John 11:2 Cross References - WestSaxon990

2 hit wæs sëo marïa þe smyrede drihten mid þære sealfe & drigde his fet mid hyre loccon; Lazarus hyre broðor wæs ge-yfled.

Matthew 26:6-7

6 Ða se hælynd wæs on Bethania on Symones huse þæs hreoflan. 7 Ða genealæhte him to sum wif. seo hæfde box mid [Note: MS. mit. ] deorwyrðe sealfe. & agëat uppan hys heafud þær he sæt

Mark 14:3

3 And þa se hælend wæs on bethanïa on simones hüse anes hreoflan & þar sæt; Þa com an wïf & hæfde hyre sealf-box deorwyrþes nardes. & tobrocenum sealf-boxe. ofer his heafod agët;

Luke 7:37-38

37 And þa þt wïf þe wæs on þære ceastre synfull. þa heo on-cneow þt he sæt on þæs fariseus hüse. heo brohte hyre sealf-box. 38 & stöd wið-æftan his fët. & ongan mid hyre tearum hys fët þwean. & drigde mid hyre heafdes fexe. & cyste hys fët & mid sealfe smyrede;

John 12:3

3 marïa nam än pund deorwyrðre sealfe mid þam wyrt-gemange þe hig nardus hatað. & smyrede ðæs hælendes fët & drigde mid hyre loccon. & þt hus wæs gefylled of ðære sealfe swæcce;

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.