48 & hig ne fundon hwæt hi him to gylte dydon; Soðlice eall folc wæs abysgod þe be him gehyrde secgan;
Luke 19:48 Cross References - WestSaxon990
Matthew 22:15-16
15 [Note: Ðys godspel sceal on xxiii. wucan ofer pentecosten. Abeuntes pharisei consilium inierunt ut caperent iesum in sermone. A. ] Ða ongunnon þa pharisei rædan þt hig woldon þone hælend on hys spræce befon
16 þa sendon hi him hyra leorning-cnihtas tö mid þam herodianiscum & þus cwædon; Lareow we witon þt þu eart soðfæst & þu lærst godes weg mid soðfæstnysse & ðu ne wandast for nänon menn. ne þu ne be-sceawast nanes mannes had;
Luke 20:19-20
19 Ða sohton þara sacerda ealdras & þa boceras hyra handa on þære tïde on hine wurpun. & hig adredon him þt folc; Soðlice hi ongeton þt he þis big-spell to him cwæð;
20 Ða sendun hig mid searwum þa ðe riht-wise lëton þt hig hine gescyldgudun & þt hig hine gesealdon þam ealdron to döme & to þæs deman anwalde to fordemanne;