne thou ayen to me; and sche turnede not ayen. And hir sistir, Juda, brekere of the lawe,
8 siy, that for the aduersarie, Israel, dide auowtrie, Y hadde left hir, and Y hadde youe to hir a libel of forsakyng; and Juda, hir sistir, brekere of the lawe, dredde not, but also sche yede, and dide fornycacioun.
Ezekiel 7:27
27 The kyng schal mourne, and the prince schal be clothid in weilyng, and the hondis of the puple of the lond schulen be disturblid; bi the weie of hem Y schal do to hem, and bi the domes of hem Y schal deme hem; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord.
Hosea 4:15
15 If thou, Israel, doist fornicacioun, nameli Juda trespasse not; and nyle ye entre in to Galgala, and stie ye not in to Bethauen, nether swere ye, The Lord lyueth.
Hosea 14:9
9 Effraym, what schulen idols do more to me? Y schal here him, and Y schal dresse him as a greene fir tree. Thi fruit is foundun of me.
Malachi 2:7
7 For the lippis of a prest kepen science, and thei schulen ayen seke the lawe of `the mouth of hym, for he is an aungel of the Lord of oostes.
Matthew 1:8
8 Abias bigat Asa. Asa bigat Josaphath. Josaphath bigat Joram. Joram bigat
Matthew 1:23
23 a virgyn shal haue in wombe, and she schal bere a sone, and thei schulen clepe his name Emanuel, that is to seie, God with vs.
Matthew 2:11
11 And thei entriden in to the hous, and founden the child with Marie, his modir; and thei felden doun, and worschipiden him. And whanne thei hadden openyd her tresouris, thei offryden to hym yiftis, gold, encense, and myrre.
Matthew 4:23
23 And Jhesus yede aboute al Galilee, techynge in the synagogis of hem, and prechynge the gospel of the kyngdom, and heelynge euery languor and eche sekenesse among the puple.
Matthew 6:33
33 Therfor seke ye first the kyngdom of God, and his riytfulnesse, and alle these thingis shulen be cast to you.
Matthew 10:23
23 And whanne thei pursuen you in this citee, fle ye in to anothir. Treuli Y seie to you, ye schulen not ende the citees of Israel, to for that mannus sone come.
Matthew 11:1
1 And it was doon, whanne Jhesus hadde endid, he comaundide to hise twelue disciplis, and passide fro thennus to teche and preche in the citees of hem.
Matthew 15:2-9
2 Whi breken thi disciplis the tradiciouns of eldere men? for thei waisschen not her hondis, whanne thei eten breed.
3 He answeride, and seide to hem, Whi breken ye the maundement of God for youre tradicioun?
4 For God seide, Honoure thi fadir and thi modir, and he that cursith fadir or modir, die bi deeth.
5 But ye seien, Who euer seith to fadir or modir, What euere yifte is of me, it schal profite to thee;
6 and he hath not worschipid his fadir or his modir; and ye han maad the maundement of God voide for youre tradicioun.
7 Ypocritis, Isaie, the prophete, prophesiede wel of you,
8 and seide, This puple honourith me with lippis, but her herte is fer fro me;
9 and thei worschipen me `with outen cause, techynge the doctrines and maundementis of men.
Matthew 18:20
20 For where tweyne or thre ben gaderid in my name, there Y am in the myddil of hem.
Matthew 28:19-20
Matthew 28:20-20
20 techynge hem to kepe alle thingis, what euer thingis Y haue comaundid to you; and lo! Y am with you in alle daies, in to the ende of the world.
Mark 4:2
2 And he tauyte hem in parablis many thingis. And he seide to hem in his techyng,
Luke 1:6
6 And bothe weren iust bifor God, goynge in alle the maundementis and iustifiyngis of the Lord, withouten pleynt.
Luke 4:17-19
17 And the book of Ysaye, the prophete, was takun to hym; and as he turnede the book, he foond a place, where it was wrytun,
18 The Spirit of the Lord on me, for which thing he anoyntide me; he sente me to preche to pore men, to hele contrite men in herte,
19 and to preche remyssioun to prisoneris, and siyt to blynde men, and to delyuere brokun men in to remissioun; to preche the yeer of the Lord plesaunt, and the dai of yeldyng ayen.
Luke 4:43-44
John 5:39
39 Seke ye scripturis, in which ye gessen to haue euerlastynge lijf; and tho it ben, that beren witnessyng of me.
John 5:46
46 For if ye bileueden to Moises, perauenture ye schulden bileue also to me; for he wroot of me.
Acts 1:1
1 Theofle, first `Y made a sermoun of alle thingis, that Jhesu bigan to do and to teche,
Acts 8:40
40 And Filip was foundun in Azotus; and he passide forth, and prechide to alle citees, til he cam to Cesarie.
Acts 13:10
10 thou ful of al gile, and al falsnesse, thou sone of the deuel, thou enemye of al riytwisnesse, thou leeuest not to turne vpsodoun the riytful weies of the Lord.
Acts 13:15
15 And after the redyng of the lawe and of the prophetis, the princis of the synagoge senten to hem, and seiden, Britheren, if ony word of exortacioun to the puple is in you, seie ye.
Acts 15:21
21 For Moyses of elde tymes hath in alle citees hem that prechen him in synagogis, where bi ech sabat he is red.
Acts 28:23
23 And whanne thei hadden ordeined a dai to hym, many men camen to hym in to the in. To whiche he expownede, witnessinge the kyngdom `of God, and counseilide hem of Jhesu, of the lawe of Moyses, and profetis, for the morewe til to euentid.
Romans 3:2
2 Myche bi al wise; first, for the spekyngis of God `weren bitakun to hem.
2 Corinthians 8:3-5
2 Corinthians 8:12
12 For if the wille be redi, it is acceptid aftir that that it hath, not aftir that that it hath not.
Ephesians 6:10
10 Her aftirward, britheren, be ye coumfortid in the Lord, and in the miyt of his vertu.
1 Thessalonians 2:12
12 and we han witnessid, that ye schulden go worthili to God, that clepide you in to his kingdom and glorie.
1 Thessalonians 4:1
1 Therfor, britheren, fro hennus forward we preien you, and bisechen in the Lord Jhesu, that as ye han resseyued of vs, hou it bihoueth you to go and to plese God, so walke ye, that ye abounde the more.
2 Timothy 4:22
22 Oure Lord Jhesu Crist be with thi spirit. The grace of God be with you. Amen.
1 Peter 4:11
11 If ony man spekith, speke he as the wordis of God; if ony man mynystrith, as of the vertu which God mynystrith; that God be onourid in alle thingis bi Jhesu Crist oure Lord, to whom is glorie and lordschip in to worldis `of worldis.
1 Peter 5:10
10 And God of al grace, that clepide you in to his euerlastinge glorie, you suffrynge a litil, he schal performe, and schal conferme, and schal make sad.