John 11:3 Cross References - WestSaxon990

3 his swustra sendon to him & cwædon drïhten. nu is seoc se ðe þu lufast.

John 11:1

1 [Note: Ðys sceal on fryge dæg on mydfæstenes wucan. Erat quidam languens lazarus. A. ] Witodlice sum seoc man wæs genemned lazarus of bethania of marian ceastre & of martham his swustra.

John 11:5

5 Soðlice se hælend lufode martham. & hyre swustor marïam & lazarum hyra broðor;

John 11:11

11 Ðas ðing he cwæð & syððan he cwæð to him. lazarus ure freond slæpð. ac ic wylle gan & awreccan (sic) hyne of slæpe;

John 11:36

36 & þa iudeas cwædon loca nu hu he hyne lufode;

John 13:23

23 An þæra leorni[n]g-cnihta hlinode on þæs hælendes bearme þæne se hælend lufode;

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.