1 [Note: Ðys godspel gebyrað on wodnesdæg on þære gang-wucan to þam uigilian. Subleuatis iesus oculis in cælum dixit. A. ] Ðas þing se hælend spræc. & ahof üpp his eagan to heofenum & cwæð; Fæder tïd ys cumen geswutela þinne sunu þt þin sunu geswutelige þe.
John 17:1 Cross References - WestSaxon990
Mark 14:41
41 Ða com he þriddan siðe & sæde him. slapað nü & restað genoh hit ys. tïma ys cumen nu is mannes sunu geseald on synfulra handa;
Luke 18:13
13 Ða stöd se man-fulla feorran & nolde furðun his eagan ahebban üp. to þam heofone ac he beot his breost & cwæþ; God beo þu mïlde me syn-fullum;
Luke 22:53
53 Ðä ic wæs dæg-hwamlice on temple mid eow. ne aþenedon ge eower handa on me. ac þis is eower tïd & þystra anweald;
John 7:30
30 hig hine sohton to nimanne & hyra nan hys ne æt-hran. forðam þe his tid ne com þa gyt;
John 7:39
39 þt he cwæð be þam gaste þe þa sceoldon under-fon þe on hyne gelyfdon. þa gyt næs se gast geseald. forþam þe se hælend næs ða gyt gewuldrud;
John 8:20
20 Ðas word he spæc æt cep-sceamule & nan man hyne ne nam. forþam þe hys tid ne com þa gyt.
John 11:4
4 Ða se hælend þt gehyrde. þa cwæð he to him; Nys þeos untrumnys na for deaðe. ac for godes wuldre þt godes sunu si gewuldrod þurh hyne;
John 11:41
41 þa dydon hig aweg þone stan; Se hælend ahof upp his eagan & cwæð. fæder ic do þe þancas forþam þu gehyrdest [me];
John 12:23
23 Se hælend him &swarode & cwæð. seo tid cymð þt mannes sunu byð geswutelod:
John 12:27-28
John 13:1
1 [Note: Ðys ge-byrað on þunres dæg ær eastron. Ante diem festum pasche. A. ] Ær þam esterfreols-dæge se hælend wiste þt his tïd com þt he wolde gewïtan of þyson middan-earde to his fæder þa he lufode his leorning-cnihtas þe wæron on middan-earde an (sic) ende he hig lufode;
John 13:31-32
John 16:32
32 nu cöm tïd & cymð þt ge tofaron æg-hwylc to his agenon & for-læton më anne & ic ne eom äna forþam min fæder is mid me;