1 Kings 11:1 Cross References - Wycliffe

1 Forsothe kyng Salomon louyde brennyngli many alien wymmen, and the douytir of Pharao, and wymmen of Moab, and Amonytis, and Ydumeis, and Sydoneis, and Etheis;

Genesis 6:2-5

2 the sones of God seiyen the douytris of men that thei weren faire, and token wyues to hem of alle whiche thei hadden chose. 3 And God seide, My spirit schal not dwelle in man with outen ende, for he is fleisch; and the daies of hym schulen be an hundrid and twenti yeer. 4 Sotheli giauntis weren on erthe in tho daies, forsothe aftir that the sones of God entriden to the douytris of men, and tho douytris gendriden; these weren myyti of the world and famouse men. 5 Sotheli God seiy that myche malice of men was in erthe, and that al the thouyt of herte was ententif to yuel in al tyme,

Leviticus 18:18

18 Thou schalt not take `the sister of thi wijf, in to concubynage of hir, nethir thou schalt schewe `the filthe of hir, while thi wijf lyueth yit.

Deuteronomy 17:17

17 The kyng schal not haue ful many wyues, that drawen his soule `to ouer myche fleischlynesse, nether `he schal haue grete burthuns of siluer and of gold.

1 Kings 3:1

1 Therfor the rewme was confermyd in to the hondis of Salomon; and bi affynyte, `ether aliaunce, he was ioyned to Pharao, kyng of Egipt; for he took the douyter of Farao, and brouyte in to the citee of Dauid, til he `fillide bildynge his hows, and the hows of the Lord, and the wal of Jerusalem bi cumpas.

1 Kings 11:8

8 And bi this maner he dide to alle hise alien wyues, that brenten encencis, and offriden to her goddis.

Nehemiah 13:23-27

23 But also in tho daies Y siy Jewys weddinge wyues, wymmen of Azotus, and wymmen of Amonytis, and wymmen of Moabitis. 24 And her children spaken half part bi the speche of Ayotus, and kouden not speke bi the speche of Jewis, and thei spaken bi the langage of puple and of puple. 25 And Y rebuykide hem, and Y curside; and Y beet the men `of hem, and Y made hem ballid, and Y made hem to swere bi the Lord, that thei schulden not yyue her douytris to the sones of `tho aliens, and that thei schulden not take of the douytris of `tho aliens to her sones, and to hem silf; 26 and Y seide, Whether Salomon, the kyng of Israel, synnede not in siche a thing? And certis in many folkis was no kyng lijk hym, and he was loued of his God, and God settide hym kyng on al Israel, and therfor alien wymmen brouyten hym to synne. 27 Whether also we vnobedient schulden do al this grete yuel, that we trespasse ayens `oure Lord God, and wedde alien wyues?

Proverbs 2:16

16 That thou be delyuered fro an alien womman, and fro a straunge womman, that makith soft hir wordis;

Proverbs 5:8-20

8 Make fer thi weie fro hir, and neiye thou not to the doris of hir hous. 9 Yyue thou not thin onour to aliens, and thi yeeris to the cruel; 10 lest perauenture straungeris be fillid with thi strengthis, and lest thi trauels be in an alien hous; 11 and thou biweile in the laste daies, whanne thou hast wastid thi fleschis, and thi bodi; and thou seie, 12 Whi wlatide Y teching, and myn herte assentide not to blamyngis; 13 nether Y herde the voys of men techinge me, and Y bowide not doun myn eere to maistris? 14 Almest Y was in al yuel, in the myddis of the chirche, and of the synagoge. 15 Drinke thou watir of thi cisterne, and the floodis of thi pit. 16 Thi wellis be stremed forth; and departe thi watris in stretis. 17 Haue thou aloone `tho watris; and aliens be not thi parceneris. 18 Thi veyne be blessid; and be thou glad with the womman of thi yong wexynge age. 19 An hynde moost dereworthe; and an hert calf moost acceptable. Hir teetis fille thee in al tyme; and delite thou contynueli in the loue of hir. 20 Mi sone, whi art thou disseyued of an alien womman; and art fostrid in the bosum of an othere?

Proverbs 6:24

24 `that the comaundementis kepe thee fro an yuel womman, and fro a flaterynge tunge of a straunge womman.

Proverbs 7:5

5 That it kepe thee fro a straunge womman; and fro an alien womman, that makith hir wordis swete.

Proverbs 22:14

14 The mouth of an alien womman is a deep diche; he to whom the Lord is wrooth, schal falle in to it.

Proverbs 23:33

33 Thin iyen schulen se straunge wymmen, and thi herte schal speke weiwerd thingis.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.