Acts 7:58 Cross References - WestSaxon990
Luke 4:29
29 & hig arison & scufon hine of ðære ceastre. & læddon hine ofer ðæs muntes cnæpp. ofer þone hyra buruh getimbrud wæs. þt hi hyne nyðer bescufon.
John 10:23-26
23 & se hælend eode on þam temple on salomones portice;
24 Ða bestodon þa iudeas hyne utan & cwædon to him. hu lange gælst þu üre lïf. Sege us openlice hwæþer þu crist sy;
25 Se hælend him &swarode & cwæþ. ic spece to eow & ge ne gelyfað. þa weorc þe ic wyrce on mines fæder naman. þa cyþaþ gewitnesse be me.
26 ac ge ne gelyfað. forþam þe ge [ne] synt of minum sceapum;