Luke 23:5 Cross References - WestSaxon990

5 Ða hlyddon hig & cwædon. he astyrað þis folc lærende þurh ealle iudeam agynnende of [galilea oð hyder.

Matthew 4:12-16

12 [Note:Cum audisset iesus quod iohannes traditur. Corp. Ðys sceal on frige-dæg ofer twelfta dæg. A. B. Cum audisset iesus quod iohannes traditus esset. A.] Soðlice þa se hælend gehyrde þt iohannes belæwed wæs. þa ferde he to galileam 13 & forlætenre þære ceastre nazareth. he com & eardode on capharnaum. on þam sæ-gemærum. on endum zabulon. & neptalim. 14 þt wære gefylled þt ðe gecweden wæs þurh esaiam þone witegan. 15 [Vs. 15 is omitted.] 16 Ðeoda folc ðe on þystrum sæt geseah mycel leoht; & sittendum on earde deaþes sceade is leoht üp a-sprungen;

Matthew 4:23

23 [Note: Ðis sceal on frige-dæg on þære þryddan wucan ofer twelftan dæg. A. B. Et circuibat iesus totam galileam. A. ] & þa beferde se hælend ealle galileam. lærende on hyra gesomnungum. & he wæs bodiende god-spel þæs rïces. & hælende ælce adle & ælce untrumnysse. on þam folce;

Matthew 27:24

24 Ða geseah pilatus þt hyt naht ne fremode ac gewurde mare gehlyd. þa genam he wæter & þwoh hys handa be-foran þam folce & cwæð. un-scyldig ic eom fram þyses rihtwisan blode ge ge-seoð;

Mark 1:14

14 [Note: Venit ihesus in galileam predicans euangelium. ] Syððan iohannes geseald wæs. com se hælend on galileam godes rices. godspell bodigende

Luke 4:14-15

14 Þa ferde se hælend on gastes mægene on galileam. & his hlisa be him ferde on eall þt rïce. 15 & he lærde be hyra gesamnungum. & wæs fram eallum gemærsod;

Luke 11:53

53 Ða he him þis to cwæð. þa ongunnun ða farisei & þa ægleawan hefilice him agen standan & his muð dyttan

Luke 23:23

23 And hig astodon & mycelre stëfne bædon þt he wære ahangen; & hyra stëfna swiðredon.

John 1:43

43 On mergen he wolde faran on galilea. & he gemette philippus. & se hælend cwæð to him fylig me.

John 2:11

11 Ðis wæs þt forme tacn þe se hælend worhte on chanaä galileæ & geswutelode his wuldor. & his leorning-cnihtas gelÿfdon on hine;

John 7:41

41 sume cwædon he is crist; Sume cwædon cweðe ge cymþ crist fram galilea.

John 7:52

52 Hig &swaredon & cwædon to him. cwyst þu. þt þu si galileisc. smea & geseoh þt nan witega ne cymð fram galilea.

John 19:15

15 Hi clypodon ealle & cwædon. nim hyne nim hyne. & höh; Ða cwæð pilatus. sceal ic hön eowerne cyning. him &swaredon þa bisceopas & cwædon. Næbbe we nanne cyning buton kasere;

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.