Luke 9:38 Cross References - WestSaxon990

38 þa clypode än wer of þære menego & cwæð; Läreow ic halsie þe. ge-seoh minne sunu forþam he is mïn änlica sunu.

Matthew 15:22

22 & efne þa of þam chananëiscum gemærum clypode sum wïf & cwæð; Drihten dauides sunu gemiltsa me. min dohtor ys yfle mid deofle gedreht.

Luke 7:12

12 Þa he ge-nealæhte þære ceastre gate þa wæs þar än dead man geboren anre wudewan sunu þe nanne oðerne næfde; & seo wudewe wæs þar. & mycel menegu þære burhware mid hyre;

Luke 8:41-42

41 And þa com än man þæs nama wæs iäirus. se wæs þære gesamnunge ealdor; Ða feoll he to þæs hælendes fotun & bæd hyne þt he ferde to hys huse. 42 for-þam he hæfde äne dohtor. nean twelf wintre & seo forð-ferde; þa ge-byrede hyt þa he ferde of ðam menegum he wæs of-þrungen;

John 4:47

47 þa þa se gehyrde þt se hælend for fram iudea to galilëa he com to him & bæd hine þt he före & gehælde his sunu; Soðlice he læg æt forð-fore.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.